Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero

by Rick Riordan

Paperback, 2012



Call number



Puffin (2012), Edition: 01, 576 pages


Jason, Piper, and Leo, three students from a school for "bad kids," find themselves at Camp Half-Blood, where they learn that they are demigods and begin a quest to free Hera, who has been imprisoned by Mother Earth herself.

User reviews

LibraryThing member foggidawn
Jason, Piper, and Leo are not your average juvenile delinquents. Leo may be ADHD and a chronic runaway from every foster home he's ever been sent to, but he also has a strange affinity for mechanical objects . . . and fire. Piper may be a bit of a kleptomaniac -- or perhaps she's just really
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persuasive. After all, is it really stealing if you can talk the sales clerk in to just handing you the merchandise? And Jason . . . Jason doesn't really know who, or what, he is. All he knows is that he woke up in the back of a schoolbus between Leo and Piper, and they seem to have been friends with him for months. Jason doesn't remember any of it, or anything else about his life, including his last name. There are some vague hints, including a mysterious tattoo and a heavy gold coin that turns into a sword when he flips it (a javelin, if it comes up tails), but before Jason can even piece together a few basic facts, he's in the middle of a fight with some nasty wind spirits on an observation platform over the Grand Canyon, and he, Leo, and Piper are fighting for their lives. Fortunately, they are able to hold off until a back-up crew arrives, and they are whisked away in a flying chariot to a place called Camp Half-Blood. Even there, however, Jason finds few answers to his many questions about his identity, his family, and his quest.

Fans of Riordan's Percy Jackson series will be ecstatic to pick up this first book in a new series about the demigods of Camp Half-Blood. Many favorite characters make appearances, but in this book, the action follows the three newcomers -- and there's certainly plenty of action, as the three face new challenges on a (sometimes literally) whirlwind quest to rescue the kidnapped goddess Hera before the Winter Solstice. Meanwhile, the campers of Camp Half-Blood are preoccupied by the disappearance of Percy Jackson. Clever, mythology-savvy readers will be able to piece together the mysteries of Jason's identity, Percy's disappearance, and Hera's capture (and yes, the three are all related) before the big reveal at the end, but whether they do or not, all of Riordan's fans are certain to enjoy the ride. It's best, though not essential, to read the Percy Jackson series before starting this book, in order to obtain background information.
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LibraryThing member Zodac13
An adventure of godly proportion, absolutely wonderful. Set in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Universe, many of the characters will be familiar. *spoilers...to some extent* ....also, to my surprise and pleasure, this is basically the sequel to that series of books. Much of the spirit and
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wonder of that series is thus continued on here, though I do feel that the tone in this book is perhaps slightly, ever so slightly a shade darker and more mature, but its still Rick Riordan writing at his best about what he writes at his best. The characters are all wonderful. Getting to meet with Anna Beth, Chiron, and other heroes and notables from the earlier books is a pleasure. The new characters are wonderful as well....I must comment, Leo steals the show. I realize that Jason is meant to be the protaganist and even though all three heroes were interesting to me, Leo's charcter, humor,attitude and deeds made the chapters from his persepctive a real treat. the coach...uh...he reminded me so much of hercule from dbz, but he was ammusing to. The plot and mystery add up well to make an intriguing tale...a tale that is far from over. I can't wait to read the next volume in the fall, though judging by the title, i am already a bit worried for Percy, though I have faith in the heroes of Olympus....all of them, from both teams.
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LibraryThing member drebbles
Jason can’t remember anything about his past – he woke up with his memory erased on a school bus full of kids on a school trip. Leo has been considered a troublemaker ever since his mother died – and people don’t even know he can create fire with his bare hands. Piper is considered to be a
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thief yet her biggest concern is her missing father. These three teens have different problems but are good friends, even more so when they arrive at Camp Half Blood. That friendship will be challenged more than once as the three embark on a dangerous quest – will it and they survive?

