Plum Spooky

by Janet Evanovich

Paperback, 2009



Call number



St. Martin's Paperbacks (2009), Edition: Reissue, 352 pages


Wulf Grimoire is a world wanderer and an opportunist who can kill without remorse and disappear like smoke. He's chosen Martin Munch, boy genius, as his new business partner, and he's chosen the Barrens of Trenton, New Jersey, as his new playground. It's up to Plum and Diesel, an über bounty hunter with special skills when it comes to tracking men and pleasing women, to hunt down Munch and Grimoire.

User reviews

LibraryThing member scoutlee
Stephanie Plum is back in her first full-length Between-the-Numbers novel. Her FTA is Martin Munch. Diesel assists her with Munch as he is looking for Wulf Grimoire. Lula also attempts to help, however she’s has personal problems of her own: planning her wedding to Tank, one of Ranger’s
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Honestly, I’m not sure what to think about this book. I guess I’ve expected more from this series. By now, I think Stephanie would know how to effectively capture a FTA. I feel as though I’m reading the same plot book after book. I understand Stephanie Plum is a comical cozy series, if you will, however the situations Stephanie finds herself in is just over the top.

I liked Carl the monkey, however giving people the finger got old for me around page 22. At times, I forgot about the other characters. Stephanie’s parents and grandmother have a few appearances in the novel. Morelli is allowing his brother to crash at his place because his wife kicked him out. Ranger comes to rescue Stephanie from tricky situations. Other than that, they’re hardly mentioned at all. This books really centers around Stephanie and Diesel.

I only recommend this book if you want to stay current with the series, however I wouldn’t rush out to buy it. Hopefully book 15 will be better.
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LibraryThing member hjjugovic
I really enjoy the Stephanie Plum novels. This one was a quick, fun read, but was not one of the better ones. Stephanie seems to be walking through the motions, and some of the nastier things that happen deserved more than the flip treatment they were given, even in a Stephanie Plum novel. However,
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it was still enjoyable.
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LibraryThing member reannon
Number 5,000,000 in the Stephanie Plum series. I know a lot of people got tired of this humerous mysteryseries, but for me it has held up farily well and I've continued to enjoy them. I have to admit, though, there were times in this one I almost understood their point of view. This time Joe
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Morelli and Ranger had small roles while yet ANOTHER incredibly sexy hunky guy is around who wants to get into Stephanie's pants. This one is Diesel, who seems to have supernatural powers and claims to be some sort of cop who keeps other supernaturals in line. He is looking for Martin Munch, a genius who is working for vampire-like Wulf on something mysterious and scientific. Munch is on of the cons who failed to appear for a court date and that Stephanie the bounty hunter is responsible for bringing in. Meanwhile a monkey has been left in Stephanie's care who seems to understand English.

It is a pretty good book, but my devotion to ther series is lessening.
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LibraryThing member sagustocox
Janet Evanovich's Plum Spooky is the latest of the between-the-numbers novels. Diesel makes his way back to Trenton and into Stephanie Plum's apartment hot on the heels of Wulf Grimoire, his cousin and all around scary creep who vanishes in a flash of light and can electrocute you with a simple
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touch of the skin. Stephanie is hoping to save the bail bonds business by capturing the elusive Martin Munch, a genius fallen into the wrong hands.

From monkeys with metal helmets to a hippy animal activist named Gail Scanlon, Evanovich weaves a ridiculous tale that will capture readers and listeners' attentions right from the start. Diesel and Stephanie are forced into the Pine Barrens where there is no cell reception and where unmentionable creatures dwell, like the Jersey Devil, the Easter Bunny, Sasquatch, and Elmer the Fire Farter. While the plot is a bit out there, it will have you laughing and the book moves along quickly.

I was surprised to learn that the Pine Barrens is an actual location in New Jersey and that people do believe that it is the home of the Jersey Devil.
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LibraryThing member mary1963
Two Minute Review for “Plum Spooky” by Janet Evanovich

Stephanie Plum needs to get Martin Munch back to jail. But first she has to find him. Lucky for Stephanie she has Diesel and a monkey to help her. Both the monkey and Diesel are just a little out of this world. They will have to be a more
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than a little magical to help her escape the evil Wulf. Wulf has some bad Mojo. I laughed out loud more than once. If you or I went through this stuff we would have post traumatic stress. But I guess that is the fun of it. No reality needed or wanted in these books!
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LibraryThing member raenstorm
Always fun to be on a new adventure with Stephanie. As much as I enjoy Diesel as an "in between" guy, I was happy that both Ranger and Morelli made appearances here as well. Overall I thought it was a solid book. Didn't make me laugh as much as previous books but was definitely a good "hold me
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over" until the next numbered book comes out.
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LibraryThing member miyurose
This was the first full-length Between-the-Numbers book, and I think it was by far the best. Unlike the usual Plum novels, here you have the addition of Diesel and his strange abilities, which makes for a different sort of adventure for Stephanie. However, along the way are all your favorites —
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Morelli, Ranger (though it could have used more Ranger), Lula, Grandma, stubborn bail jumpers, and wrecked vehicles. Oh, and Elmer the fire farter. I’ll say no more about him. And let’s not forget about Carl the monkey, who was a much more pleasant addition than I expected. The scientific plot here is a little more confusing than the usual Plum mystery, but I really enjoyed this listen.
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LibraryThing member koalamom
Great Stephanie Plum work. I think this girl gets better every time. Glad that Janet Evanovich started the "Between The Numbers" books.

