Kukishin-Ryu Bujutsu

by Kiba Koshiro


Library's review

from cover

Kukishin Ryu is sogo bujutsu (comprehensive system of martial arts) founded in Japan in the 14th century. This school of martial arts specializes in sword and stick fighting, and played a significant role in early naval warfare of feudal Japan.

In 1937, Kiba Koshiro, a student of Takamatsu
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Toshitsugu (the 25th soke of Kukishinden Ryu), published Kukishin Ry Bujutsu and introduced the stick fighting arts of Kukishin Ryu to the public for the first time. This book offers an excellent look at the development of Kukishin Ryu before WWII, and gives great insight into the development of this classical Japanese martial art.


Chapter 1 Kukishn Ryu Bojutsu no Kigen (the origin of Kukishin Ryu Bojutsu)
Chapter 2 Reigi, Saho, Maai (Courtesy, manners, suitable distance)
Chkapter 3 Shisei, Migamae (Posture, standng ready)
Hira Ichimonji no Kamae
Yoko Ichimonji no Kamae
Tenchi no Kamae
Gedan no Kamae
Chudan no Kamae
Kihon Gata-Ukemi; Men Uchi; Kote Uchi; Do Uchi; Sune Uchi; Yokomen Uchi; Tsuki; Hane Age
Kuji no Kata-Dai Ippo; Dai Niho; Dan Sanpo; Dai Yonpo; Dai Goho; Dai Roppo; Dai Nanaho; Dain Happo; Dai Kyuho
Chapter 4 Hanbo (Jojutsu) (Three-foot and four-foot staff)
Tsuke Iri
Kasumi Uchi (Yokomen Uchi)
Koshi Ori
Ate Komi
Ate Gaeshi
Kote Gaeshi (Kotemaki Kujiki)
Katate Dori (Kotemaki Hazushi)
Ryote Dori
Maki Hazushi
Ryote Karame
Katate Karame
Kata Mune Dori
Eri Dori
Juji Dori
Ashikake Daoshi
Ushiro Dori
Karame Uchi (Kiri no Ichiyo)
Ke Ate
Gorin Kudaki (Kote Suso Harai)
Tsukikomi Otoshi
Uke Nagashi
Kiri Oroshi
Mawari Dori
Shiraha Dori
Karame Dori
Chapter 5 Rokushakubo, Tachiai (Six-foot staff and sword)
Tsuru no Hitoashi
Funa Bari
Suso Otoshi
Ippon Skugi
Kage no Ippon
Taki Otoshi
Kasa no Uchi
Tachi Otoshi
Kote Tsuki
Muko Zume
Ke Age
Uchi dome
Tsuke Iri
Gorin Kudaki
Mae Hiroshi
Ryo Kote
Ura Nami
Karada Ate
Suso Barai
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4901619020 / 9784901619028


Buyu Shoseki Shuppan
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