Choy Lay Fut Kung Fu-Dragon Fan-Fundamental Fist Form

by Koon-Hung Lee


Library's review


0 Level elbows
1 Bend knees, block downwards
2 Cross arms
3 Fists on waist
4 Right cat stance
5 step forwards
6 Right hanging punch
7 Punch-eye panter fist
8 Twisted panther fist
(Repeat 4 to 8 times)
9 Turn left, parry bridge
10 Circle bridge and palm thrust
11 Tiger claw
12 Left
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palm thrust
13 Left cat stance
14 Step forwards
15 Left hanging punch
16 Punch-eye panther fist
17 Twisted panther fist
(Repeat 13 to 17, three timeds)
18 Turn, right parry bridge
19 Left parry bridge with right cat stance
20 Circle bridge and left palm thrust
21 Advance, right palm thrust
22 Circle bridge and grab
23 Punch-eye panther fist
24 Twisted panther fist
25 Twist step, right parry bridge
26 Advance, spread hands
27 Twist step, left parry bridge. Advance, spread hands
28 Right downward block, grab with retreating hook stance.
29 Turn, left twisted panther fist with cat stance
30 Left downward block, grab with retreating hook stance
31 Turn, right twisted panther
32 Fist with cat stance
33 Downward block and grab
34 Withdraw fist and kick upwards
35 Advance, hanging punch
36 Punch-eye panther fist
37 Twisted panther fist. Sttep sideways, left parry bridge
38 Step sideways, right parry bridge
39 Revolve arms, feet together with
40 Butterfly claw
41 Open right stance backwards
42 Turn right. Right blocking palm throw
43 Right downward block, left
44 Sweep punch, advance, forward cross punch
45 Revolve arms, feet together
46 With butterfly claw
47 Open left stance backwards.
48 Turn left, left blocking palm throw
49 Left downward block, right
50 Sweep punch
51 Advance, whip fist
52 Close step, hanging punch
53 Advance, left palm thrust
54 Level elbows
55 Block downwards
56 Close step and relax
0 Starting position
1 Twist step, smash backwards
2 Bow fowards wtih cat stance
3 LIfe leg, plock upwards and straight punch
4 sweep fowards
5 Hook stance, thrust downwards
6 Turn round, sweep forwards
7 Advance with twist step, palm thrust
8 Stab forwards
9 Left hook stance, thrust downwards
10 Left cat stance, stab upwards
11 Skip, sweep forwards with right cat stance
12 Left hook stance,thrust downwards
13 Advance, stab forwards
14 Skip, spread arms with kick
15 Advance, stab forward
16 Smash the left
17 Right cat stance, stab forwards
18 Advance, stab forwards
19 Spread arms with kick
20 Lift rear leg, stab forwards
21 Turn, sweep forwards
22 Advance sideways, slash upwards
23 Step backwards, block downwards
24 Spread arms with kick
25 Advance, stab forwards
26 Open fan, slash forwards
27 Block downwards and kick upwards
28 Advance, cut upwards
29 Skip, spread arms with kick
30 Advance, cut upwards
31 Turn, twist step and slash forwards
32 Advance, slash upwards
33 Skip, spread arms with kick
34 Advance, stab fofrwards
35 Turn, twist step and slash forwards
36 Turn, close fan and sweep
37 Roll forwards and stab
38 Twist step, palm thrust
39 LIft rear leg, stab forwards
40 Turn, skip with rolling arm and smash forwards
41 Advance with twist step, palm thrust
42 Stab forwards
43 Left hook stance, thrust downwards
44 Left cat stance, stab upwards
45 Skip, sweep forwards with right cat stance
46 Left hook stance, thrust downwards
47 Advance, stab forwards
48 Skip, spread arms with kick
49 Advance, stab forwards
50 Turn, block upwards and stab forwards with twist step
51 Spread arms with kick
52 Lift rear leg, stab forwards
53 Skip, spread arms with kick
54 Advance, stab forwards
55 Turn, bow forwards wtih cat stance
56 Close step and relax
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Lee Koon Hung-Choy Lay Fut Kung Fu Chinese Martial Arts Association 5365 North State Road 7(441) Tamarac, Florida 33319 305-730-3688
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