I really enjoyed Rick Riordan’s “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” series – so much so that I almost didn’t read “The Lost Hero” thinking it wouldn’t be as good as the books in the Percy Jackson series, but I was wrong. “The Lost Hero” is even better than the Percy Jackson books. While the book does have some similarities to the Percy Jackson series – because it takes place at Camp Half Blood some of the Jackson characters are there, notably Chiron, Thalia, and Annabeth – and the three main characters, like the Jackson characters, are two boys and a girl. But “The Lost Hero” stands alone on its own merit, and I found I liked it even better than the Percy Jackson books. Jason, Leo, and Piper are older than Percy and friends and consequently are stronger characters. Each of them has secrets (even Jason although he can’t remember them) and each are torn apart inside by those secrets. Leo’s secret may be the saddest and in many ways he was my favorite character – funny yet poignant at times. While mythology plays an important role in both series (Jason, Leo, and Piper are demi-gods – children of gods), Riordan kicks it up a notch in this book. There is plenty of suspense in this book, quite a bit of danger, and some truly epic battles. All of this adds up to some rip-roaring fun.

“The Lost Hero” is an exciting start to Rick Riordan’s “The Heroes of Olympus” series.
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LibraryThing member hailelib
The first book in a new series with some new heroes plus some of our old friends from Camp Half-Blood. Here we meet Jason, Piper, and Leo and follow their first quest together. The book opens on a bus with Jason waking up and realizing that he doesn't know who he is and doesn't recognize Piper and
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Leo (who are apparently his best and only friends). Jason's day rapidly goes downhill from there... Another fun book from Riordan.
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LibraryThing member payday1999
I had a hard time getting through this book. Maybe it had to do with the new characters and I was used to dealing with Percy and his gang. But it was a struggle to keep on reading until I got about halfway through and it just got easier to get into the story. I liked how it ended and the twist that
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happened and I can't wait to continue in the second book. Maybe it will be an easier read now that I've gotten familiar with the new characters Jason, Piper, and Leo.
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LibraryThing member A_Reader_of_Fictions
For more reviews, gifs, Cover Snark and more, visit A Reader of Fictions.

After a brief break, I’m back in Rick Riordan’s world. It’s good to back. Everyone warned me about The Lost Hero. Debby and Gillian (Writer of Wrongs) certainly did. Multiple times each. Actually, though, possibly
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because I was warned so thoroughly, I didn’t have huge issues with The Lost Hero. I agree that it’s not Riordan’s strongest by any means and that it’s definitely a change in tone, but it was fun.

The titular lost hero is Percy Jackson. Annabeth is, of course, freaking the f*ck out, as are most of the readers. It’s the loss of Percy’s narration and, perhaps more so, his presence at all, that makes this book a struggle. In Heroes of Olympus, Riordan switches from a single first person point of view to three third person points of view. That’s a major change, one that has some drawbacks and benefits. Obviously, a broader view of events is now possible. At the same time, it’s a bit distancing, which changes the pacing and attachment a bit.

I do have to agree that, though Riordan stuck to the same two guys and a girl format, the dynamic is completely different. On the plus side, Jason, Piper and Leo aren’t new versions of the previous cast. Riordan also clearly determined to add some much-needed diversity to the main characters. Unfortunately, they lack the verve of their predecessors. I don’t loathe Jason, Piper, or even Leo, but I don’t much care about them. Frankly, they’re all rather milquetoast. This book’s not as funny, because, of the three, only Leo seems to have a large sense of humor and I don’t think he’s as humorous as he thinks he does. Jason, personality-less golden boy, is the sort of person who maybe couldn’t banter if his life depended on it. Maybe he’ll get a sense of humor back with his memory? I hope?

Still, I like the transition to a more YA audience. In some ways, I may still have liked this more than the early Percy Jackson books, because it has more of an overarching plot, where that took a while to really get going in Percy Jackson. This, too, is a bit of a double-edged sword, though, since I feel like the three new heroes are conveniently well-educated on mythology and magically good at fighting without training. A chapter on training before launching into a mission would not have been unnecessary. Heck, I’d even take a sentence that mentioned that they’d had a bit of weapons-training.

What’s really amazing about The Lost Hero is how it plugs holes in the world building I didn’t even no existed. I’m not entirely sure yet how the Greek and Roman mythology blends, but I was agape when I got to the end and learned how the events of the previous series tie in. Riordan is so good at world building. Just so good. I did lose some of my starstruck wonder at the retelling magic, since I’m barely acquainted with the Roman versions of the gods. I will say that I thought the explanation for why meteorology is such a mess was fabulous, however.

