Inner Bridges-A Guide to Energy Movement and Body Structure

by Fritz Frederick Smith



An essential guide for anyone with an interest in body therapy, this book contains an exploration of the connections between Eastern and Western beliefs about health and the human body, based on the concept of energy as a fundamental force in nature. This hidden energy theory incorporates facets of Chinese acupuncture and Hindu yoga, while establishing that Western medical knowledge actually validates these ancient Eastern insights. Dr. Smith explains how health care practitioners can access this energy through their hands, feel its existence, and see a person's response to the movements.

Library's review

'A visionary book...that will transform the reader's attitude about his body and the world around him, and raise a new image of the spirit before his eyes.'-Morton Marcus, poet, novelist

Inner Bridges provides unique connections between Eastern and Western beliefs about health and the human body.
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These connections are based on the concept of energy as a specific and fundamental forces in nature. Dr. Smith describes a hidden energy anatomy in a model that incorporates Chinese (acupuncture) and Hindu (yoga) viewpoints, and he shows how Western medical knowledge actually validates these ancient Eastern insights.

Relating the concept of energy to our personal experience, Dr. Smith explains how heatlh partitioners can access this energy through their hands, feel its existence, and see a person's response to its movements. By illustrating connections between the physical world and the energy world, Dr. Smith's ideas provide bridges to a multitude of alternatives for health and healing, and for a deeper understanding of our inner nature.

An excellent book. The author, a D.O. and M.D., became interested in Eastern approaches to healing when he witnessed an acupuncture session. Smith gives great explanations relating the flow of energy to body structure. I was particularly impressed by his account of how the energy of each chakra relates to the skeletal structure. The information in the book is densely packed, and -- at least in my own readings -- is best absorbed in small doses. A caveat: I don't have firsthand experience with the author's particular system, Zero Balancing. In any case, I believe the book contains valuable information for people who already have experience in some mode of energy healing.

Inner Bridges is one of the first and still most remarkable books on the relationship between energy and structure in the human body. It summarizes over 20 years of development of what became known as Zero Balancing. (However it's ironic and fascinating that the focus is not on Zero Balancing - there are only 4 passing references to it in the book). The focus is on a fuller, healthier understanding of the world. The West is still trying to learn how to integrate the ideas of energy and structure!
Dr. Smith, MD, Osteopath, Master of Acupuncture, and former Rolfer draws on a wealth of clinical and personal experiences. He explores the interface of structure and energy in the meridians and the chakras. Then he explains ways to refine one's touch and observation skills. He covers cautions and contraindications. Finally he provocatively lays out speculations about health, illness, and the role an integrated vision of structure and energy can play in a healthier society.
There are few books in the history of alternative medicine that one can say arise from and impart wisdom. Inner Bridges is one of these rare classics and a must-read for anyone interested in health of body, mind, and spirit.

My professional health care practice was dramatically changed after having read Inner Bridges. Doors opened to my understanding of energy and how it relates to body structure, including the bones and joints of the body. I am very grateful for the insights given by Dr. Fritz Smith in this book.

Creator of Zero Balancing, Fritz explains the energetics of healing in ways that are easy to understand.


1 Bridging belief systems
Eastern philosophy in the Western world
Toward a model of body energy
Ramifications of the energy conduit
2 Bridges between Eastern yoga and Western theories of anatomy
The spine's relationship to chakra energy
Chakra energy bridging physical and spiritual worlds
The chakra model
Body purification and kriyas
Chakral energy and human development theory
The effects of modern society
3 Foundations for the energetic bridge
Perceiving the unseen
Guidelines for evaluation through touch
Energetic evaluation of the subtle body
4 Bridges of response
Observable therapeutic response
Areas of caution in energy balancing work
5 Bridges of caution
Diagnosis of illness
Communication in the therapeutic setting
Creating a healing perspective
6 Bridges of speculation
Energy and movement
Homeostatic relationships
The body's mechanisms for regulationg energy
Speculation on the breath and molecular vibration
Speculation on food and molecular vibration
Complex interactions of energy sources
A new understanding of health and illness
7 Bridges to the future
The expanding vision of the human body
A review of the working energy model
Complementary views of disease
The unfolding life process
A view to the future
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Humanics New Age Quarterman Publications, Inc. P.O. Box 156 Lincoln, Massachusetts 01773 Altlanta, Georgia

Original publication date

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