The Unhoneymooners

by Christina Lauren

Paperback, 2019





Gallery Books (2019), Edition: Standard Edition, 416 pages


Olive Torres is used to being the unlucky twin: from inexplicable mishaps to a recent layoff, her life seems to be almost comically jinxed. By contrast, her sister Ami is an eternal champion ... she even managed to finance her entire wedding by winning a slew of contests. Unfortunately for Olive, the only thing worse than constant bad luck is having to spend the wedding day with the best man (and her nemesis), Ethan Thomas. Olive braces herself for wedding hell, determined to put on a brave face, but when the entire wedding party gets food poisoning, the only people who aren't affected are Olive and Ethan. Suddenly there's a free honeymoon up for grabs, and Olive will be damned if Ethan gets to enjoy paradise solo. Agreeing to a temporary truce, the pair head for Maui. After all, ten days of bliss is worth having to assume the role of loving newlyweds, right? But the weird thing is . . . Olive doesn't mind playing pretend. In fact, the more she pretends to be the luckiest woman alive, the more it feels like she might be.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member Madison_Fairbanks
The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren

Cute. Appealing. Flirty. Sweet. Adorable. A lighthearted romance with all the feels. Their arguing makes this couple real. Ethan is lovable. The supportive extended family is like a hug.
I love this author. Such a way with dialogue and encapsulating the story.
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Written in present tense. I hate present tense. It makes me feel as though I have to hop along the driveway with them. But moving on, it only distracted me a few times so I consider it superbly crafted that I was able to get lost in the movie rather than the sentence structure.

“I don’t know how it happens, but one minute I’m struggling to swim faster and the next Ethan’s hand is around mine, helping me move toward a small cluster of gray-dotted o’ili. It’s so quiet down here; I’ve honestly never felt this sort of weightless, silent calm, and certainly never in his presence. Soon, Ethan and I are swimming completely in sync, our feet kicking lazily behind us. He points to things he sees; I do the same. There are no words, no verbal jabs. There is no desire to smack him or poke his eyes out—there is only the confusing truth that holding his hand down here isn’t just tolerable, it’s nice.”

I received a copy of this from NetGalley. I also purchased a copy to share.
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LibraryThing member forsanolim
This book was an absolute EXERCISE in dramatic irony. Olive Torres' identical twin sister, Ami, has just gotten married to Dane, but at the wedding everyone but Olive and Dane's brother, Ethan (whom Olive has never been able to stand), comes down with food poisoning. Ami and Dane then can't take
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their planned (totally free) trip to Hawaii, so Olive and Ethan end up taking their place. Because the reservation is explicitly a honeymoon package, Olive and Ethan then have to pretend to be married throughout the trip, even when they encounter an assorted cast of characters they'd perhaps rather not have seen in Maui in this context. Of course, it's a romance, so Olive and Ethan begin growing much closer, and they must navigate their feelings and complex situation both during and after the Hawaii trip.

Quite cute! I had a fun time reading it, and it absolutely flew by. As the summary makes clear, it's not really the most realistic scenario, but it was fun, and the Hawaiian setting was also a fun change from the winter here. The romance was also not very explicit at all, in case that's of interest.
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LibraryThing member foggidawn
When everyone at the wedding reception succumbs to food poisoning except for maid of honor Olive and best man Ethan, the bride and groom encourage them to take the non-refundable, non-transferable honeymoon trip. The problem: Ethan and Olive can’t stand each other, and for the duration of the
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trip, they’re going to have to pretend to be newlyweds...

If you enjoy a hate-to-love romance, this is a cute one. I felt that some parts of the plot stretched credulity, but not enough to put me off the story entirely.
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LibraryThing member SBoren
I purchased this book from Amazon to read with our local Bookclub. All opinions are my own. 🌟🌟🌟🌟 The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren. What a fun summer read! Olivia's twin sister Ami gets married and after everyone at the reception gets ill from the buffet style dinner they had
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Olivia is forced into taking her sister's place on the honeymoon. The catch is she has to take it with the best man, which she loathes. But come on guys it's Maui! Who don't want an all expense paid vacation at an Island resort even if you have to share a hotel room with your arch enemy? 10 days can't be that terrible right? On the vacation things begin to unravel that will change the future for Olivia and her twin forever. Review also posted on Instagram @borenbooks, Library Thing, Amazon, Twitter @jason_stacie, Goodreads/StacieBoren and my blog at
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LibraryThing member sdbookhound
This was a romantic comedy read perfect for summer. This hate to love romance between Olive and Ethan has some sweet and humorous moments. I was not blown away by the story like I thought I would be, but it was still an entertaining read.
LibraryThing member authorjanebnight

Olive and Ethan attend the wedding of their respective siblings. Everyone but them end up with food poisoning so they are sent on the non-refundable honeymoon in place of their siblings. Olive and Ethan don't like each other but as they spend time together their hatred turns to love.