I love the direction the series is heading in. I’m looking forward to hopefully getting all seven demigods of the prophecy as POV characters, so that it’s not these three all the time. I don’t hate them, but they’re just not the most interesting people in the world. Leo verges on deeply annoying, but will hopefully grow out of that. I don’t hate him because his love of Festus was pretty damn adorable. Festus was maybe the best part of this book. Or maybe Tempest, who I really hope shows up again. I do not ship Leo and Piper because of the lack of banter; I don’t unship, but I very don’t care. Oh, I also really hope that Gleeson Hedge isn’t in the next books because I do loathe him. Saytr it isn’t so, I will not.

The start to the Heroes of Olympus series is a bit rocky, but that painful ending bodes well. Bring on The Son of Neptune!
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LibraryThing member irishdancer2
By this point, Riordan’s plots are old news—classical mythology upcycled with a modern setting and a slightly different progression of events. It’s up to the characters to make or break the books—in this case, the new main trio of narrators, Jason, Piper, and Leo. Taken by himself, Jason
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isn’t bad. His memory loss is an interesting plot device, he’s generally a pleasant narrator, and he has a seriously cool godly ability. After Percy, having a leader who knew what he was doing from the get-go (even if he couldn’t remember how he knew) was a good choice. Being a history nerd, I enjoyed the Roman aspects he brought to the story. Piper, however… as far as I’m concerned, Piper has no redeeming qualities beyond her cool name. She’s irritating, insecure, always hurt, and has the most laughable godly ability of all time. Remember those old Pokemon GameBoy games when one pokemon would use attract and the opponent would fall in love with it and wouldn’t attack anymore? That’s Piper. While Jason calls down lightning and Leo shoots fire and slams around construction equipment, Piper stands around and channels her inner Jigglypuff.

What’s worse is that putting Piper and Jason anywhere near each other brings them both down. No matter which one of them is narrating, you can guess the chapter will go something like this: Danger from last chapter resolved. Jason/Piper angst. Plot. Jason/Piper is so good looking. More plot (maybe). Angst about how good looking Jason/Piper is.

For. Five. Hundred. Pages.

Luckily for the two of them, there is also Leo. Oh, Leo. Leo is the antidote for all things Piper. To start with, he’s laugh-out-loud hilarious 90% of the time, but he’s not limited to being comic relief (see: Grover Underwood). Leo is incredibly useful at all times, and his godly ability is every bit as cool as Jason’s. More importantly, his back story is beautifully written and genuinely heartbreaking. His present journey throughout the book rings just as true. He is a truly empathetic character that can make me laugh and cry in the space of a single page. I would go so far as to say Leo is the real Midas of the story, insofar as everything he touches is gold. Festus is the best non-human sidekick we’ve seen so far. Hephaestus is the most believable godly parent. I would even nominate Leo’s tool belt as the best prop in both series. Leo is seriously the best character Riordan has ever written.

Unfortunately, not even Leo can save Riordan from himself. The sheer size of this book is its downfall. Riordan includes so many different characters from the classical myths that he spends half the book just contextualizing all of them. As many of these characters are villains, this means that literally every battle has pages and pages of monologuing to tell the trio who the person is, what their original story was, how they’re here now, and why they’re going to kill them. This, in turn, removes any trace of tension from scenes that should be overflowing with it. There were literally times I had to put the book down because Piper (of course, Piper) had been dialoging with a villain for the past ten pages while Jason and Leo fought off a dragon ten feet away.

This egregious lack of editing, combined with the irritation Jason and Piper induced every time they were within half a continent of each other, made me seriously considering leaving a two-star review. The awesome power of Leo coupled with the intriguing lead-in to book two convinced me to go one higher.
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LibraryThing member framberg
This addition to Riordan's Camp Half Blood series is fun, but somehow not as compelling as the original Percy Jackson books. Riordan deals with many of the same themes, so perhaps it's simply that he did it so well in the original series that this one feels a bit redundant. The new twist is the
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relationship between Roman and Greek mythology, which could prove to be interesting as the series develops.
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LibraryThing member DragonFreak
So I have a friend that reads this seires too. She said the Percy Jackson books couldn't have possibly end. When I heard of this book, I realized she was half right.

I'm so glad Rick Riordan didn't stop making these greek stories. The Roman twist in the book surprised me. That's another thing that I
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thought will never happen either. I'm so wrong.

But word of advice, if you are one the people who read the last page, don't. I repeat, don't read the last page. You'll know the whole mystery of the book right from the beginning.

