Paperback, 1997




Trina's dad used to be a ventriloquist; his dummies are in the attic. Trina and her brother Dan hear voices in the attic; are the dummies alive?

User reviews

LibraryThing member t1bclasslibrary
I didn't like the first two books, so why write a third with basically the same plot? At least during this book we discover the cause of the evil dummy's abilities- a giant worm. I did appreciate the two kids getting their nasty cousin into trouble by giving him the evil Slappy- good call on their
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LibraryThing member mspioneer
The book was really good because of the scarey parts. I felt there was a lot of good descriptions in this book. My favorite character was Dan because he's always playing jokes on his cousin. I thought the dummies were funny because they kept popping out and scaring Zane and Trina. -J.G
LibraryThing member mspioneer
A family lived in a house with 12 dummies living in the attic. Trina's father brought a new dummy home one day named slappy. From the 1st moment the dummy entered everything was going terribly wrong. -JP
LibraryThing member kaho.i
I don't wanna live such horrible dummy.
But if there was just haunted house in amusment park, I would like to try.
LibraryThing member kosukes
One boy is visiting his grandfathers house and he is good a t making dummies and one night, a boy hears sound from the attic where his grandfather puts the dummies. Then he sees the dummies moving. What is he going to do?
LibraryThing member SumisBooks
#40 "Every dummy has his day- and his night!"
They're baaaaaack!!!! That's right there back with yet another adventure. But this time Trina is the object of their affection. Her dad had a ventriloquist act years ago and keeps his old dummies up in the attic. There are lots of different ones and
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they're all pretty cool. But when strange things start to happen and the dummies start popping up in strange places things get a little, well... strange!
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