Exercise and the Mind-The Possiblitites for Mind-Body-Spirit Unity

by Paul J. Kiell


Library's review

Exercise and the Mind is a literary and scientific look at the notion of 'a healthy mind in a healthy body.' Dr. Paul J. Kiell quotes philosophers and poets through the ages, remarkng on how exercise improves mood, heightens intellectual faculties, and stimulates creativity; and how it decreases
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anxiety, fear, and anger. The degree of change it can bring about is at times astonishing. Dr. Kell explores the transcendent value of sport and exercise with a solid foundation of scientific fact and literary reference. Ultimately, he concudes that 'brain chemicals are mere messengers proclaiming the presence of an indomitable human spirit.' This is a book for all who seek strength in body and mind.

'With informative, well documented, entertaining and inspriational writing, Dr. Kiell directs our attention to the vital role of regular physical acitvity in maintaining brain health. He demonstrates how exercise links the key elements of mind, body, and spirit, leading to enjoyment, productivity and a high quality of living.'-Steven N. Blair, Professor, Departmens of Exercise Science and Epidemiology/Biostatistics

'Paul Kiell's new book is a mastery of history, science, and humanity in an important package that not only informs and instructs, but inspires.'-Walter M. Bortz II, M.D., Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine

'Mens sana in corpore sano. A healthy mind in a healthy body. As far back as Greek society it has been recognized that they are integrally bound together. Our present society is, however, experiencing an epidemic that parallels the obesity epidemic: one of a condition that can be called the 'Exercise Deficit Disorder.' How timely then a book entitled Exercise and the Mind. So closely do healthy exercise and healthy thinking go together. Dr. Kell gives us a series of real life examples that eloquently show us the truth of this statement.'--Steven Jonas, M.D., M.P.H., Professor of Preventive Medicine, Stony Brook University School of Medicine


Author's note
Part I
Zelda's sanitarium
Meriwether Lewis (1774-1809) and depressive illness
Intellect and creativity: The role of exercise in the lives of a classical music composer, two poet-philosophers, and a renaissance man
Exercise and traumatic brain injury: The central park jogger-A story of hope and possibility
Part II
Exercise bridges to the spiritual
Cell fever
Tommy Williams
Bill Lloyd
Glenn Cunningham
David Worthen
George Sheehan
Austin Newman
Ralph Paffenbarger
A city needs spirit to survive
Irving Taylor
Joan Benoit and her dog
Swim for Richard
Glossary of terms
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1891369881 / 9781891369889


Breakaway Books Halcottsville, New York
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