Five stars.
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LibraryThing member gelario20
THIS BOOK IS AWESOME! Very amazing end of chapter cliff hangers, and an AMAZING ENDING! Makes me wish that the second book was already out.
LibraryThing member MerryMary
I love the way Rick Riordan writes. His books are fun, exciting, informative, funny, and oh-so-true to his adolescent characters. I am especially fond of the beginning of this new series. The new characters are intriguing, as is the direction this series seems to be headed in. And I enjoyed the
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cameo appearances of old friends. Recommended with a smile. This is going to be another great series.
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LibraryThing member beckers
Lucie Pham
This book is about three new halfbloods who go to a school in Armpit, Nevada called the Wilderness School for "bad" kids. The three new halfbloods are Jason, Piper and Leo. Jason is suffering
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from amnesia and does not know who he is or where he is. Piper seems to believe that Jason is her boyfriend and Leo seems to be a little crazy. All three of them seem to think they are enemies or have secrets. They are on a field trip to the Grand Canyon and suddenly a member of their class turns out to be a venti or in greek terms, anemoi thuellai also known as wind spirits. Their coach turns out to be a satyr from Camp Half-Blood and saves Leo from falling down the Grand Canyon twice. Piper falls once and Jason jumps down to save her thinking that they will both die. Turns out, Jason can fly or in other words control the wind. He saves Piper and defeats the storm spirits with a coin. He flipped the coin in the air and it turned into a sword. Then, our old friend Annabeth came with another new camper named Butch to take Leo, Piper and Jason back to camp. But not purposely Annabeth actually meant to find Percy Jackson, who had been missing for three days. Who is Jason? What is Piper and Leo's secret? Well read it to find out!

This is an amazing book I highly reccomend it as long as you read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series first. This book is not in the library yet. But, I bet it will soon. READ IT!!!!!!1
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LibraryThing member 15amyb
the story of the lost hero is about 3 demigods on there first quest fighting monsters and giants bigger then the Greek gods them selves!
rick Riordan gave the Percy Jackson series a run for its money with a new series "the heroes of Olympus" with the same plot different main demigod/charterss
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including visits from the Percy Jackson series charters that shape the bigger picture its a thrilling ride of adventure and discovery
I really enjoyed how they discover things to be more complex then you would've thought giving the charters more complexity and making then seem more realistic. rick Riordan continues to find ways to add just the right amounts of Greek mythology to modern fantasy.
I would recommend this book to people who have read the Percy Jackson series or know allot about Greek mythology because other wise the theme doesn't really make sense it doesn't explain in the same detail that the Percy Jackson series do.but all up a great book that keeps you on the edge of your seat .
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LibraryThing member bell7
Jason wakes up on a bus with a girl, Piper, and a boy, Leo. They say they're his friends, and have very clear memories of him being with them, but Jason can't remember anything about them, or about himself. While he's trying to make sense of it all, storm spirits disrupt a school trip to the Grand
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Canyon, and a team led by Annabeth take Jason, Piper, and Leo to Camp Half-Blood. Their quest may just be the key to Jason's lost memories.

Readers of Percy Jackson and the Olympians may be a little disappointed to discover early on that Percy is missing. Give it a chance, though, and you'll find three more compelling demigods to cheer for. Though told in third person, the narrative switches among the points of view of Jason, Piper, and Leo. I rather wish that the chapters had not been named for the character whose point of view we were following at a given moment - unlike first-person narration, it wasn't hard to remember who was interpreting events at any given moment. Plus, the chapter titles were one of my favorite parts of the Percy Jackson series. But though there are a few one liners, this story is a little more serious in tone than the earlier Camp Half-Blood books, which makes sense since the characters we're following are a little older, too. This fast-paced read is one I would recommend without hesitation, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the series.
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LibraryThing member Junlibrary
The Lost Hero is based on the Percy Jackson Series. Percy Jackson has dissapeared and Jason has appeared out of nowhere. This book is action-packed and expresses Riordan's craft.
LibraryThing member iyer35609
I love this book. It wsas really good and if you liked the Percy Jackson series, then you will definately like this. It is just a continuation.
LibraryThing member dcsax96
The Lost Hero, by Rick Riordan, is a great sequel to the World-Hit Percy Jackson series. Every chapter is filled with mind-blowing action and gripping cliffhangers, and was extremely exciting for the most part. However, I felt that there were some parts where the story dragged along (but never for
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more than a few paragraphs) which put me off giving this book five stars.
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LibraryThing member SungJeCo
This book is interesting, because this story turns 3rd person and it turns the story from Percy Jackson to Jason Grace, Piper McLean, and Leo Valdez. It might be a little repetitive, because we sort of get the point, like the tour around Camp Half Blood, but overall, it is a must-read for Percy
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Jackson fans. Each has a sort of different point of view from sarcasm, humor, and different pains and stress. Jason Grace is an anmesiac for unknown reasons, at least until the end of the book. Piper McLean has a movie star father, Tristan McLean, and is under the threat of the giant Enceladus, or something like that, has her father and will eat him if Piper doesn't follow his orders. Leo Valdez has a sad past, and ran away six times and eventually got caught by the law or something like that and made him go to the Wilderness School to be righted.

