The Rembrandt Affair

by Daniel Silva

Paperback, 2010


½ (420 ratings; 4)


Michael Joseph (2010), Edition: Export ed


Severing his ties with the Office to care for his traumatized wife after a violent showdown with Ivan Kharkov, Gabriel is reluctantly drawn into a case involving a murdered art restorer and discovers unsettling links between the killers and a recently discovered Rembrandt.

User reviews

LibraryThing member khager
This was my first Daniel Silva novel and I have totally been missing out! In case you are also in this boat, don't feel like you have to catch up--I followed the action in this book very well.

Gabriel Allon is an art restorer/expert assassin. He's retired (from killing), though, and looks forward to
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a peaceful retirement with his wife.

Of course, things don't go according to plan. He's recruited to help find a stolen Rembrandt painting, and all hell breaks loose.

At first I thought this might be a fun, Thomas Crown-style book, but it really isn't. It's got international intrigue and politics and really scary people (there's a big Holocaust subplot). It's a thick book (476 pages, not counting the author's note) but it reads like a beach novel.

Definitely recommended.
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LibraryThing member readafew
A man is killed. A Rembrandt is stolen. Again. Gabriel Allon is asked by a friend to try to recover it. Gabriel finds a lot more than he bargained for, the history of this painting is soaked in blood and it's future is not looking to clean either. It’s a story of international intrigue, and a
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history lesson on the Dutch participation in the Holocaust.

I’ve read 2 of the previous Gabriel Allon books and while I enjoyed them they didn’t come close to The Rembrandt Affair, this one just grabbed me and I didn’t like having to set it down. Each of the books I’ve read has a little history lesson on the Holocaust and some party or countries participation. The history here was some I’d never heard before and really appreciated the information.

