Living the Martial Way-A Manual for the Way a Modern Warrior Should Think

by Major USAF


Library's review

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'In Living The Martial Way, Forrest Morgan does a commendable job of re-educating aspiring warriors in the mental, physical, and spiritual raison d'etree of the traditional warrior...This book is long overdue, one that every marital artist should add to his or her library.'-Dennis G.
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Palumbo, Kaiden Shihan (8th Dan) of the Hakko Ryu; Director, Hakko Ryuk Marital Arts Federation

Living the Martial Way is a concise manual for training in warriorship. Unique among martial arts books, it provides a systematic, step-by-step approach to applying the warrior mind-set to your martial training and daily life. It combines a knowledge of fighting with an exploration of the culture of the warrior-The Martial Way. Individual chapters include 'The Warrior Mindset.' 'The Warrior's Way of Strategy,' and 'Honor in Action.' Morgan carefully guides the reader from The Way of Training, through The Way of Honor, to The Way of Living, constantly finding applications both inside and outside the martial arts. Steeped in the martial arts systems of Korea, China and Japan, author Forrest Morgan explores the classical tradition in search of the soul of the modern warrior. He finds that soul in strict physical discipline and a relentless mental search for wisdom. In Living The Martial Way he teaches the reader not only how to fight, but also when to fight, and why.

A major in the United States Air Force, Forrest Morgan holds black belts in taekwondo Chung Do Kwan and Hakkoryu Jujutsu. He served as Secretary General of the United states Chung Do Kwan Association from 1948 to 1987.


Introduction Background on the martial Arts
Martial Arts, Martial Ways, and The Martial Way
Why Practice The Martial Way Today?
The Design of This Book
Part One: The Way of Training
Chapter 1: The Warrior Mind-Set
Getting the Mind-Set
Acknowledge Your Warriorship
Pursue Internal Versus External Objectives
Chapter 2: Your Martial Destiny
Doctrine, Strategy, and Tactics
Choose Your Strategic Foundations
Analyze the Threat
Evaluate Your Physical and Emotional Assets
Select a Doctrine
The Pitfalls of Narrow Doctirne
Build Your Skills Around a Doctrinal Core
Chapter 3: Train as Warriors Train
Make Training a Daily Regimen
Employ Shugyo in your Training
Take a Jutsu Approach to Training
Chapter 4: The Warrior's Way of Strategy
Plan Your Strategy in four Phases
Identify Your Strategic Objectives
Collect Intelligence
Plan for Environment
Program for engagement
How to Develop Tactics
Read Your Opponent
Control the Fighting Range
Feint Effectively
Use Rhythm and Timing
Avoid, Evade, and Intercept
Chapter 5: The Warrior's Spell Book
Kiai and Aiki
Find Kokoro
Practice Haragei
Develop Kokyu Chikara
Apply Kime
Practice Kata With Utmost Seriousness
Mushin-Mind Without Thinking
Zanshin-So Alert You Dominate
Part Two: The Way of Honor
Chapter 6: The Foundations of Honor
The Basic Tenets of Honor
Honor and Face
Develop Your Own Sense of Honor
Chapter 7: Honor in Action
Putting Honor to Work
Honor in the Fog of Life
Chapter 8: Revenge and Suicide: Perversions of Honor
The Forty-Seven Faithful Ronin
Revenge and teh Scales of Honor
Suicide: Courage or Cowardice?
Standards for Planning Revenge and Suicide
Part Three: The Way of Living
Chapter 9: Warrior Fitness
The Great Sham of Modern Martial Arts
The Qualities of Warrior Fitness
Body Types and Muscle Physiology
The Three Pillars of Fitness
Train for Muscular Strength and Endurance
Condition for Aerobic Capacity
Develop Flexibility
Nutrition and Weight Control
Chapter 10: Religion and Mysticism
Eastern versus Western Religious Thought
The Principle Asian Religious Doctrines
Confucianism: The Way of the Sages
Taoism: In Pursuit of the One True Way
Buddhism: Following the Eightfold Path
Shinto: The Way of the Kami
Mysticism and the Danger of Cults
Martial Arts Trainnig and Religious Convictions
Chapter 11: The Warrior Stands Alone
The Three Keys to Warrior Dignity
Develop a Commanding Posture
Discover the Power of Physical Grace
Cultivate the Austere Quality of Shibumi
The Secret of Personal Power
Chapter 12: Mastery and The Martial Way
Master in the Martial Arts and Ways
Mastery in The Martial Way
Appendix A: Glossary
Appendix B: Selected Bibliography
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Barricade Books Fort Lee, NJ
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