Jason woke up on a bus holding hands with Piper, and having no recollection of who she was and what she means to him. They made it to the Grand Canyon for a field trip which is pretty far on bus, considering that they came from Armpit, Nevada, then this short guy named Coach Hedge said that everyone had better have their worksheets. Piper and his other best friend Leo tell him that he is their friend and that they're parents, the law, or the court made him go to Wilderness School. They went on the skywalk which was stormy only over the skywalk, and Dylan, a guy that has "blinding white teeth" according to the book, and took Piper as his partner. Leo and Jason are now partners and Leo was building a helicopter out of pipe cleaners that actually flew. Jason gave Leo his worksheet for a little and went to Coach Hedge to ask him if he belonged to the class.

Coach asked him if he caused the storm and sort of compliments Jason saying that if he made everyone think that he belonged here and then asked who Jason was and where did he come from, but Jason just decided to answer honestly and said that he doesn't know who he is.
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LibraryThing member lisanicholas
In bringing in a previously-unsuspected branch of heroes born of the Olympian gods under their Roman aspects, Riordan has opened up lots of new and exciting possibilities for his half-Olympians. In the first volume of this new Heroes series, we find that the Olympian gods now admit that they need
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their mortal offspring to help keep the chthonic forces subdued. This influences them to bring together the two camps of semi-divine offspring to combine their forces, an alliance which is forged, at first anyway, without the demigods' direct knowledge -- Jason, the "lost" hero of the title, has had his memories suppressed by Hera/Juno, so that he will believe himself one of the Camp Halfblood demigods. Gradually, however, Jason comes to realize that the personal past he can't remember is more complicated than that.

This installment provides a strong kick-off to the new series. Percy Jackson is mysteriously missing, allowing Jason to take center stage without fear of being overshadowed by his popular predecessor. Riordan sustains the balance among rip-roaring action, budding teenage romance, and the poignancy of strained family relations that marked his Half-Olympian series, and promises exciting things to come in future additions to the new series. Kudos!
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LibraryThing member Green.S
The Heroes Of Olympus was a great read, although the ending was left at a cliff hanger, this book had some unexpected twists, including a completley unexpected one at the end. This has a pretty imaginative plot, and connects in some strong ways towards the five Percy Jackson books. I suggest
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reading those five books before reading this one, since it will make more sense as you get deeper into the story.
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LibraryThing member whisperingfen
Since I was a child I have loved Mythology, and when I ran across the Percy Jackson series a few years ago I was thrilled that the Gods and Goddesses I had grown up loving were being introduced to young kids all over again. I was disappointed when the series ended, but thrilled when I saw a new
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series was beginning.

This has some of the same settings (Camp Half Blood), some of the characters we've grown to know and love, but there is a new hero and sidekicks, and as it's revealed who this new guy is I was giddy.

I really enjoyed this book, I can't wait for the others, and until then I think I'm going to pick up Rick Riordan's Egypt inspired series.
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LibraryThing member wnk1029
I was a bit skeptical about how author Rick Riordan would be able to create a "spin-off" of the popular Percy Jackson series and still make it interesting and make sense in the world of demigods and Olympians which he had already created. I was pleasantly surprised! This story really is an
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extension of Percy's story, but takes the spotlight off (WAAAAY off) Percy and instead introduces some new heroes with their own personalities, abilities, and problems.

This story revolves around Jason, the amnesiac son of Zeus -- or, Jupiter, as he calls him who has the ability to fly; Piper, the spunky daughter of Aphrodite with the ability to persuade people with 'charmspeak;' and Leo, the son of Hephestus with a troubled past who is able to summon fire. Giving these demigods additional "superpowers" was an interesting twist, but it makes sense if they're supposed to be three of the seven most powerful demigods of the time. Their quest is to save Hera, who has been kidnapped and trapped by a force greater even than the Titans whom Percy Jackson and his friends defeated the previous year.