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I generally love Christina Lauren and I know everyone is crazy about this book but I think it is my least favorite by the author (that I have read) so far.

I get why people love this book but I just didn't think it worked for many reasons. It's hard to go into the whys without spoilers but I will try to.

However, lets start with what I liked.

This book has lots of diversity. It has amazing dialogue. These are typical of the work Christina Lauren delivers and I am glad they appeared here as well. I also liked the overall premise. There were some really cute or funny scenes, such as when the couple are sent for their couples massages.

I also enjoyed the Olive texts her sister throughout the book and being shown the texts was neat.

In general I loved the family dynamics in this story. Olive has a massive extended family and her interactions with them were interesting and fun.

The steam level of this book was absolutely perfect for me. It was just enough but not too much. I often struggle with books that are unnecessarily steamy. This book was just perfect. There was sexual tension and it was hot but things never crossed the line to ick.

Despite the things I loved I just had so many issues with this book.

There was a secondary plot line in the story involving Olive's job that I just didn't think needed to be there. I thought it was underdeveloped and didn't add to the story. I somewhat felt they were trying to do something like the side plot in Roomies but in this book it just didn't work well.

I thought the reasons Olive and Ethan didn't like each other were ridiculous in the first place. I knew there was a "misunderstanding" going in but honestly the misunderstanding didn't work for me.

There are also several times in the story where logic just seems to hop out the window. I understand this is a romantic comedy so I try to give some leeway for that but honestly this was beyond my ability to suspend belief. *Minor Spoiler* Olive and Ethan are in Maui for this won honeymoon and staying at a resort. They are from a different state (Nebraska?). Anyways, it just so happens that two different people they know (not a couple but a person for Olive and a person for Ethan) are at the resort too. If I go to the grocery store in my small town I might not see two people I know. In a resort in another state what are the odds of meeting two people you know who are at the same resort and must have won the same trip.*End Spoiler*

I also didn't think Ethan and Olive's siblings were as developed as they needed to be for the events that happen after Olive and Ethan return. Honestly, after they returned I was just overall not loving pretty much everything that happened. This book was more of a 4/5 for me while in Maui. Once we got back, things took a turn for the worst.

The epilogue in this book also didn't work for me. I felt like the characters hadn't fully learned their lessons from past mistakes.

Many people love this book so I won't say don't read it. In fact, if you love Christina Lauren you are almost guaranteed to enjoy it (and I did enjoy it) but it also wasn't quite as good as I hoped based on all the hype.
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LibraryThing member ethel55
Olive Torrres' twin Ami is getting married! Although identical, the two have very different personalities and traits. Ami is quite confident and this spills over into her voracious contest entering good luck, where, you guessed it, most of the wedding is free. When the entire wedding party and
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guest list is sickened by the (free) seafood buffet, only Olive (who is allergic) and the groom's brother Ethan (who is a germaphobe about buffets) remain standing, as recipients of the roasted chicken instead. Naturally, Ami's honeymoon comes with a lot of restrictions including no cancellations. It doesn't take much for Olive and Ethan to say yes to filling in and leaving cold Minnesota in January for Maui. Anyone can co-exist for ten days, right? I really like this kind of set up in a book. The dialogue was sharp and snappy, reminiscent of a good old rom-com movie on tv. The romance had it's share of ups, downs and humorous coincidences, which made for a quick fun read.
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LibraryThing member shazjhb
Too predictable. Too easy. Good for beach
LibraryThing member Carolesrandomlife
I had fun with this romance! I have seen so many glowing reviews for books written by the writing duo of Christina Lauren over the past couple of years. I have really wanted to give their work a try but for one reason or another, this was actually the first time I actually fit one of their books
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into my reading schedule. I will be honest in that this was not earth-shattering in any way but I thought it was a fun enjoyable read.

Romance with a bit of humor and great banter? Sign me up! This book did have a lot of great elements despite the fact that there really weren't any big surprises in the story. This wasn't the kind of book that had me laughing out loud but I found several sections of the book rather amusing.

Olive and Ami are twins. The book opens on Ami's wedding day. Things go poorly at the wedding leaving everyone ill. Since the bride and groom can't go on the honeymoon, the Olive and Ethan, the groom's brother, go in their place. Oh yeah, Olive and Ethan don't exactly get along so it should prove to be an interesting trip.

I liked Olive and Ethan and thought that they worked well together. I thought that they had some great chemistry and I enjoyed their banter. It was very eye-opening to learn a bit about their history as they dealt with some of the situations they encountered on their trip. I think that this story was really at its best when the focus was completely on Olive and Ethan without mixing in any of the complications they had to contend with.

