The Big Sleep (A Philip Marlowe Novel)

by Raymond Chandler

Paperback, 1988





Vintage Crime/Black Lizard (1988), Edition: Reprint, 231 pages


Fiction. Mystery. HTML:The iconic first novel from crime fiction master Raymond Chandler, featuring Philip Marlowe, the "quintessential urban private eye" (Los Angeles Times). A dying millionaire hires private eye Philip Marlowe to handle the blackmailer of one of his two troublesome daughters, and Marlowe finds himself involved with more than extortion. Kidnapping, pornography, seduction, and murder are just a few of the complications he gets caught up in.

Media reviews

Novela repleta de nervio y de ingeniosos diálogos. Es un caso de chantaje el que lleva a Marlowe a asomarse a las alcantarillas de una sociedad en apariencia espléndida.

User reviews

LibraryThing member atimco
Raymond Chandler's The Big Sleep, first published in 1939, is one of the more influential works in the modern mystery genre, and my first real foray into hardboiled crime fiction. I listened to this on audiobook read by Elliott Gould and enjoyed his narration very much. His reading emphasizes a
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charming innocence about the book; despite the explicit events of the plot, Chandler uses a blank for the F word, which becomes quite noticeable when you're listening to it rather than reading silently. I don't know why but I found this endearing somehow. I wonder if it says something unexpected about a genre known for its gritty plots and complex, conflicted characters. Hmm.

The back cover touts Chandler's prose as "muscular" and I think that is the perfect description. It isn't graceful or elegant, and sometimes it's repetitive and too heavily laden with similes. But the similes are vivid and create a very distinct mood: dark, watchful, stoic. Detached.

One idea I found striking is the underlying theme that all people are pretty much morally bankrupt, that everyone is either a monster or a victim, and all of us have made ethical compromises along the way. To put it another way, we all have ulterior motives and are on a downward spiral. This unrelenting cynicism is the Christian doctrine of the depravity of man, but without the hope of redemption. There are a few halfway-heroes in the story like Harry Jones and Mona Grant, little points of light on a dark noir background. But they are swallowed up quickly and we're alone in the dark again.

Chandler describes the physical appearance of his characters in detail, but sometimes there is a lack of description I found tantalizing. For example, he presents the narrator Philip Marlowe as enigmatic, capable, cold, with never a hint of how the character became that way. What's his history? Often Marlowe gives a straight, emotionless description of a shocking event, completely leaving out any commentary on his personal response to the scene. He's like a machine, efficient and calculating. But he seems to do the right thing most of the time and it's hard to dislike him — the little we know of him, anyways.

Because Marlowe narrates the story, we see all the other characters through his eyes. The allegations of misogyny directed at this book and others like it aren't entirely baseless. The women are all described elaborately in terms of their physical appearance and sex appeal; that is their primary identity, at least to Marlowe. Of the four female characters in this story, two are reprehensibly selfish and/or crazy, one is a rather pathetic opportunist, and the last is weak and willfully blind to the sins of her husband. No, they don't fare well, but no one really does in the noir world.

Apparently The Big Sleep is just the first in a series featuring Philip Marlowe, and I think I'll look up the sequels. This is definitely not a genre for younger readers; the content, though not raunchy, can be somewhat explicit at times, and the events of the plot aren't G-rated. But for an excursion into a tone and style completely different from my usual reading and as an example of its genre, The Big Sleep is excellent. And there is a strange magnetism to the hopeless darkness of Marlowe's world. Maybe I want to keep reading to find out if redemption is ever possible; maybe I just want to know more about Marlowe's back story. In any case, this was a strong read and I can see why it has been so foundational to today's detective fiction.
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LibraryThing member woodshopcowboy
This is Chandler's first novel. It's a messy, incomplete plot, but the writing...god, the writing. Tough as Scotch in the morning, smooth as bourbon at noon, and taut as the girl you hope you sleep with that night.
LibraryThing member AHS-Wolfy
Classic noir mystery as Philip Marlowe gets a début outing where the body count is almost as high as the amount of raindrops that fall. He has been hired by General Sternwood to look into a simple case of blackmail and the general mentions that he hopes the missing husband of his eldest daughter
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isn't involved. Someone has some gambling debt notices from one of his daughters and wants to collect on them. The case isn't too difficult for Marlowe to track down but just as he's about to confront the blackmailer he turns up as the first in a long line of stiffs. Marlow follows the trail through the seedy world of pornography and gambling joints while fending off the attentions of both the general's daughters as well as the cops who aren't too happy about Marlowe keeping secrets from them. Will he find who's at the end of the trail while staying in one piece? And how many guns will he collect from people who insist on sticking them in his face?

