Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (A Big Words Book, 1)

by Doreen Rappaport

Other authorsBryan Collier (Illustrator)





Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (2007), Edition: 32004th, 40 pages


A brief biographical sketch of Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the greatest figures in the American civil rights movement.

User reviews

LibraryThing member AbigailAdams26
I have profoundly mixed feelings about this book. Feelings with which I have struggled, vacillating between a two and four star rating, alternately convinced that I was being petty, in my objections, and cowardly, in my reluctance to voice them. Martin's Big Words is, in so many ways, a lovely
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picture-book. Intended for younger children, it pairs Doreen Rappaport's brief narrative about the life of this great American hero with equally brief quotations from King's own speeches and writing. The accompanying collage and watercolor illustrations by Bryan Collier are simply gorgeous, well deserving of the Caldecott Honor and Coretta Scott King Award that they won. I would like to say that this was the ideal picture-book introduction, for young children, to the life and philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr. Unfortunately, I can't.

To understand why this book, and the way in which it portrays the Civil Rights Movement, from both a narrative and illustrative standpoint, bothers me so much, one needs to know a little bit about me. I am a white (or Euro-American) woman, raised by a progressive white man - a minister, who always described Rev. King as one of his great heroes. I grew up hearing the stories of my father's participation in the Civil Rights Movement, including the one in which he and many of his fellow seminarians, black and white, went south to join the great Selma to Montgomery Civil Rights March of 1965. They had a forty year reunion for all the CTS (Chicago Theological Seminary) students and faculty who marched, a few years back, and it turned out that it included almost the entire class! King's work, along with that of Mahatma Gandhi and the Rev. André Trocmé, had pride of place in my father's library, and I was keenly conscious, from an early age, that here was a man to be admired and emulated.

It feels almost churlish to argue with a book whose purpose is to promulgate the vision of Rev. King, when I agree so wholeheartedly with that vision, and have long admired the man himself. As it happens, my problem with Rappaport and Collier's book lies not in how they depict Martin Luther King, Jr., himself, but in how they depict the larger Civil Rights Struggle. The trouble begins when Rappaport writes: "In the next ten years, black Americans all over the South protested for equal rights. Martin walked with them and talked with them and prayed with them. White ministers told them to stop. Mayors and governors and police chiefs and judges ordered them to stop. But they kept on marching." All of which is true, of course. Black Americans did protest for equal rights, often showing great courage and determination, in the face of violent persecution. Martin Luther King was certainly there, constantly lending his support, his encouragement, and his spiritual guidance to those who needed it. And yes, many white authority figures, including ministers, were opposed to the changes that civil rights activists sought.

But that isn't the whole story, is it? In reality, many white Americans were also civil rights activists - and yes, a great many of them ministers or priests - often adding their voices, and their presence, to the struggle for justice. I'm not suggesting that it was their struggle, or that their experiences should somehow be paramount. Far from it! But they too are part of the story, and it strikes me as odd that Rappaport seems to be deliberately excluding them from that story. Equally disturbing is the way in which Collier's illustration, for the two-page spread which contains this passage, also works to exclude white activists. His artwork is clearly inspired by Steve Schapiro's famous photograph from the Selma to Montgomery march. This image, in which an American flag, as well as a mostly obscured United Nations flag, is carried by marchers on the long trek, shows a diverse group - most black, but a few white - trudging determinedly along. Every time I see it, I think of my father, and what he must have experienced and felt, walking along that same road. Was he in front of this particular group? Somewhere behind? Did he know anyone in this photograph? Did he meet them, in the course of the march? I've never thought to ask. My father isn't in this photograph, but he could have been. That is to say, he could have been in real life. But not in Rappaport's narrative, nor in Collier's art, which depicts the same scene, with all non-African-American marchers removed:

Now this is one two-page spread, and I imagine that some would argue that it isn't that important. I read an excellent review of Martin's Big Words which, although it agreed that the narrative and artistic choices made here were "odd," argued that there were already so many positive images of whites, in our children's books, that the absence of one in this book wasn't so important. I can't deny that there is some truth to this. Does it really matter that this single picture-book promotes the idea that blacks struggled alone, in their fight for equality, against universal white opposition, when the reality is so much more complicated and rich?

