The Jerusalem Arabic Garshuni Codex of the Chronicle of Michael the Great

by Michael the Great

Other authorsGeorge A. Kiraz (Editor)
Hardcover, 2009

Local notes

Text and Translations of the Chronicle of Michael the Great, Volume 6


Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press


This invaluable eleven-volume set on the Chronicle of Michael the Great makes the scholarly resources on this unique manuscript available together for the first time. Now inaccessible, the Chronicle is the largest medieval chronicle known, and is available here for the first time in history as a facsimile copy of the original manuscript, as well as in a copy of the original Syriac, the French translation, an abbreviated Armenian recension, and Arabic versions. The Chronicle is one of the most important primary sources on the history of the Middle East, especially the period between the rise of Islam and the Crusades.




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