A thoroughly enjoyable novel from one of the instigators of the hard-boiled detective stories that now seem to abound on the mystery section of bookshops. It will be interesting to compare with Dashell Hammett's Maltese Falcon when I eventually get around to reading that. Great fast paced pulp fiction full of one-liners that refreshed some of the bleakness of the situations that Marlowe found himself facing.
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LibraryThing member mausergem
An old and frail oil tycoon with two wayward daughters seeks the help of a private detective to look into a blackmailing situation. What follows are a couple of murders and disappearances which are in some way connected with the two daughters. The private detective with his wit and charm gets
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through the tight spots and solve the crimes including the murder of the son in law.

The book has a 'film noir' and 'femme fatale' feel to it. The plot is intricate and gripping. The only thing I object to is the American consumerist approach. You feel that the author is constantly selling you the sights and sounds of the country, trying to lure you. Thanks but no thanks.
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LibraryThing member EricCostello
The classic, deeply influential work of noir fiction which introduced Philip Marlowe, private eye. Quite famously, not all of the ends are tied up (who did kill the chauffeur?), but in Chandler's case, he vastly preferred to set a tone, and he does so highly successfully. One could read it for its
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landmark status, but it can be read for simple pure enjoyment, especially the large number of classic lines.
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LibraryThing member ctpress
“I don't mind your showing me your legs. They're very swell legs and it's a pleasure to make their acquaintance. I don't mind if you don't like my manners. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter nights.”

"The Big Sleep" is THE ultimate hardboiled noir crime novel. A style
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Chandler perfectionised like nobody else - and numerous others have tried to copy or have been influenced by.

“Tall, aren't you?" she said.
"I didn't mean to be."
Her eyes rounded. She was puzzled. She was thinking. I could see, even on that short acquaintance, that thinking was always going to be a bother to her.”

Dark alleys, smoke-filled bars, tempting femme fatales, excessive daytime drinking - Chandler sets the atmosphere perfectly. And I enjoyed the dialogue a lot. Fast, hardhitting, cynic and very funny. I chuckled a lot. I guess these selected quotes says it all. You get it. If you don’t, forget about Chandler.

“It seemed like a nice neighborhood to have bad habits in.”

“I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it.
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LibraryThing member DeltaQueen50
It was impossible to read The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler and not think of the 1946 movie starring Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. So in my mind, Phillip Marlowe was Bogart. This is a darkly driven piece with some of the best dialogue lines ever. Politically incorrect - yes, but lines that
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resonate and get to the heart of the matter.

“You’re the second guy I’ve met within hours who seems to think a gat in the hand
means a world by the tail.”

“I’m not a tough guy - just careful. I don’t know hell’s first whisper about you.”

Private Investigator Phillip Marlowe is hired by the patriarch of a extremely wealth family to look into a few matters for him and before he is through investigating all the different angles, he’s come across blackmail, murder, and two sisters who keep him hopping.

“You can have a hangover from other things than alcohol. I had one from women.”