I had a hard time putting this book down, and even after I did, kept pondering over the riddles and clues given in the book about where Jason had come from, why he had no memory, what sort of monster they were up against, and how they were going to do it. I know I'll be getting the second book as soon as it hits the shelf!
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LibraryThing member luciep
An amazing book. I got it the day it came out and finished it in a two or three days. Everyone with love Rick Riordan's new series about greek mythology, roman mythology, and the lives of some regular(in a way)teenagers. Humorous, mysterious and just plain old wonderful in every way.
LibraryThing member Booklady123
Amazon Product Description
“After saving Olympus from the evil Titan lord, Kronos, Percy and friends have rebuilt their beloved Camp Half-Blood, where the next generation of demigods must now prepare for a chilling prophecy of their own:

Seven half-bloods shall answer the call,
To storm or fire the
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world must fall.
An oath to keep with a final breath,
And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death.

Now, in a brand-new series from blockbuster best-selling author Rick Riordan, fans return to the world of Camp Half-Blood. Here, a new group of heroes will inherit a quest. But to survive the journey, they’ll need the help of some familiar demigods.”

When I first heard that Rick Riordan was writing another series about Camp Half Blood, I prepared myself to be disappointed. It’s often hard for the next book in a series to be as good as the first one, much less for a sequel to a series (I’m not sure that’s the right phrase) to be as good as the original series. But Riordan more than meets the challenge. This new Olympian series is a perfect continuation of the original one.

In The Lost Hero we meet three of the seven mentioned in the prophecy: Jason, who has no memory of his life before he wakes up on a school bus with Piper, who has the gift of persuasion, and Leo who is more than handy with his hands. As is the case with heroes, things get off to a rocky start and the trio soon finds themselves battling monsters before being transported to Camp Half Blood where they will learn their true identities and begin to prepare for their quest.

Riordan keeps things fast paced and suspenseful. The gods, especially Hera, know what is going on, but no one is willing to share that information with our heroes. Never fear, this intrepid trio does not let that slow them down.

If you enjoyed Percy and his adventures or if you enjoy mythology, this new series is a must read. One of the things I enjoy about Riordan’s work is that it inspires me (and I’ve had students say this is true for them as well) to do a little research to refresh my memory on mythology. Any book that students not only enjoy but encourages them to learn more is a definite winner.

Recommended for Grades 4 and up. (Even if you are an adult, you might consider reading this series. Not only will you be up to date on what the kids are reading, but you just might enjoy yourself.)
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LibraryThing member 15kaiyaa
For the modern fantasy genre I read The Lost Hero. It is a spin off of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. I really liked this book. It is about the children of Greek gods and goddesses “half bloods” living in the world today. The book is good because even though it has fantasy parts
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like the gods and mythical animals the book still has many modern parts in them and are interesting because they connect what is things going on with the gods to what is happening with the humans. Many people would enjoy this book, I would recommend it to anyone from 10 to 16. The characters in this book are developed quite well. Each chapter is written in one of the three main characters perspective which really shows you their personalities and opinions about what is happening. Though the characters and story are developed well parts of the book may be hard to understand without reading the Percy Jackson and the Olymians book or knowing some of the basic greek myths. I think many people would enjoy this book.
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Soaring Eagle Book Award (First runner-up — 2013)
Buckeye Children's & Teen Book Award (Nominee — Grades 3-5 — 2011)
Iowa Teen Award (Winner — 2014)
Garden State Teen Book Award (Winner — Grades 6-8 — 2013)
Colorado Blue Spruce Award (Winner — 2013)
Truman Readers Award (Winner — 2013)
Kids' Book Choice Awards (Finalist — Author of the Year — 2011)
Golden Archer Award (Nominee — 2012)
WAYRBA: Western Australia Young Readers Book Award (Winner — Older Readers — 2011)
Volunteer State Book Award (Nominee — Middle School — 2013)
Evergreen Teen Book Award (Nominee — 2013)
Best Fiction for Young Adults (Selection — 2012)
Children's Favorites Awards (Winner — Author of the Year — 2011)


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0141325496 / 9780141325491

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