Wudang Qigong-China's Wudang Mountain Daoist Breath Exercises

by Yuzeng Liu


Library's review

'The tiger is born beside water; the dragon rises from within fire.' Exercise 14, dragon and tiger join together.


Section One Introduction
Section Two The subtle effects of Wudang daoist breath exercises
Part 1 Effects on the respiratory system
Part 2 Effects on the digestive system
Part 3
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Effects on the nervous system
Part 4 Effects on the cardiovascular sysem
Section Three Points to pay attention to when practicing breath exercises
Part 1 Observe the 8 requirements and avoid the 3 mistakes
Part 2 Points to pay attention to when practicing breath exercises
Part 3 In practice one cannot be obstinate
Section Four Wudang daoist 18 exercises for refining breath
Set 1 Extreme emptiness exercise
Set 2 Pushing the mountain exercise
Set 3 Wild goose flying exercise
Set 4 Diagonal flying exrcise
Set 5 Supporting heaven exercise
Set 6 Both appear exrcise
Set 7 Four directions exercise
Set 8 Ward off and pull down exercise
Set 9 Pipa exercise
Set 10 Shaking the tail feathers exercise
Set 11 White ape presents fruit exercise
Set 12 Red phoenix faces the sun exercise
Set 13 Stir the grass to seek the snake exercise
Set 14 Dragon and tiger join together exercise
Set 15 Coiling snake exrcise
Set 16 White snake sticks out its tongue exercise
Set 17 Leopard climbs a tree exercise
Set 18 Group of peaks pay homage to the top exercise
Notes on the translation
Index of channels and acupuncture points
List of illustrations
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International Wudang Internal Martial Arts Research Associaton 8229 Perry Street Overland Park, Kansas 66204
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