This was my first Raymond Chandler book and I enjoyed every minute with the iconic P.I. Phillip Marlowe. An intricate plot, the dark and moody setting, and the above mentioned stylized writing really help to define The Big Sleep as the classic noir novel that it is.
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LibraryThing member MeditationesMartini
I like the cut of Chandler's jib: a base murk of deadpan patter with streaks of something bordering on fancy, with its classic overripe metaphors; with its struggle to maintain hard-man drag, or hard-man-born-to-lose-with-the-sensitive-soul-of-a-poet drag, when all Chandler really wants to talk
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about is the furnishings, at length, their materials and styles and construction, dear god the furnishings; and then a few grace notes of gutter-looking-at-the-stars stuff. The square-jawed, soulful, and genteelly closeted are at strife in this book and the result is something fun to see (tho gays and women all come in for a kicking in various ways) , reminding me more of decayed-Hollywood movie--Chinatown, sure, but also like Sunset Boulevard and Mulholland Drive--than of archetypical "noir." But of course American/British/Canadian translatlantic public schoolboy Chandler and his man Marlowe (named after great-great-great-etc.-grandfather Kit) started noir and gave it its raffish side.
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LibraryThing member OscarWilde87
The Big Sleep introduces Philip Marlowe, a Los Angeles private detective. Marlowe is hired by General Sternwood who is blackmailed by one Arthur Geiger, but does not want to give in to it. The cause of Sternwood's trouble is always always one of his daughters, as Marlowe is soon to find out. The
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daughters are quite careless and while one has an alcohol problem the other gambles away the old man Sternwood's fortune. In his investigation of Geiger, Marlowe soon finds people getting murdered. A name that frequently surfaces is Rusty Regan, one of the daughters' husbands who is missing. Although it is not his job, Marlowe investigates his disappearance on the side. The plot develops into an interesting web of connections that Marlowe tries to uncover.

What I liked most about this novel is Chandler's writing style. Chandler is very descriptive and witty ("I didn't know whether it was any good, not being a collector of antiques, except unpaid bills.", p. 22). He constantly uses comparison to create a more vivid picture for his readers and set the scenes in LA in rich detail. Apart from creating an authentic atmosphere the comparisons also provide funny quips and had me laughing time and again ("Blood began to move around in me, like a prospective tenant looking over a house.", p. 209). To me, the book was not so much about the plot itself, although I did not dislike it, but rather about Marlowe ("I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it.", p. 1) and how he deals with the situations he finds himself in. Chandler has done a truly amazing job in crafting his protagonist. I am happy that this is only the first in a series of novels centered around Marlowe and I will surely be reading more of the series. 5 stars.
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LibraryThing member sweetiegherkin
In The Big Sleep, Raymond Chandler introduces his private eye Philip Marlowe showcasing his skills in a case that begins as a simple blackmail problem that quickly escalates to murder.

This book is one of the defining ones for noir mysteries and as such, it hits pretty much every known trope of the
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subgenre. But being the originator of those tropes means that the book does it a way that comes across as fresh. I absolutely loved Chandler’s writing style – it came across as simple and easy, flowing smoothly for a quick read, yet it was also dense and poetic, even flowery at times with its descriptions. Nonetheless, the characters and plots don’t suffer for all this. Indeed, we learn as much, if not more, about each character through their dialogue as opposed to a lengthy description. And the plot has plenty of twists and action-filled scenes, with bullets flying, poisons ingested, and so forth.

Obviously the most notable character in this book is that of Philip Marlowe himself, who narrates the book in first person. He’s not the most introspective character per se, so we learn about him on the fly through his actions and a few things he tells other characters. Marlowe has a past working with law enforcement but found he’s better suited at being his own boss. He stays true to his own morals and sense of justice. He’s tough as nails, remaining calm and not afraid no matter what the situation is – even if he’s been held at gunpoint. Marlowe also has a way with words, throwing out witty quips at a moment’s notice that help to lighten the mood of an otherwise dark and gritty tale. And Marlowe’s apparently irresistible to all women, as nearly every woman he encounters ends up throwing herself at him, in one of the few truly eye-rolling things about this book. All in all, he’s a character that’s got a mysterious air about him yet somehow feels almost like an “everyman.” Marlowe is definitely the kind of character that makes sense to have a series built around him, as there’s plenty beneath the surface to explore.

The plot of the book can be described as multi-layered or convoluted, depending on how you want to look at it. There’s definitely a lot of moving pieces to keep track of as there are actually multiple mysteries and a large cast of characters. That does keep it interest though; unlike some mystery books where you find yourself figuring out “whodunit” way too early on, you are constantly on your toes here as each new crime lands in Marlowe’s lap. Indeed, even though I had already been exposed to the story in the past (and in the recent past, at that), I found myself still being surprised along the way as I did not remember all of the reveals.

An interesting thing about this book was how surprisingly fresh it felt. There are definitely many things in the book that are a product of its time, including the way women are depicted. The basic plot line itself is pretty much obsolete in our modern era, with the setting off point being a naked photograph sold on the sly. Still, the book didn’t feel dated as a whole and reading it didn’t seem very different than reading or watching a contemporary noir mystery. It was a strange sensation to have this revelation, but I think it’s a testament to Chandler’s writing skills.

