Metavision, Metaskills, and Process Mind: Integrating traditions for clinical practice

by Christina Nielsen

Manuscript, June 2018



Call number




Process Work Institute, Portland, Oregon

Local notes

This educational essay looks at the way a course in Holistic Counselling and
Psychotherapy at the Metavision Institute in Australia blends the three philosophical paradigms
of social work, Chinese medicine, and Anthroposophy, with Process Work. It demonstrates how
this blending of philosophical systems is not only in keeping with the vision of Dr. Arnold
Mindell, the founder of Process Work, but with the Zeitgeistā€”the spirit of the times.
The Metaskills of the various paradigms, which influenced the development of the
Metavision Model and curriculum, are identified. With the exception of social work, this essay
shows that each paradigm has, at its heart, a connection with an intelligent universal
consciousness which is akin to Process Mind of Process Work; hence, the title: Metavision,
Metaskills, and Process Mind.
This essay shows how a blending of Process Work and other major awareness and
wellness paradigms contributes much-needed solutions to the pressing problems of rising mental
health issues, loss of meaning in individual lives, and connection to community and nature. It is
intended to encourage others who endeavor to combine major paradigms with Process Work.
This makes a contribution to Process Work, and to the spread of Process Work in the world. This
contributes to the Zeitgeist in the powerful and quickly changing times in which we live.


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