The Way of the Spiritual Warrior Soft Style Martial arts of Body, Mind, & Spirit

by Paul Brecher


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The hardest battles we fight aren't just physical-they're with our mind and our spirit, our weaknesses and our desires. But we can reach enlightenment and calm through the body by practicing the internal martial arts, in which a pre-arranged series of movements flow smoothly one into the other-like
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a dance-requiring virtually no muscle tension at all.

Train in one of these remarkable disciplines-from the well-know Tai chi chuan to lesser-known methods like Xingyiquan-and experience the incredible difference it will make in your body, mnd, and spirit. Start by learning the core principles common to each 'soft' form. Then try one of the six different, classical forms. You'll find in this rich and detailed discussion, a variety of philosophes, approaches, and techniques, accompanied by photographs of postures, positions, and exercise combinatins t choose from.

Use the information-both practical and philosophical-to build physical discipline, learn emotional calm and reach a new mental and physical level.

Paul Breacher, a qualified practitioner of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, is a senior instructor for the World Tai Chi Boxing Association, with over 20 years' experience training in the martial arts.

The body must move as a single unit at one with the Breath, Qi, and Spirit-Chang San Feng, Tai Chi Warrior

Develop your inernal energy and practice moving meditations, techniques for strengtheneing the will and relazing, and proper breathing. Explore the principles and the set movement patterns behing 6 ancient styles:

Tai Chi Chuan

The eight basic trigram palms of Baguazhang

Zingyiquan (Hsing I Chuan)

Aikido, the 'way of spiritual harmony'

Xiao Jiu Tian, 'the nine litle heavens'

And the highly demanindg Qi disruption forms-the most secret of all the internal martial arts


Chapter One The principles of the internal martial arts
Chapter Two Taijiquan Yin Yang Fist
Chapter Three Baguazhang Eight Triagram Palm
Chapter Four Xingyiquan Form intention fist
Chapter Five Aikido Way of Spiritual Harmony
Chapter Five Xiao jiu Tian Nine little heavens
Chapter seven Wudang Shan The nine qi disruption forms
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