My answer to that question comes when I think of my father, lying in a hospital bed as I write this. If I had children, would I want to introduce them to the life and work of Martin Luther King, Jr. with a book that wrote their grandfather out of history? Would I want to use such a book to introduce any child to this important topic? Sadly, the answer has to be no. Beautiful and effective, in communicating its message, Martin's Big Words has significant flaws, and I would only recommend its use in conjunction with some other work on King, and the Civil Rights Movement.

Addendum: since writing the above review, back in 2011, I have had the chance to think about these issues further, and to consider my rating of this book, which originally stood at three stars - a compromise between the four stars I thought it deserved for its aesthetic qualities, and the two it deserved for its simplification of history. My father, mentioned above, has since passed away, but I remain immensely proud of his participation in this important moment in American history. I was reminded of this book recently, and of my mixed feelings about it, after watching a video online of a group discussion of race. The discussion took place in the UK, and concerned public perceptions in that country of Meghan Markle. One young participant, who was the sole African-American (or American of any kind) in the group, vociferously objected at one point to the idea that there were any white participants in the Civil Rights Movement here in the states, and nothing any of the other participants said could convince her she was mistaken. Watching her objections, I was struck by the oddity of the situation: here was the lone American in the room, having the least accurate knowledge of American history! When I considered why that might be, this book came floating up in my memory, and while there is simply no way of knowing whether this young lady ever encountered it, it certainly represents the kind of oversimplification that might, if reproduced in enough texts and images, create such an incorrect impression. Given that this is so, I realized that I simply couldn't dismiss Martin's Big Words as misguided, in this respect. It is, when taken together with other works of its kind, harmful. I have therefore reduced my star rating, with regret, from three to two.
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LibraryThing member rdavis9
This is a picture book biography. It is a sparse narrative that combines Dr. King's word with the author's to tell his story. It is a wonderful book to help children understand the life and work of Dr. King.
LibraryThing member LyndaHuntley
This multicultural book is a very powerful and moving book about the history of how Martin Luther King, Jr. made a difference to the United States during the 1960's. It is a summary of the experiences that Martin Luther King Jr. had when he was a child and as he grew up when there were separate
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restrooms and water fountains. The segregation was demonstrated through excellent Illustrations. The drawings reveal the struggles that African American people had because of segregation. It demonstrates the power of words to change a generation. The book reveals Martin Luther King Jr.'s role in making the difference between races.
I really enjoyed this book. It is such a good summary of history revealed through pictures and words. It also includes the important dates of Martin Luther King Jr.'s life on the final pages well as additional books and websites that can be used with this study.
In the classroom, an extension activity is making a timeline of all the events mentioned in the book. We could also read about Rosa Parks who is mentioned about in the book.
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LibraryThing member kirkonly
Martin’s Big Words is a beautiful, emotional, and powerful book. It is about his life and what happened in it. It shows you how his words changed the world. This astounding book is also accompanied by great illustrations. Very Highly Recommended.

As a student this book can change the way someone
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looks at Martin Luther King Jr. and the world. I liked how the author puts quotes of MLK’s in the book away from everything. The illustrations are also very well done, they add a lot to the book.

As a teacher not only is this book great to have out on display on MLK day, but to have on display all the time. The words are so powerful. I could use the small quotes of his in the book to start discussions about certain topics. AMAZING teacher/person book.
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LibraryThing member stharp
This biographical account of Martins life is accurate and it creates a new way to communicate the highlights of a man who lived to be great through his 'big words' and non violent change. The book is an excellent book to use in a classroom or in a home situation because of the empathetic means in
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which it was written.
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LibraryThing member jhill06
Genre: Biography
Critique: This is a good example of biography because it is an account of Martin's life written by someone else. It is about a person who has done something incredibly significant, ending segregation and winning the Nobel Peace prize. It was also written with accuracy in telling of
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such events as Rosa Parks and when Martin was shot.
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LibraryThing member anita.west
Martin’s Big Words is a simplified biography about the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This is a beautiful, very touching book and that encompasses the trails Dr. King tried so hard to fight with words instead of violence. This book depicts, very well, what life would have been like for
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African American people living in his time.

