Ki Breathing Methods (Coordination of Mind and Body)-Ki No Ko Ku Ho

by Koichi Tohei


Library's review

Koichi Tohei
President, Ki no Kenkyukai H.Q.
Founder, Shinshin Toitsu Aikido


I The physiological importance of correct breathing
1 Inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide
2 Pathways of breath
3 Capillary vessels and beathing
II The mental and spiritual significance of correct breathing
1 The
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breeath of teh universe
2 Manifestation of Reiseishin (Universal Mind)
III Proper breathing
1 Sitting seiza
2 Exhaling
3 Inhaling
4 Breathing and the one point
IV External breathing and internal breathing
V Ki breathing methods in daily life
1 Ki breathing while sitting in a chair
2 Ki breathing while lying down
3 Ki breathing while walking
4 Ki breathing in a crowd
5 Practicing Ki breathing in a group
VI Developing the root
VII Kiai
1 The meaning of kiai
2 Ah-un no Kokyu
3 When does a man utter kiai?
4 Satsujin ken and katsujin ken
5 The correct knowledge of kiai
6 The correct kiai
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Ki no Kenkyukai Tokyo
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