Karate Basic Principles

by A. Pfluger


Library's review

This is a complete guide to karate, a sport which develops the body and the mind and also teaches vital techniques of self-defense. The author, a teacher of karate, explains the basic principles of this popular sport and guides the reader through the various steps of each technique by means of
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easy-to-follow instructions, photographs, and diagrams. He also surveys briefly the development of Japanese fighting arts to reveal the philosophy of karate and provides a translation and explanation of all terms used in karate.


The technique of karate-Body tension; The technical significance of 'hara'; Breathing
1 Stances and movements-Hachiji-dachi, the basic stance; Kiba-dachi, the straddle-leg stance; 180-degree turn; Zenkutsu-dachi, the forward stance; Kokkutsu-dachi, the back stance; Position of the body; Survey of the techniques; Blocking techniques (uke-waza)
2 Punching techniques (zuki-waza)-The oi-zuki, the lunge punch, same side; The gyaku-zuki, the reverse punch; Hip turning; Fist punch (zuki); Concentration of power; The whole gyaku-zuki; Tate-zuki; Ura-zuki; Mawashi-zuki; Kagi-zuki; Morote-zuki; Age-zuki.
3 Striking techniques (uchi-waza)-Riken-uchi (ura-ken-uchi); Kentui-uchi (tettsi-uchi); Haishu-uchi; Shuto-uchi; Empi-uchi backwards (ushiro-empi); Empi-uchi to the front (mae-empi); Empi-uchi to the isde (uoko-empi); Empi-uchi upwards (age-empi); Empi-uchi down (shita-empi).
4 Kicking techniques (keri-waza)-Mae-geri, the front kick; Yoko-geri, the side kick; Yoko-geri from heisoku-dachi; Ushiro-geri, kick to the rear; Mawashi-geri, the roundhouse kick; Fumi-komi, the stamping kick (also called kansetsu-geri); Hiza-geri, the kick with the knee; Mae-tobi-geri or nidan-geri; Yoko-tobi-geri.
5 Defence techniques (uke-waza)-Basic principles; Lower level defence (gedan); Gedan-barai or gedan-uke; Juji-uke or downward X-block; Middle level defence (chudan); Soto-uke; Uchi-uke; Shuto-uke; Nagashi-uke or sweeping barrier (jodan and chudan); Upper level defence (jodan); Juji-uke or upward or rising x-block; Age-uke
6 Contest exercises (kumite)-Ippon-kumite; Sanbon- and gohon-kumite; Jiyu-ippon-kumite.
7 The contest-Jiyu-kumite, the free-style contest.
8 The kata
9 The spiritual basis of karate-The hara; Additional positions and movements to learn
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