Stepahnie's guy of the day is the here-today, gone-tomorrow Diesel and when he's around strange things happen. Morelli's got his brother staying over and the
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sibling rivalry takes on a whole new meaning. The rest of the gang have more minor rolls this time but are always there just when the fun starts.
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LibraryThing member ethel55
A better between the numbers book than the last, I really enjoyed this outing with Stephanie. The mysterious, hunky Diesel is back, tracking a bad guy who has hooked up with a skip Stephanie is looking to nab. The usual slightly paranormal craziness ensues, enhanced by a monkey named Carl. Not much
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Grandma Mazur, but plenty of Lula for everyone!
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LibraryThing member krissa
LOVE it! My first 5 of the year (and I don’t give many of those out. Only if it’s so good, I read it in less then 24 hours. (Note to self: don’t forget to put rating scale in the side margin)) What can I say? It was the first full length Between-the-Numbers book, and it almost lived up to the
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numbers books. This one was my favorite of the BTN, as it actually had Ranger and Joe. A lot. I really enjoyed many of the subplots in this one. And although Lula still drives me nuts, it is much less so with Tank. And there was Diesel. Now he is not Ranger or Morelli, but not bad in addition to them. Throw in a monkey, and good times ensue. Can’t go wrong with a monkey sidekick. I love the way Diesel teases Stephanie, you are never quite sure if he is serious or not. Maybe I’m an addict, but the worst thing I can say about these books, is there isn’t enough of them. And what can I say? Every girl should have a Ranger and a Joe (why choose?) in her life. =D
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LibraryThing member julyso
The plot of Janet Evanovich's latest Between-the-Numbers novel is pretty hard to explain...Stephanie is after a wimpy guy named Munch, which should be easy, but nothing involving Stephanie is ever easy. Munch is in cahoots with a guy named Wulf, who is really bad. He also happens to be cousins with
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Diesel. So, Diesel and Stephanie work together to try to find Munch...and while they are doing that there is plenty of other stuff going on...monkeys, Morelli, Lulu, Tank...

The plot is crazy, it doesn't really make much sense. I enjoyed this book, but didn't love it. It just wasn't that funny. Everything was just a little too bizarre for me.
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LibraryThing member IceQueenTN
Janet Evanovich is one of the best writers around! This 4th book in the series is fabulous. Her character building is wonderful. You really feel like you know these characters. Diesel is back and the only complaint that I could possibly have against this book, is that there wasn't enough romantic
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overtures as there usually is between Stephanie & Diesel. Otherwise, A+++
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LibraryThing member ConnieJo
I wasn't sure how much I'd like this since I've only read the first of the Stephanie Plum books, but I didn't have any problems whatsoever getting into the story.

It was also much funnier than I was expecting. The characters are written perfectly, and they talk with and react to one another really
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well. Stephanie in particular is great, and her flat way of handling every insane situation that hits her makes everything that much better.

I also liked the fact that monkeys figured heavily in the plot. Specifically, monkeys that knew enough to flip people off when they were being insulted.

Having most everything take place in the woods of New Jersey was also unexpected and entertaining, mostly because of the large number of bizarre side-characters that populated it.

I definitely want to go back and read more in the series now. One of my favorite characters doesn't sound like he's around all that often though (the man who stayed with Stephanie and worked on the case with her), and I can only hope he appears again.
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LibraryThing member lisaquing
Oh wow, so FUNNY! I love Evanovich and this book was a laugh-out-loud romp through New Jersey. From the moment Diesel reappears in Stephanie's life to Ranger's ever-present black vehicles, every page was filled with humor.
LibraryThing member busyreadin
An enjoyable Stephanie Plum story. I'm not sure why this one was a "between the numbers" book. All of the main characters were present & accounted for. Maybe Diesel will be the man who finally sweeps Stephanie off her feet and away from Ranger & Joe. What a dilemma!
LibraryThing member AnneliM
Stephanie, Diesel, and the New Jersey Pine Barren. As usual, amusing, getting a bit rauncier.
LibraryThing member Romonko
I love the outrageous Stephanie Plum books, but I was truly disappointed with this one. It didn't make much sense. Even the title didn't make much sense. I was expecting something Hallowe'en themed, and instead it's a silly book about changing the weather and monkeys. There are plenty of antics and
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Stephanie finds herself in lots of scapes. And she loses another vehicle. but the book just didn't make much sense at all. We have Diesel back and that was something, but there's not much of Morelli or Ranger in this one. I sure the next number book is better than this one was.
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LibraryThing member mandolin
This was an okay book, but as far as Stephanie Plum's go, it wasn't one of the best. I could have easily skipped it. I liked seeing more of the Tank/Lula relationship, and the whole bit with the monkeys was a riot, but overall, it just wasn't memorable.
LibraryThing member malwarwick
You’re sitting in your favorite chair, reading that paperback detective novel you just picked up, and you come across this passage in which the heroine, Stephanie Plum, a bounty hunter, and her sidekick, Lulu, a “former ‘ho,” are discussing why their latest attempt to apprehend a fugitive
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has ended in disaster (as usual). Lulu has an explanation:

“I got bad juju. How else could you explain it?”

