Goju-Ryu Karate II

by Norimi Gosei Yamaguchi


Library's review

Aimed at the advanced beginner, this second volume in the goju-ryu series delivers a step-by-step preparation and execution of the taikyoku kata group. Over 1100 illustrations aid in the instruction of these preliminary steps to the intermediate level.

Gosei Yamaguchi is chief instructor of Goju-Kai
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Karate-Do U.S.A. and the foremost authority on goju-ryu in the United States. His father, the famed Gogen 'Cat' Yamaguchi, is founder of the International Goju-Kai.

Musical scale diagrams.


I Kihon ido
Kihon ido at a glance
Form 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8
Conclusion of kihon ido
II Kata ido
Turning in the kata ido
Defensive conversions
Offensive conversions
III Kata
Kata taikyoku
Kata taikyoku jodan
Kata taikyoku chudan
Kata taikyoku gedan
Kata taikyoku kake-uke
Kata taikyoku mawashi-uke
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Ohara Publications, Incorporated Los Angeles, California
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