Contextual Essay Accompanying, Adventures in the Wonderland: Process-Oriented Psychology Board Game

by Maciej Gendek

Manuscript, 2011



Call number




A Final Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master’s Degree in Conflict Facilitation and Organizational Change, Process Work Institute, Portland, OR

Local notes

I begin by describing the basic idea of my game and the exercises that are its core. Players are to be aged 15/16 and more. Through playing the game, I hope that participants will develop a richer repertoire of reactions to different life situations. Next I offer my thinking behind creating the game, and illustrate the ideas and tools of Process-Oriented Psychology (POP). I hope that working on ourselves can be done in a playful way and be supported by a community of people. Bringing back the spirit of childhood, when we used to play different games together with our friends, will be helpful in this regard. As individual members work on themselves, each group will get to know itself better, too. The reader is then invited on my journey while creating the game, from the first dream through different experiences I had before the final version was created. There were difficult moments when I hesitated to bring it out and moments of happiness when the game was well-received. I learned from this process both personally and as a Process Work student, and I feel the playful part of me better now. Successful experiences of using the game are described. I include feedback from participants and show how incorporating this both ensured its quality and shaped the final form of the exercises. Also, I write of any ethical dilemmas that I’ve encountered during the whole process. Finally, I address how the game contributes to the field of conflict facilitation through enabling groups to get to know themselves and spreading POP to the general public. One of its main limitations is that a facilitator needs to have some PW experience. Recommendations for further development of the game: trying it out with various groups and facilitating it by people new to POP.


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