The Complete Master's Kick

by Hee Il Cho



This work of feminist fiction has five parts:I. Epistles: epistles written by Eve, Cain's wife, Noah's wife, Delilah, the Queen of Sheba, Mary, and others -- as if they were feministII. Myths: the myths within the myths revealed -- what might Pandora, Circe, Penelope, Eurydice, Persephone, the Gorgons, and others have thought and done if they had not been the creations of a chauvinist patriarchy?III. Letters: letters that might have been written by Lady Godiva, Milton's daughter, Rubens' model, Mozart's mother, Freud's wife, Plato's students, and others ¿-- assuming a feminist consciousnessIV. Soliloquies: soliloquies delivered by Juliet, Ophelia, Lady MacBeth, Kate, Desdemona, Regan, Miranda, and others -- protesting the role given to them by ShakespeareV. Fairy Tales: the classic fairy tales retold -- what would have happened if Gretel, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and others had been strong and critical girls and women living today?… (more)

Library's review


Philosophy of Master Hee Il cho
Front rising kick
Pushing kick
Crescent kick (inside to outside)
Axe kick
Twisting kick
Front snap kick
Side kick
Hook kick (front leg, moving in)
Low side kick
45 degree roundhouse kick
Front inward hook kick
Crescent kick (outside to
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Round house kick
Back spinning crescent kick
Back turning kick
Back spinning hook kick
back spinning kick
Master Cho's photo album
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Master Hee Il Cho 11304 1/2 Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90064
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