Illuminated Spirit-Conversations with a Kyudo Master

by Dan DeProspero

Other authorsJackie DeProspero

Library's review

from dust jacket

Illuminated Spirit presents the everyday wisdom of Hideharu Onuma, fifteenth-generation master of teh Japanese art of kyudo, or traditional archery. His words are remarkable for their plainness and simplicity, and are as easily applied to daily life as to the discipline of archery.
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When they arrived in Japan in 1981 to teach English for a year, Dan and Jackie DeProspero had no plans to study kyudo. But that year stretched to nearly a decade under Onuma's tutelage. Eventually they came to live in Onuma's home, and from this extraordinarly advantageous position were able to regularly hold casual but far-reaching conversations with the master.

In response to the DeProsperos' searching questions, Onuma offered his views on managing anger, channeling stess, taking responsibility and striving for excellence. He provided them with new insights into the arts of teaching and learning, and helped them see that they could achieve harmony with others only if they first found peace within themselves.

Illuminated Spirit gathers together Onuma's words as he spoke them, always clear and unadorned, bringing us back to the most basic truths. 'To learn technique you must carefully control the workings of your mind and body. This is what students misunderstand. Controlling the mind and body does not stifle the spirit; it sets it free.'

A frank and accessible account of a spiritual journey, Illuminated Spirit is an indispensable guide not only for those interested in the martial arts or the teachings of Zen Buddhism, but for anyone who feels the need to slow down and regain a sense of inner calm.

Dan and Jackie DeProspero lived and studied with Hideharu Onuma for nearly a decade until his death in 1990. Jackie is the first non-Japanese woman ever promoted to kyudo's fifth dan, while her husband, a licensed instructor, is now the only American to have reached sixth dan.

The DeProsperos live and teach kyudo near Raleigh, North Carolina. They are the authors of the definitive Kykudo: The Essence and Practice of Japanese Archery.


1 Inspiration
The Pursuit of Goals; The Essence of Things; Developing the Spirit; Faith and Superstition; Conflict and Harmony
2 Everyday Life
Dealing with Anger; Using Stress Positively; Ordinary Mind; Health and Well-Being; Living a Full Life
3 In Search of the Self
Fear, Fault and Respionsibiity; Truth, Goodness and Beauty; Three Stages of Self-Realization
4 On Being Human
Facing Adversity; When Opinions Differ; Human Relationships; Human Behavior
5 Teaching and Learning
The Teacher's Art; The Art of Learning
6 Work and Responsibility
The Worker's Responsibility; Power and Position; Harmony n the Workplace
7 The Mystery of Kyudo
Spirit and Technique; Illusion and Reaity; Believing in Yourself; Catalyst for Understanding; The Final Mystery
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477001970X / 9784770019707


Kodansha International Tokyo New York London
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