This book pierces my soul. I feel as though that author and illustrator, together through the use of their words and art work, allow the reader to look directly through Martins eyes straight into his heart and soul. This book helps the reader to understand Dr. King’s courage and his passion for mankind.

This book would be an asset to any classroom. It can be used in many ways. First, it would be a good tool for adding multicultural literature to the classroom library. It could be used along with other books to do a study on the life of Dr. King. I especially like the collage style art work. The students could take “Martin Big Words” and illustrate them in a method of their choosing.
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LibraryThing member CathyEarhart
This book was about Martin Luther King's life. He had a huge impact on the world during his short life. The pictures are AMAZING and powerful! Very easy to read.

I really enjoyed this books illistration they were wonderful I haven't seen anything like it. I also like the book because it was moving,
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MLK's life was amazing and the book wrote it all out into words.

In my classroom, I would have the children write a list of what made MLK's life so memorable.
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LibraryThing member LindseyStolp
This book is a wonderful example of the message that Mr. King was conveying in his fight for justice among blacks. The book emphasises words that Mr. King used in his infamous speech about freedom.

I loved this book because it was easy for children at younger ages to understand. It also talked about
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somethings that i did not konw about Mr. King.

A teacher could use this book for black history month and have the children draw a picture of Mr. King giving his speech and all the people present at the speech.
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LibraryThing member sharese
A book about the life and dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. Collage pictures combined with wonderful words describing King's life and his dream of equality for all people. History plus a positive message are the themes of this wonderful book.

I loved many things about this book
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1. The author and illustrator both wrote in the begining of the book what their vision was for the book.
2. The colorful and meaningful collages put together by the illustrator are full and lush and require a very long look at all the pages. Many layers of paper are used to create the finished product.
3. A timeline in the back of the book goes from MLK's birth up to his death detailing many of the things in his life that we have come to associate with him.

An amazing book that should be a "Must Read" for all students.
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LibraryThing member CollierStudy
This book is a brief biography of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It is written and illustrated in a unique way that makes more than just another biography of this famous man. The book is written using powerful quotes from Dr. King that are strengthened through Collier’s illustrations. Collier uses a
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lot of symbolism in this book, which he notes in the front of the book. For instance, the book contains several stained glass windows, which Collier used to represent the light coming through the dark. He also has four candles at the end of the book that are meant to represent the four girls who were killed in the Sixteenth Street Baptist church during the Civil Rights movement. Collier has a strength in conveying mood or tone through illustrations, which he makes use of in this book. Collier’s illustrations help the reader to feel the emotion of the Civil Rights movement. This book would be appropriate for both developing and fluent readers. For developing readers, it offers a brief introduction into the concept of civil rights and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as long as there is teacher-assisted discussion. Fluent readers would enjoy this book as well because they would have a greater understanding of Dr. King and the issues of his time. This book won the Caldecott Award and the Coretta Scott King Award for illustrations.
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LibraryThing member rfewell
Great book for introducing young children to MLK, Jr.
LibraryThing member morgantk
This is a great read aloud book during the month of January. My students this year were especially interested in learning the details of his life. This book spurred them to find other books about his life to read.
LibraryThing member fgcre
The big, inspirational words of Martin Luther King, Jr. are quoted here within the context of Martin's life, the Jim Crow era, and the Civil Rights Movement. With the support of adults, the story can be used even with young children to learn about why we honor Martin Luther King's birthday every
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LibraryThing member iecj
This book offers a simple synopsis of Martin Luther King Jr's message of peaceful protest. Young readers are told about Dr. King's desire as a young child to help gain equality for all once he was older. Information about the civil rights movement including segregation, the Montgomery bus boycott,
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and marches is included. The book was illustrated by Bryan Collier whose trademark collage / paint style trully complements the work. This book is intended for younger readers, but can be enjoyed by anyone.
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LibraryThing member msequeira06
This book informs the reader of Martin Luther King, Jr's life. It begins with him as a child noticing segregation all throughout his town and talking about him sitting in church. His dad encouraged him to become whoever he wanted and not feel belittled by the segregation. The book continues with
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him as an adult and using the teachings of his father to teach others. He teaches love to all and speaks out against segregation. Though the book mainly focuses on MLK, there are other pieces of the Civil Rights Movement included as well. Genre: Historical fiction- the story is based on history and MLK's true words/beliefs, but they are also elaborated on and fabricated a bit, making the story also fictional. Characterization: MLK is a round character because his thoughts, actions and words are made known through the narrator. He also grows throughout the story, both physically (from child to adult) as well as maturing through his beliefs.
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LibraryThing member APoteet
Rappaport offers a personal look at this modern hero, distilling his messages and part in history into an understandable book for young children. Collage illustrations support the weighty emotional tone.
LibraryThing member eward06
This represents an Autobiography because it is a personal life account. Martin Luther King, Jr. is a real person and has great accomplishments. This book is written in chronological order and contains actual facts.
LibraryThing member kyoder06
Age appropriateness: intermediate
Genre: Biography
Media: Paint and Ink