I thought that there were times where the story got a little unnecessarily complicated. I really would have loved to see these two at the resort without dealing with people from their lives popping up all of the time. I am also not completely sure that I wanted Olive to forgive Ethan at the end of the book. His mistake was a pretty big one and I am not sure that I would have been able to get over it if I were in her shoes. These are really minor things that didn't have a big impact on my enjoyment of the book.

I would recommend this book to others. I found myself wanting to take a trip to Hawaii because of some of the descriptions in this story. I had a great time watching Olive and Ethan fall in love and can't wait to read more from this writing duo in the future!

I received a digital review copy of this book from Gallery, Threshold, Pocket Books via NetGalley.
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LibraryThing member ecataldi
This book made me LOL in real life. It was so freaking cute and witty; I read it in one afternoon and couldn't put it down. I loved the banter, I loved the characters, and I loved that even though you know exactly what's going to happen you can't stop reading because it's so much fun. When Olive is
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forced to go on a luxury honeymoon with her worst nemesis, her brother in law, Ethan. She isn't exactly thrilled. I mean she's pumped for the free drinks, snorkeling, and views; but gross, she has to share it with a guy who literally can't stand the sight of her. After the world's most revolting wedding where everyone except Ethan and Olive gets sick from fish (yay for shellfish allergies and buffet phobia!), Olive's twin sister INSISTS that she take the free honeymoon she won since she reuses to let it go to waste. What could wrong. A cute romcom that was delightful from start to finish. An excellent beach read :)
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LibraryThing member Auntie-Nanuuq
Cute, funny, romantic, & suspenseful, in an Oh,oh kind of way.

Ami & Olive are identical twin sisters. Dane & Ethan are brothers.

When Ami plans her & Dane's wedding almost everything is free or a prize, including the seafood buffet... Neither Olive or Ethan eat from the buffet: Olive hates seafood,
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Ethan hates the bacteria build up.... So, when everyone at the reception becomes ill because of toxic shellfish, except Olive & Ethan, Ami & Dane are not able to go on their free-all-expense-paid Maui honeymoon. Instead Olive & Ethan go in their stead.

What turns out to be two people who through manipulation & misunderstanding hate each other taking a honeymoon together turns into romance.

We find out exactly why Dane has been warning Ethan away from Olive, whom he has been hot for since he met her..... we find out that Dane isn't the "perfect loving" fiance/husband he's pretending to be..... Of course Olive figures it out & when she does Ami, Dane & Ethan turn against her.....

What's a girl to do?

Once again my only gripe is men are not like Ethan... never have been, never will be, and this sets false expectations in real life.
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LibraryThing member xhollishx
I loved this book! The main character is great. She's hilarious and kept me really interested in the story. But honestly, all the characters kept me interested in the story and what would happen next. I feel like I relate to the bad luck the main character has, so I feel her pain. The story was
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great and a lot more than I expected. Very entertaining and a fast read. I will be looking for more books by this author!
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LibraryThing member bookczuk
Given by a friend to BookCross. Have read a couple of books by these two co-authors, and find them to be a great fun break between other genres. This was no exception to their rule.
LibraryThing member StefanieGeeks
Not my favorite Christian Lauren, but still fun. Made me yearn for a trip to Hawaii... maybe I was just too jealous of the characters to enjoy it.
LibraryThing member haymaai
‘The Unhoneymooners’ is a delightful, romance novel about Ethan and Olive, two adversaries who end up visiting Hawaii as fake honeymooners when Olive’s sister and Ethan’s brother became suddenly ill from food poisoning. Olive and her sister are twins, and Olive is always the unlucky one.
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With a lot of amusing banter, Olive despises her brother-in-law Ethan, and only after they spend ten wondrous days on Maui in Hawaii, do they realize how misrepresented they both were about each other. Not only do sparks fly between them on their island trip, but they also ‘coincidentally’ run into Olive’s new boss, as well as Ethan’s previous girlfriend. These encounters truly create some amusing situations, as well as complicate their fake honeymoon.
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LibraryThing member Narshkite
Super cute happy read. Olive was so negative in the beginning, and Ethan so reasonable. it was hard to root for them for a while. I liked Olive's strength, just not her cynicism (maybe if we knew where it came from, but it was just there.) Amy's perfectionism also rankled a bit. Note to the reader
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of the audiobook: learn how to pronounce Minnesota places. Edina is a long I, like vagina, not like farina. And Mankato rhymes with tornado, not mulatto. Its hard when you know and it made me nuts. Still fun, Ethan is adorable and I liked the family dynamic a lot.
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LibraryThing member mplantenga11
I could tell you from the description exactly how the story would end but that didn't take away from this hilarious novel. Yes, we all could guess that the two people who hate each other would end up in love after a 10-day vacation they were forced to go on. What I couldn't tell you was all of the
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bantering and side plots that really made this story a good one. I flew through this book because I just wanted to stay in the ever-changing world of Olive and Ethan, and they didn't disappoint.
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LibraryThing member amandanan
Read in one sitting and laughed more times than I can count! Would be a great read for a long weekend or next to a body of water somewhere. With a mai tai in hand, of course.
LibraryThing member bookworm12
A classic rom com where two people who hate each other are forced to spend time together. In this case it’s on a trip to Hawaii. The descriptions of the island and their adventures is half the fun. I love Ethan and Olive’s snarky antagonistic relationship. Olive’s strong supportive family is
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another highlight of the book. I loved that Olive stands up for herself and doesn’t cave when she feels strongly about something. A perfect summer read!
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LibraryThing member teachlz
Christina Lauren, Authors of “The UNHONEYMOONERS” has written an entertaining, witty, amusing, delightful story. The Genres for this Novel are Fiction, Women’s Fiction, Romance, and Humor. The story takes place in the present. The authors describe their characters as complex, complicated,
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quirky and dysfunctional.

