Palgue 4 5 6 of Tae Kwon Do Hyung

by Pyung Soo Kim

Book, 1975

Library's review

This informative book marks the second of three volumes which present the kwon do as practiced by the Korea Tae Kwon Do Association. Mr. Kim Pyung Soo, one of the style's foremost exponents in the United States, presents an easy-to-follow succession of steps and techniques that clarify these
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intermediate forms. Nearly 250 illustrations and corresponding foot patterns will allow you to learn the second three forms of eight Palgue hyungs (the required forms for advancement through brown belt). Also included are self-defense and one-step sparring techniques.


What is tak kyon?
What is tae kwon do?
Tae kwon do grade requirements
Historical background of tae kwon do
Warm-p exercises
Palgue sa jang 4
Palgue oh jang 5
Palgue yuk jang 6
Target areas
Pre-arranged self-defense techniques
Practical one-step sparring
Courtesy in the do-jang
Basic offensive hand maneuvers
Tae kown do free-sparring hand maneuvers
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Ohara Publications, Incorporated 5650 West washington Blve. Los Angeles, California 90016
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