This book falls into the biography category because it recounts the life and actions of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It follows the life of an actual person and provides real facts to the reader in a chronological order. This is a
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great book because it is a biography that I think younger students can definitely get into due to the pictures and layout of the text. I love the idea of having books like this in the classroom that are accessible to all the students
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LibraryThing member ValerieStanley
This is a great picture book about Martian Luther King Jr. and his life. It is broken down to a young readers level and that is really good. MLK is such a big part of who and what we are today and I think that it is important for kids to start really young learning about his greatness.
As a teacher
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I would test the students knowledge about MLK and find out what they know then read the book to them and let them compare their knowledge with what the book says.
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LibraryThing member marybetha
This is a captivation narrative of the life of Martin Luther King from childhood to adulthood. The text is simple, yet graceful and gets the message across to the young readers. It is a short narrative of his life and is easy to read and understand.
LibraryThing member whitnihatfield
This is the story of Martin Luther King Jr. for children to read. It is very encouraging and it tells the story in a way for young children to understand his life and the difference he made in the world.

I loved this book. It focused on his philosophy of love and non-violence. I love the
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illustrations and the wonderful way the author explained his life. This is a great book.

This would be a good book to use for African American History month and different projects for the classroom to use. I love the way this book presents his life. It also has a timeline in the back that teachers can use and it will help the students for a project about an important person in history.
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LibraryThing member bestwhensimple
This wonderful book by Doreen Rappaport is about one of the most important figures in American history, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.. Most of the book describes Martin's adult life and the differences he made in cities all over the United States during the Civil Rights Movement.

The title of the
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story clues its readers in to MLK's strategy for making a difference. His was a non-violent movement based on talks between equals. For this reason, the title, Martin's Big Words, is apt. It's also appropriate because every two-page spread in the book has a quote from MLK on it in large font alongside the more narrative-focused text. The narrative follows MLK until his death. I appreciate how simply Rappaport writes about his assassination. She doesn't focus on the hate that caused his death, but goes to say, with hope, that "his big words are alive for us today." It's a beautiful end to a beautiful book.

A lot of the beauty of this book comes from Bryan Collier's Caldecott Honor-winning illustrations. He used collage and watercolors to bring his images to life. The flames on the candles are pictures of real flames that have been cut out and pasted. The faces of the people in the book are mostly painted, except for one significant example, the image of the girl in front of an American flag. Her face is partly collage, with different colors. Collier shows us that we're all Americans, no matter what color we are. Images like this one make this book a work of art, not to mention a fine example of exceptional children's literature.
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LibraryThing member leighanngoodwill
The life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., has been told many times before. However, this book is the best I have read yet. Doreen Rappaport takes you on a journey through the life of MLK Jr., from being a young boy who dreamed big, to becoming one of the most influential activists for black rights.
LibraryThing member jaia
First, the illustrations in this book were amazing, both heartbreaking and heartwarming all at once. They were filled with meaning. This was an excellent book about Martin Luther King Jr (as you can tell from all the awards) that really highlighted the messages that he shared with the world.


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

40 p.; 11 inches


1423106350 / 9781423106357


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