For the audiophile – I read the audio book version narrated by actor Elliott Gould, with whom I was surprisingly impressed. He did an excellent job with the various voices and kept the pacing of the book just right.

All in all, I was impressed with this book and will definitely be looking into other Chandler books in the future.
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LibraryThing member robfwalter
Raymond Chandler - The Big Sleep

I have never read a book that had me onside with the narrator faster than this one. On page one he occupies his time waiting for a door to be answered by giving a goofy critique of the stained glass window above the door and I thought, "yes, I'm on your side." The
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big secret in private detective Philip Marlowe's character is that he actually thinks life is pretty good. Even getting punched in the face three times by a fist holding a roll of coins has something to take out of it - it at least gives him a good story to tell. It's this kind of mordant optimisim that makes Marlowe such a good companion for the two hundred or so pages of the novel. The quality of the zingers fades somewhat over the course of the novel, as does the pleasure of Marlowe's company, but then it's all over and I found myself satisfied but in no hurry to read the next one (I borrowed and omnibus of the first three Marlowe adventures).

The shortcoming of the novel is that apart from Marlowe's world view, it doesn't have anything particularly profound to say. Compared the the messy ethical dilemmas of a (author:John le Carre|1411964] novel - the other genre author I have read recently - The Big Sleep feels a bit thin. This is partly because of Marlowe's rather tedious and narrow moralism. As a gay man, I am pretty well calloused against homophobic slurs, but when the protagonist wins a fight purely because his opponent is gay, that's a bit much: "I took plenty of the punch. It was meant to be a hard one, but a pansy has no iron in his bones, whatever he looks like." And any woman who enjoys sex is a dangerous lunatic. Anyone who uses pornography is a deviant. Etc.

The problem with reading all that sh*t in 2018 is that there's so much that could possibly be interesting that is erased. The criminal underbelly of LA might was well be orcs, for all the moral complexity they're given. Yes, at the time that criminal underbelly necessarily included men who had sex with men, as sodomy was illegal until 1962 in every state of the U.S., but are they in the same class as a hitman or blackmailer? Of course the biggest omission is the women, who have no agency and only the most primitive motives. Once again, it's the missed opportunities that upset me in this regard.

And the plot? It's as preposterous as most detective stories are. Everyone is madly drinking, driving, smoking, lying, shooting, punching and double-crossing in a rainy fortnight in Los Angeles. I finished reading the book an hour ago and I absolutely couldn't tell you who did what, but that's not the point. The action is lightning fast and the prose wonderfully butch and witty, making this a tremendously entertaining read.
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LibraryThing member avidmom
One of my son's favorite video games is "L.A. Noire" and I was curious to find out where the genesis of the genre was. I figured Raymond Chandler was the place to start looking.

The Big Sleep was middle-aged Raymond Chandler's first novel and the introduction of Philip Marlowe to the world.
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According to the little intro. in my library's paperback copy, Chandler wrote only seven novels and a collection of short stories in his lifetime yet ace detective Philip Marlowe, thanks to Hollywood, is ingrained in my consciousness. I knew him although I'd never really met him. Even though I had never - when I picked up the book - seen Humphrey Bogart as Philip Marlowe, it didn't stop me from imagining Bogey as Philip Marlowe, so I got to live a few days with Humphrey Bogart's voice in my head. OK by me.

So-called "hard boiled" detective Philip Marlowe is sent to meet with wealthy, elderly and paralyzed General Sternwood who wants Marlowe's P.I. skills to deal with a blackmailer. The book begins with Marlowe's trip to meet the General at his Hollywood mansion for the first time. "I was neat, clean shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. I was everything the well-dressed private detective ought to be. I was calling on four million dollars." Before going in to meet the General, we get a good account from Marlowe on what a four million dollar mansion looks like. When he spots a stained-glass panel of a knight trying to rescue a naked lady with "very long and convenient hair" tied to a tree he says "he was fiddling with the knots on the ropes that tied the lady to the tree and not getting anywhere. I stood there and thought that if I lived in the house, I would sooner or later have to climb up there and help him. He didn't seem to be really trying." Marlowe agrees to take Sternwood's case and Sternwood's little blackmail mystery leads to more convoluted mysteries. The body count rises, the plot thickens as the pages turn, and our intrepid hero finds himself in the middle of a tangled web of blackmail, pornography, murder, shady characters and cover-ups. Marlowe needs to not only solve the case but keep from becoming a victim.