“It’s not our juju,” I told Lulu. “It’s our skill level. We’re incompetent.”

“I got a high skill level,” Lulu said. “I just shot a rat off a rafter.”

“You weren’t aiming for it.”

“Yeah. My skill level is so high I do things I don’t even try to.”

So, how can you respond to writing like this? Well, I don’t know about you, but I find exchanges like this irresistibly funny. Likely as not I’ll laugh out loud, as I do so often with Janet Evanovich’s inimitable Stephanie Plum series. Perhaps it’s just my sophomoric nature. After all, I laugh out loud at movies, too. Or, maybe, just maybe, it’s that Evanovich has a rare talent for humor akin to that of Donald Westlake (also a writer of humorous crime stories) or great film comics like Buster Keaton or the Marx Brothers.

Now, if you’re one of the three book readers in the United States who is unfamiliar with the name Janet Evanovich, here are a few choice facts:

* Janet Evanovich is the author of 37 novels, give or take a couple. She turns them out at a pace that almost rivals James Patterson, with whom she tends to alternate the top spot in the New York Times Bestseller List for fiction.
* Evanovich joined the ranks of published authors relatively late in life, and very slowly. It was only at age 51 with the debut of her heroine, Stephanie Plum, in One for the Money (1994) that she began to hit her stride. At last report Plum had managed to maintain her age (early 30s) and her figure (clearly enviable) through 17 numbered novels, the latest of which was Smokin’ Seventeen (2011), plus five other books published “Between the Numbers.”

If you read Evanovich loyally, as I do, you won’t learn a lot about anything of consequence, not law enforcement, crime, or even the working-class setting in New Jersey where the Stephanie Plum novels are set. Chances are, though, you’ll have a lot of fun.
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LibraryThing member susangs
As always, the Stephanie Plum novels are lots of fun to read. The plot of this between the numbers book revolves around an FTA, Diesel's evil cousin and a plan to control the weather. Although not much is seen of the usual cast of characters, there is some plot develpment regarding Lulu and Tank.
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There are also lots of monkeys in this story, and though I usually think of monkeys as funny and cute, I began reading this story shortly after the attack on the women in Connecticut (by a full grown chimp) making it a little difficult for me to enjoy this aspect of the story.
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LibraryThing member dcoward
Her longest between the numbers novels, and not her most satisfying one. Stephanie searches for a mad scientist.
LibraryThing member maribs
Stephanie is on the hunt for Martin Munch who has stolen some sort of technology from his company. He is hiding out in the Pine Barrens with a guy named Wolf that everyone calls the Vampire. With the help of the usual suspects and the return of Diesel, Stephanie goes in search of her prey through
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the woods that are home to the Jersey Devil and quite a number of odd characters.

It had its moments. Lula is as funny and crazy as ever. Stephanie's men all make appearances. It is supposed to have a supernatural feel to it but it just didn't work. There was nothing "spooky" about the book. I just kept waiting and waiting for something to happen but nothing ever did. The "supernatural" aspects were a bit weak and felt out of place in this world that Janet Evanovich has created.

It definitely had its funny moments and I actually thought the monkey bit was cute. Yup, there is a monkey. Many monkeys actually. I tell you, strange stuff but nothing scary. I am starting to think these books have run their course. Time for new characters and story lines. I love Janet Evanovich's use of humour and her stories are always entertaining but I am starting to lose interest in Stephanie Plum and co.
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LibraryThing member SunnySD
Love the monkey! A few things get left hanging here - what about all those hat wearing monkeys? - but on the whole this was good fun. The idea that the New Jersey pine barrens is where Unmentionables go to retire? Great! Light, fluffy, and typical Stephanie Plum.
LibraryThing member susiesharp
Another hit from Janet Evanovich!Stephanie is in prime form explosions,wrecked cars and a new twist MONKEYS.We of course get a good dose of Deisel but for me not enough Grandma.This was a laugh outloud romp through the Berg and a new location the Barrens with a visit from the Easter Bunny,Sasquatch
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and my favorite Elmer who farts fire.How she comes up with these stories is beyond me but I hope she never stops!Lulu is of course front and center and we move along with her and Tank's storyline *No Spoiler*you'll have to read to see what happens!I loved this book as I do all Janet's books.And just my opinion but Hey USA Network if your looking for characters you'll never find more in one place than the Berg!
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LibraryThing member sunfi
This is another one in the Stephanie Plum series, about a female bounty hunter in New Jersey. This is actually one of the "Between the Numbers" books. Diesel reappears in this one along with a host of other unmentionables. Carl the monkey makes an appearance (even though I don't remember him in the
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last one). The story has some impracticalities but overall it is entertaining.
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