Yggdrasill (Vol 1 (1984): 1-4; Vol 2 (1985): 1-4; Vol 3 (1986): 1,2, 4; Vol 4 (1987): 1, 4; Vol 5 (1988): 1-4; Vol 6 (1989): 1-4; Vol 7 (1990): 1, 2,4; Vol 8 (1991): 1,3,4; Vol 9 (1992):1, 4; Vol 10 (1993): 2,3,4; 15 (1998)2,4; voL16 (1999): 1; Vol 17 (2000): 1,3; Vol 18 (2001): 2; Vol 20 (2004) 1, 3; Vol 21 (2005): 2; Vol 23 (2007-8): 4; Vol 24 (2010): 1, 2;

by Prudence Priest (Editor)

Magazine (paper), 1984-2010 (longer?)





Privately Printed and distributed by Prudence Priest


Original language


Local notes

Yggdrasill strated publication in 1984. we have an incomplete run of copies up to 2010. Not certain if it is still publishing, and if not, when it stopped. It is a quarterly, published at Vara (March/ Vernal Equinox), Walburgis (May Eve), Freyfaxi (August), and Einharjar (Winter Nights, October). For ARL, volumes that are entirely missing include: Vol 19 (2002); Vol 22 (2006) and if anything was produced after Vol 24 (2010).
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