Marlowe is more than up to the task. He seems to be able to know right away when someone is trying to play him and doesn't fall for anybody's (male or female) manipulative tricks. Our shamus here is as clever as a fox, able to think about two or three steps ahead of everybody. He has to walk a fine line of keeping certain information from the police due to his loyalty to General Sternwood, after all it's Sternwood he's working for, while keeping them on his side. Or at least off his back. He needs to do the same with some shady mob-like characters so he can stay alive. There are a few close calls for Marlowe here. Quite a few times he finds himself at the wrong end of a gun. He also, of course, has to deal with the feminine wiles of both Sternwood sisters who are trying to find out what exactly their rich daddy has hired him to do. The youngest is ditzy and naive and the oldest is very worldly and sure of herself. One night he finds himself alone in his car with the elderly Sternwood sister: She turned her body a little away from me as if to peer out of the window. Then she let herself fall backwards, without a sound, into my arms. ... "Hold me close, you beast," she said." (That last line cracks me up.) After fighting big sister off - somewhat reluctantly - he goes home only to find ditzy little sister waiting for him. "The Sternwood girls were giving me both barrels that night."

We travel all around the Los Angeles and Hollywood area with Marlowe as he works on solving the case(s). Chandler does a pretty decent job of describing the places in and around L.A. where Marlowe travels and the characters Marlowe meets. The author also uses rain quite a bit to paint a pretty gloomy picture. If you didn't know any better, you would think it does nothing but rain in Los Angeles. This certainly would be a perfect book to read on a rainy Saturday afternoon.

Philip Marlowe is a great character who I liked right from page one and the mysteries were a bit complex and not that easily solved. It was fun to try to make the connections between one mystery to another (i.e. one murder to another). This is not only a "who done it" but "why" and "how does this relate to everything else" mystery. The reader has access to Marlowe's private thoughts but we still have to wait until the end for Philip Marlowe to fill us in on the cases' solution. While I probably wouldn't put this book on my list of all time favorites, I enjoyed it quite a bit and will probably read another Raymond Chandler book one of these days. This was his first novel which makes me curious to see how his writing may have changed and/or improved with his subsequent novels.
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LibraryThing member PilgrimJess
"Dead men are heavier than broken hearts."

First published in 1939 'The Big Sleep' is Raymond Chandler's first book of his detective noir series featuring Los Angeles Private Investigator 'Phillip Marlowe' and sees our hero working for the wealthy 'Sternwood' family. Wheelchair-bound old man
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Sternwood, is being given the squeeze by a blackmailer and employs Marlowe to make the problem go away but it isn't long before dead bodies begin to turn.

The novel is set during the 1930's Depression and in many respects is a victim of its time, Chandler portrays a heavy cynicism towards American society at the time and the corruption he saw there.

"As honest as you can expect a man to be in a world where it's going out of style"

There isn't a lot of character development. Marlowe isn't a particularly likeable character; he has a somewhat warped sense of duty and morals; he's a misogynist and a homophobe. Meanwhile the female characters are little more than stereotypical femme fatales, easy on the eye but hazardous to be around, most aren't even named, simply referred to as blonde, 'Silver Wig' or some other similar epithet. Virtually every scene starts with a character smoking.

However, despite the murder being solved pretty quickly, there being few plot twists and the story is written in the first person so you know that Marlowe will survive no matter what predicament he finds himself. Yet I still found this a compelling read. There is a certain simple elegance to the prose, and it's packed with some great one liners.

By modern standards this book would be seen as pretty tame, but I still believe that it deserves to be widely read, not least because its often regarded as the template for much of today's crime novel genre. I could probably have rated it higher, but I wanted to leave myself some wriggle room in case any of the later books are even better.
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LibraryThing member TheDivineOomba
I had troubles reading this book. I found the private detective, Marlowe, to be a very stereotypical 1940's book. From the way Marlowe treats the two women involved in the blackmail scheme, to the way he describes the pornography producer as a "queen". I also found the way the police department was
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willing to ignore certain crimes... Of course, this is a book written in 1939, and Marlowe is just a reflection of American values at that time, but it is still makes for a difficult read.

