A Guide to Chinese Martial Arts

by Tianji & Du Xilian Li


Library's review

Wushu or Chinese martial arts, with a long history and various styles, is known both at home and abroad. It is beneficial for health as well as for self-defence.

The book is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is about origin, development and the present situation of wushu. The second
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chapter introduces the main wushu and the last chapter explains the main wushu styles such as Chang Quan (extended boxing) and Shaolin Quan (Shaolin boxing) with illustrations.

Written by wushu master Li Tianji, the former General Coach of the China Wushu Team, and his assistant, Du Xilian, the book with about 500 illustrations is useful for learning how to practise wushu or simply to learn more about this ancient art.


Chapter One The origins and historical development of Chinese wushu
The roots of Chinese wushu
Wushu before the Qin and Han Dynasties
The Sui-Tang Period and afterwards
Current developments of wushu
Chapter Two The styles of Chinese wushu
How many styles of Chinese boxing?
The eighteen weapons
Methods of wushu practice
The value of Chinese wushu-A healthy sport; Self-defence skills; The beauty of Chinese wushu; Virtue and skill
Chapter Three An introduction to some wushu styles
1 Chang quan
Evolution and characteristics
Essential skills
Illustrated basic exercises-Hand positions; Hand technique; Stances; Footwork; Leg skills; Shoulder skills; Waist skills; Jumping; Balancing; Combined exercise for five kinds of steps
Twenty-four gestures of Lianhuan Chang Quan
2 Taiji Quan
Origin of taiji quan
Different schools of taiji quan
Practice methods
Basic requirements in practice
Taiji Quan and health
Illustrated simplified taiji quan exercise
3 Shaolin Quan
Shaolin Monastery and Shaolin wushu
Contents and characteristics of shaolin quan
Illustrated Shaolin tiangang quan
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