Classics in Management : Selections from the Historic Literature of Management

by Harwood F. Merrill

Paper Book, 1960



Call number

IBMC Library - HD 30 M4775c


New York : American Management Association

Local notes

An address to the superintendent of manufactories
Robert Owen
On the division of labor
Charles Babbage
The science of administration
Captain Henry Metcalfe
The engineer as an economist
Henry Robinson Towne
The stuy, piece work, and the first-class man
Frederick Winslow Taylor
What is scientific management?
Frederick Winslow Taylor
The principles of scientific management
Frederick Winslow Taylor
A bonus system of rewarding labor
Henry Laurence Gantt
Training workmen in habits of industry and cooperation
Henry Laurence Gantt
The parting of the ways
Henry Laurence Gantt
Organization as affected by purpose and conditions
Russell Robb
The first principle: Clearly defined ideals
Harrington Emerson
The principles of management
Alexander Hamilton Church, Leon Pratt Alford
General principles of management
Henry Fayol
Science in management for the best way to do work
Frank Bunker Gilbreth
A professional creed for management
Oliver Sheldon
Management as a profession
Mary Parker Follett
The essentials of leadership
Mary Parker Follett
Management and the optimum
Harry Arthur Hopf
The first inquiry
George Elton Mayo
Hawthorne and the Western Electric Company
George Elton Mayo
Some further comments on the interview experiment
George Elton Mayo.
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