The mystery itself is all over the place, with most everyone a stereotype. Marlowe discovers quite a bit in only 24 hours, which seems a bit extreme. There's a lot of weird stuff that is just there for misdirection.

I'm glad I read it, but I found it difficult going at times.
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LibraryThing member TomDonaghey
The Big Sleep (1939) (Marlowe #1) by Raymond Chandler. The first and very possibly the best of the seven Philip Marlowe novels. With this book Mr. Chandler took modern mystery fiction in a direction it had not yet seen. Here the hero is not a brilliant mind, pondering the clues to a mystery,
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smoking a pipe, discussing the case with a close comrade, or any of the other tropes that came before. Here is Marlowe, a singular being faced with his own limitations and ambitions. He has a past but that doesn’t matter very much. There is a future for him but he won’t dwell on that either. Instead he takes his moral code and goes out to slay the evil dragon, or perhaps only protect the beautiful dame in the case.
When a rich man hires Marlowe to help with with family matters it is the start of a steep incline, throwing Marloe, and us, into a swirl of a mystery that even the author couldn’t figure out. But that is no matter as we are here for the scenery of the story, the display of characters and the unwavering dedication of Marlow himself.
With this one book, to say nothing of the others, Mr. Chandler rewrote the story of the mystery, and all authors who followed him down this road owe him a debt that can only be repaid by writing honestly about their characters and their actions and fitting both into the reality of the world.
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LibraryThing member kevn57
A hard boiled classic that introduces Philip Marlowe as the knight out to save two damsels in distress. The opening hallway description of the Knight tells a lot about Marlowe's character. If you've seen the movie there is still lots to enjoy here as the details are finely drawn.
LibraryThing member steve12553
Wonderful mystery. Togh as nails Phillip Marlowe is called to see General Sternwood to protect his daughter from a blackmailer and 4 bodies later he's buried in intrigue and still not sure what his case is. A bit racier than the Bogart-Bacall film with a twist ending makes you see why it's held up
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for so many years.
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LibraryThing member francoisvigneault
This book is killer from start to finish. Raymnond Chandler is able to combine super-tight and coherent plotting (even as said plot gets more and more complicated as twists and double-crosses pile upon one another) with some truly beautiful and vibrant prose. Philip Marlowe, the protagonist and
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first-person narrator, clearly possesses a detective's eye for detail, and Chandler's penchant for layering in details of dress and habit, bawdy slang, and colorful and systematic descriptions of Los Angeles in the 1930s truly transport you to another time and place.

Speaking of which, I will say that this book is truly a product of its time. Its chock full of misogyny and homophobia, and not just on the edges; the hero Philip Marlowe is definitely way out of line with modern (2019) attitudes, and I doubt the author Chandler is playing "Devil's Advocate" here. If you are sensitive about that kind of thing this book probably won't be for you... But if you can see it as taking a fairly unvarnished look at the culture, attitudes, and morals of another time then I would highly recommend this book.
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LibraryThing member VictorTrevor
This ranks alongside the Maltese Falcon as the greatest hard-boiled detective story ever written. Snappy, but intelligent, dialogue, great characterisation and a complex plot. Read it.
LibraryThing member kvrfan
P.I. Philip Marlowe is called in by a rich invalid to solve a simple case of blackmail. Of course, the case doesn't stay simple for long. Like a pinball on a dimly lighted table, Marlowe caroms from one contact to another, following where the case takes him (and even beyond), meeting L.A.'s seamy
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In reading, I followed the case step by step, but if at the end I had to retrace the route it took, I don't think I could, having gotten tangled in the complexity. However, in reading Raymond Chandler, the joy is certainly in the journey, not the destination. He certainly knows how to spin his similes, and the setting of an L.A. with streetcars and interurban tracks, citrus groves landscaping Pasadena, and creaking oil derricks dotting the horizon, with hard-talking hoods and with corruption at all levels is classic.

