Oregon's Transition Resource Handbook; Moving Forward Together 2021-22

by Oregon Department of Education

Pamphlet, 2021



Oregon's Transition Resource Handbook: Moving Forward Together serves as guidance to educators, administrators, and their partners, including parents, agency partners, and stakeholders across Oregon. As of April 1, 2021, it includes an important Addendum with updates the State Expectations. The Handbook has been revised as of September 1, 2021.

Join the Oregon Department of Education in “Moving Forward Together” to help Oregon
students with disabilities reach their goals!
Successfully advancing a student with disabilities from secondary school to postschool
options requires time, resources, multiple agencies, and many dedicated people. Congress
recognized the complexities of transition planning by outlining transition services in IDEA
2004. The primary purpose of IDEA was to “ensure that all children with disabilities have
available to them a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) that emphasizes special
education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for
further education, employment, and independent living.”
The Oregon Transition Resource Handbook 2021-22 adheres to the same purpose by
providing administrators, teachers, families, students, and other agencies with the resources
to develop a transition plan for each individual student. This handbook reinforces that:
• Transition is not a place; it is a continuum of services; and,
• Transition plans and services are not a program; but services to meet the student’s
unique needs.
This handbook explores 1) current relevant issues facing educators, families, and students;
2) information on transition indicators, post school outcomes and predictors; 3) IEP
requirements including case examples; and 4) extensive resources.


Transition Technical Assistance Network (TTAN)



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