Speak the truth : how to bring God back into every conversation

by Carmen LaBerge

Hardcover, 2017



Call number

261 LAB


When was the last time God was an active participant in one of your conversations? How does God get into a conversation if His people are sidelined or silent? As ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, it is the Christian's responsibility to speak the mind of Christ in the context of every cultural conversation, no matter how contentious. If Christians are silent then God is effectively sidelined. The Christian viewpoint is desperately needed in the cultural conversations of our day but Christians have been effectively muted because they are not equipped to engage and combat the aggressive arrogance of those who actively seek to silence all viewpoints but their own. In Speak the Truth, Carmen LaBerge aims to get Christians off the sidelines and back in the conversation.… (more)



261 LAB


xxxiv; 222
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