Loved the ride!
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LibraryThing member DGRachel
It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great. The story dragged, I detested most of the characters, and overall, I just couldn't wait for it to be over. That being said, I haven't been feeling great, so maybe part of the problem is me. Maybe at another time, I'd have loved the novel. I'm not ready to
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write Chandler off completely. I just need to wait a bit before I try another Marlowe.
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LibraryThing member bookwoman247
Classic crime noir is a genre I haven't read before.

I could not put it down. I loved it, and am greedy for more!
LibraryThing member sturlington
Private eye Philip Marlowe is hired by a millionaire to track down a blackmailer and gets entangled with his spoiled daughters and a bunch of seedy characters.

This is the first hard-boiled mystery I've read, and I was pleasantly surprised. Chandler's writing style is very engaging, and his voice
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remains unique, even after all these years. In his sparse prose, Chandler precisely evokes the noir world he's describing, whether it's the lavishly decorated bedroom of a poor rich girl or a foggy Los Angeles night. Marlowe himself is always ready with a quip as he follows the leads and his hunches through the LA underworld, where the ground is littered with the corpses of red herrings. Although I find it hard to believe that he really did manage that miraculous escape and rescue while handcuffed, I loved Marlowe's character, the lone guy with his own code of ethics operating in a world where pretty much everyone is tainted. It's fun to read a novel that generated so many tropes and see where they came from. I enjoyed my initial foray into classic noir.

Read for the 2014 Mystery Category Challenge (2014).
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LibraryThing member E.J
Loved the characters. Loved the dialogue, it flew off the page. Wish I could have lived in this era. I know, I know, gay rights, women's rights, we've come so far, blah blah blah, but these people can SMOKE in their OFFICES. They have a drink in the morning meeting. They dress like pimps. Loved it.
LibraryThing member smichaelwilson
The Big Sleep is the first Raymond Chandler novel (cannibalized from some of his previously published short stories) to feature the famous private detective Philip Marlowe, and to this day stands as a classic of crime fiction noir. The locations, characters, and atmosphere are as colorful as they
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are dark, a captivating portrait of the underbelly of Los Angeles that has been luring readers since it was first published in 1939.

I find that fans of straight mystery novels don't enjoy Chandler's works as much as others; the convoluted plots full of double-crosses and long-shots tend to defy traditional logic, resulting in dubious conclusions and the occasional loose end. The Big Sleep actually contains the perfect example of the latter, as it is never clearly explained - or indeed, even known by the author - who killed the Chauffeur. Most mystery fans prefer air tight solutions that show meticulous attention to detail, and look at leftover issues like this as lazy craftsmanship.

Of course, the reason for all of this is that the mystery isn't really the story. Raymond Chandler's true interest is in the players, not the game. Philip Marlowe is an enigmatic character, a lone private detective who seemingly drifts unattached through the high and low ends of L.A. society, an aloof spectator who seems to leave a wake of chaos when he actually attempts to get involved in the affairs of others. The schemes and alliances of everyone from high society down through the criminal underground may seem archaic to the reader, but they are almost as confounding to us as the human element is to Marlowe, as his own personal code of ethics - some may even call it warped chivalry - is constantly at odds with everyone he confronts. I've always found that the scene between Marlowe and his client's younger daughter Carmen at his apartment perfectly encapsulates this fractured relationship between him and society. Entering his apartment to find the playfully crazy Carmen naked in his bed, Marlowe tells her to get dressed and attempts to ignore her by studying a chess puzzle already set nearby. During his multiple attempts to reason with Carmen, Marlowe at one point examines the chessboard and, replacing a move, muses that "Knights had no meaning in this game. It wasn’t a game for knights." It isn't that Marlowe isn't the only one playing a game in The Big Sleep, but he seems to be the only one interested in why the pieces move the way they do, and one of the few looking beyond the board.

I could stretch the chess metaphor for three or four more paragraphs. Honest. The point is that novels like The Big Sleep are, like the title itself, about far more than solving a mystery. Through Marlowe, Chandler exposes the human condition in all of its illogical and unfathomable ugliness, with the full realization that there most likely is no real solution. Marlowe's chess puzzle remains unsolved, and even the solution of the case is not revealed to anyone for whom it might make a difference. It's this existential undertone that separates classic crime noir like The Big Sleep from your standard whodunit, and the mesmerizing dilemma of the human condition that guarantees the book's place in literary history, in spite of any flaws.
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7.97 inches


0394758285 / 9780394758282
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