Ami and Olive are identical twins but have different personalities. Olive considers herself unlucky and can back it up with many stories. Just be sure not to eat or be drinking anything when you read them. Ami is not only lucky, but she also has a skill of winning many contests. Her current wedding and mostly everything with it has been won in contests, and is free.

If it sounds too good to be true, you know something is up. It seems that the only two people that don’t eat from the free buffet are Olive and Ethan, the groom’s brother. Everyone else at the wedding gets severe food poisoning, and it is decided that Olive and Ethan will go on a free honeymoon. The big problem is that both Olive and Ethan have a complicated history, and consider themselves enemies. The ‘Unhoneymoon is in Hawaii.

Both decide that it will be a free vacation with no problems, but of course, little do they know. I would highly recommend this humorous book for those readers who enjoy a delightful story.
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LibraryThing member Castlelass
Olive’s twin sister and Ethan’s brother have just gotten married. Olive and Ethan take a trip to Maui that was intended to be her sister’s honeymoon trip. The bride and groom could not make it due to illness. Olive and Ethan dislike each other intensely but do not want to let the trip go to
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waste. Later, the newlyweds experience serious marital issues.

Soooo….I am not a fan of romance and this is not a book I would normally pick up, but I read it for a group. The setup is outlandish. The plot resembles a soap opera. The humor is sarcastic in a mean way. The outcome is predictable. I was puzzled by the addition of a heavy topic, into what otherwise is a romantic comedy. It is as if two people wrote it and mashed it together, which apparently is the case.

I figured I might enjoy the humor, and there are a few light moments. Obviously, humor is an individual taste, and many people enjoyed it. For me, it would have worked better if the serious part had been omitted and it were solely an entertaining comedy.
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LibraryThing member clp412
I loved this book! It was the exact RomCom I needed. Olive and Ami are twins in a Mexican American family and the love and support and humor of the extended family was fabulous. Ethan, who goes on the "un"honeymoon with Olive was my favorite character. I laughed out loud numerous times and will be
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recommending this to others! Thank you to Galley Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this wonderful book!!
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LibraryThing member purpledog
Cute rom-com that was funny, especially the first half of the book. I loved the snarky comments between the two main characters Olive and Ethan. The subplot worked well too. I felt for both characters and kept wishing they would just talk about the stuff that was bothering them. A little bit of
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communication would have gone a long way. But then the story wouldn't have been as good.

Perfect beach read with great characters and a good plot. Enough happened that I stayed interested all the way to the end.
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LibraryThing member ftbooklover
Olive is serving as maid of honor for her twin sister, Ami's wedding. She must unhappily spend time with Ethan, the much hated brother of Ami's new husband, Dane. When everyone at the reception except for Ethan and Olive get food poisoning, they are the only two left to go on the nonrefundable
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honeymoon to Hawaii. The more time Olive and Ethan spend together, the more barriers break down between them, but what happens when they return home to the reality of a lie they told Olive's new employer and the possibility of Dane's infidelity?

Olive and Ethan are likable characters in this fun, fast-paced romance. The dialogue between them is snappy, snarky, and down right enjoyable to read. Depth is added to the story with the addition of some serious topics at different points in their relationship, which also makes this a much more believable story. The only sticking point I have is the lie that she tells her perspective boss at the beginning of the story, but otherwise this is an entertaining and amusing romance.
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LibraryThing member bookwyrmm
Fun rom-com, but the title part of the story was too fluffy compared to the more meaty beginning and end.


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Physical description

416 p.; 8.25 inches


1501128035 / 9781501128035
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