Mahamudra Retreat with Lama Zopa Rinpoche

by Lama Zopa Rinpoche

DVD, 2006




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In April 2004 Lama Zopa Rinpoche led a 25 day Mahamudra retreat at Buddha House in Australia. This 128- hour interactive 2-DVD set features all the teachings of this remarkable retreat. The design enables easier student access to the vast wealth of detailed information presented. The presentation
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features regular labeled bookmarks enabling swift navigation to particular topics, prayers and so forth.

The video of Rinpoche chanting is synchronized to relevant text pages from Essential Buddhist Prayers, an FPMT Prayer Book. Clicking on the index marked for the Heart Sutra, for example, shows Rinpoche leading the students in chanting while the text of the Sutra is displayed, enabling the viewer to easily practice chanting. Rinpoche gives much advice on exactly how to pronounce and chant many verses, including protector prayers and daily practice.

These DVDs sprang directly from the clear instructions from Lama Zopa Rinpoche who described how good it would be for students who want, for example, to learn Tibetan chanting to be able to read the text while watching the video.
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