Kiatsu-develop your innate energy in order to heal yourself and others by realizing the principles of the mind and the body

by Koichi Tohei


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When our Ki is interchanging with Ki of the universe, theis creates the most natural and the strongest state with the most vigorous life power. This state is called mind and body unification and by living with mind and body unified, one can stay healthy all through one's life. That is
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why I am teaching the four basic princliples to unify mind and body.

However, there are many people who are actually suffering from illness and problems. Once a person has fallen ill or if the body or mind is damaged, one's life power is so low that it is very difficult to recover it by oneself. Sometimes one suffers over 10 or 20 years. In that case we must supply Ki to this person, just as when the power of the battery of a car is drained, it must be charged from outside. By sending Ki into the body from outside, the life power can be encouraged. Once the life power starts working, it can easily heal all illness and problems. This method of sending Ki into the body is named 'Kiatsu Ryoho.' In order to practise it, one must first know how to extend Ki using the four basic principles to unify mind and body. It is different from Shiatsu, Acupression, Accupuncture, etc., theoretically and practically. If you send your own Ki to others, naturally you consume a lot of Ki, it is no use to fall ill by curing others. One must first learn how to supply Ki from the universe. This is Ki breathing. The Ki of the universe is infinite. If one knows how to supply Ki from the universe, one never lacks Ki however much one sends to others. One must, therefore, know how to unify Ki and how to breathe Ki before learning Kiatsu Ryoho.

Originally the nature of man is healthy. So after restoriing health, one must maintain it by doing appropriate exercise. You can achieve these by doing the Ki exercises for health which are described in part two.

Part three is medically oriented lectue on maintenance of health explaining how unification of mind and body affects human life.

Koichi Tohei was born in 1920 and graduated in 1942 from the economics department of Keio University. While a student, he entgaged in judo, zen, and misogi training but later entered aikido under Master Morihei Ueshiba. He has been spreading the principles of Ki and aikido in USA since 1953. In September of 1971, he founded the Ki Society International in which the principles of ki and the unificaiton of mind and body are taught in detail. Also on May 1, 1974 he established Shinshin Toitsu Aikido (Aikido with Mind and Body Unified).

Recently in April of 1980 he established Kiatsuk Rkyoho Gakuin (Kiatsu Therapy School)


Chapter 1 What is Kiatsu Ryoho?
Maintenance of health
What is Ki?
Life power
How to supply Ki
Chapter 2 Five Principles of Kiatsu Ryoho
Extend Ki from the one point in the lower abdomen
Do not put any strength in the body
Press perpendicularly toward the center without damaging the tissue
Concentrate Ki infinitely smaller at the fingertips
Think of the lines instead of points
Chapter 3 How Kiatsu Ryoho was developed
Diarrhoea in the battlefield; Curing eye disease; Giving the name of Kiatsu; A blister on the foot; Heart problem (1); My father's sciatica; Arm problem
Nose bleed; Migraine headache (1); Knees and arms; Stiff neck; Neuralgia of the arm; Migraine headache (2); Stomachache; Sprain of the ankle; Stroke
Eye problem; Heart problem (2); The backbone; Stiff shokulders; Stomach ulcer; Old pain in the shoulders; Contusion; A sprain of the loin; Menstrual
irregularity; Leg; Fright; Brain Tumor; Cold feet
Chapter 4 Kiatsu Techniques
Backbone; Hip; Leg; Neck (Migraine headache, Whiplash, Shoulder pain); Chest; Stomach; Arm (Shoulder, Upper arm, Elbow, Wrist); Eye; Nose; Mouth; Ear;
Throat; finger; Knee; Ankle; Fester; Breast; Nose bleed; Kappo; Melancholia
Ki Exercises for Health
Twisting the trunk by swinging the arms
Bendint the trunk to the side
Bending forward and backward
Shoulder-blade exercise
Bending the neck to the side
Bending the neck forward and backward
Turning the head to the side
Knee exercise
Stretching kness
Wrist bending exercise (1)
Wrist bending exercise (2)
Wrist stretching exercise
Arm swinging exercise
Swinging both arms
Wrist shaking exercise
Leg stretching exercise
Rolling exercise
Medical Lecture by Dr. Kanemizu Ariizumi
Fundamentals of cure (Giving Ki directly, Kiatsu Ryoho, Remote cure, breathing method, sleep cure)
How to Maintain Health (The Life force, An effect of mind and body unification, How to promote the life power (air, food, sleep, sunshine, earth, excretion))
How to Strengthen the Resistance to Disease (Improving the resistance of the skin, Improving the resistance of the internal organs, Exercise, Air conditioning
Psychosomatic Medicine (What is psychosomatic medicine?, What is the mind?
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