Overall, a great story, an intense read and educational as well as enjoyable. The best one I’ve read in the series so far.
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LibraryThing member AnneliM
as his characters age, so seems to be the story; less thrilling than some of the earlier books of the series
LibraryThing member williwhy
This was my least favorite of the Allon books. It was an interesting story, but it was just so linear. Here's the problem, okay we'll do this, problem solved. Here's the next problem. The only plot twist was so clearly telegraphed it might as well have been shown on the cover. It wasn't a bad book,
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it wasn't a chore to read, but it wasn't a joy either.
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LibraryThing member MSWallack
This is a somewhat difficult book to review. I enjoyed the book very much and the story, in particular the elements related to the Holocaust, were both moving and important. In addition, I have become such a fan of Gabriel Allon; he is one of my favorite current characters. Picking up a and reading
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a new Allon book is a bit like putting on a comfy old shirt; things just feel right. With that said, this wasn't the strongest book in the Allon canon probably because too much of the story felt a bit familiar. Add to that the near silence of one important character (she was in plenty of scenes, but had little to say) left me wanting more. Nevertheless, any Allon book is worth reading and this review and my rating really must be considered in light of the quality of the overall series, not an indictment of the book itself.
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LibraryThing member Doondeck
First of this series without Allon being beaten senseless by some adversary. Interesting story about the painting and very current about Iran. Silva should refrain from his cheap shots at the Obama administration.
LibraryThing member Clara53
I didn't enjoy this book as much as the previous two Gabriel Allon novels. I have a feeling, though, that I would have been much more impressed with it had it been my first book by Mr.Silva. It's as if the author has run out of new ideas and situations to put his characters in. Nevertheless, it was
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a page-turner as usual, but just technically, so-to-speak.
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LibraryThing member shazjhb
Good detective story. Pleased the main characters were not killed off.
LibraryThing member wrensong
This is the finest Daniel Silva novel to date. The characters are fully fleshed out with people you get to know and care about. Gabriel Allon matures in each phase of his adventure...Love the speed at which the story advances, but never to fast or twisting to lose track of the story line..
LibraryThing member bettyejune
Not only an interesting story but educational is an era of history. Much about the art world.
LibraryThing member khiemstra631
I listened to this book while driving on vacation, and I found it very suspenseful. In fact, I had to stop listening at times because I could not bear the level of tension. Gabriel, now retired from the Israeli intelligence service, is living in Cornwall with his wife. A mysterious Rembrandt
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painting goes missing, and a murder is part of the theft. Gabriel becomes involved in recovering the painting as do the intelligence services of Israel, Britain and the U.S. Although Gabriel is not directly involved in the action, he is the planning master-mind. So, it's not quite like the earlier novels when he gets knocked about a lot, but it's still a good read.
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LibraryThing member Roonshad
I am biased to this author. I absolutely am into this series and believe it to be one of the best. I have read all the previous books and there is some redundancy but the story is always relevant and the characters are interesting
LibraryThing member KLTMD
worst book in the series. manages to make the Holocaust an appendage to a comic book, and not a Classic Comic. Formulaic and sophmoric.
LibraryThing member artlibrarian1
The characters are like family and in this latest book, we are prepared for saying good bye to Ari Shomron. Another thrilling tale set admidst the current political tensions in the world.
LibraryThing member repb
Although I love this author, I must admit I am getting weary of the Gabriel Allon series. If it had been the first or second, it would have been fine. He is a masterful writer nevertheless. HOWEVER, with that said I must also add that one of the reasons I admire Silva so much is due to his lack of
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profanity. Yet, as far as I recall this book uses the dreaded 'f' word at least twice. True moderation indeed but I ask myself WHY? Why now? It certainly did nothing to improve anything!
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LibraryThing member sprocto
Daniel Silva is always a good read!
LibraryThing member PegSwaney
Gabriel comes off retirement to track Nazi stolen Rembrandt. Good
LibraryThing member SharronA
Excellent reader -- distinguished voices, accents, and genders without overdoing it. As exciting as any Gabriel Allon story, and incredibly timely for the current world situation. I don't usually like abridged audiobooks, but this one was almost 7 hours and didn't seem to leave out anything
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LibraryThing member SuseGordon
An espionage thriller starting with the appearance & theft of an unknown Rembrandt masterpiece. Gabriel Allon, a "retired" Israeli operative is involved in looking into the theft which quickly spirals into much more. Nazi war criminal actions by fathers either embraced by the sons or reviled. A
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British Journalist, Israeli, American & British Intelligence, Swiss Banks, security, and a German-Swiss Billionaire philanthropist all match wits to come out the winner and hide the truth. An intricate and exciting read!
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LibraryThing member CaliforniaGardener
Daniel Silva is my absolute favorite espionage writer! I've recommended his books to several friends and they've all read all of Silva's books now. The Rembrandt Affair did not disappoint. Can't wait for his new book to come out July, 2011.
LibraryThing member neddludd
There's nothing new here. Silva updates his series featuring Gideon Allon, the superhero art restorer and Israeli secret agent, to incorporate the latest technological spy toys. Given the real world fact that sites are hacked into every day, computer security and insecurity is a problem that will
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not go away soon. But Allon uses the toys available to him to save the world once again. He chases a missing painting, and in the process identifies a huge fortune amassed by an SS monster during WWII. That treasure is now controlled by a Swiss magnate and the novel centers on stopping this man's evil activities. Readers move from Cornwall to London to Switzerland and see how it's done.The plotting is strong, and it all goes down very easily, although the repeitiveness of the basic premise and central characters mitigate the book's impact.
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LibraryThing member jmchshannon
Thanks to Lisa from TLC Book Tours, I was able to read this fantastic thriller by Daniel Silva. Rather than follow my regular review format, the publisher presented me with a questionnaire to complete that will hopefully whet your appetite a bit for this wonderful novel. Without further ado...

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you were to write a blurb in fewer than three sentences for THE REMBRANDT AFFAIR, what would it be?

Gabriel Allon, master art restorer and infamous spy and assassin, is forced out of retirement to help a friend recover a stolen item, but what starts out as a simple robbery deepens into a mystery that will place Allon firmly back into the world of espionage and international politics. A sleek, sophisticated thriller for the 21st Century, THE REMBRANDT AFFAIR will leave you on the edge of your seat crying for justice, as Allon races around the world to right one of the largest evils of the twentieth century.

Gabriel Allon is a talented spy and assassin, but also a master art restorer. If you could have two careers that seem to be complete opposites, what would they be?

I already do: writer and accountant! To me, the two are nothing alike. One is very exact, very rule-based, logical and impartial. The other is emotional, creative, and free. They definitely require usage of two different portions of the brain.

What three words would you use to describe the character of Gabriel Allon?

Dedicated, compassionate, committed.

THE REMBRANDT AFFAIR takes the reader all over the world. Of all the locations mentioned, which would be your ideal vacation spot?

My ideal vacation spot would be Amsterdam. I have been there once before at least a decade ago and fell in love with the city. There is so much to do there and so much to see. I would love to go back and explore those areas of the city we did not get to see the first time I was there.

Art theft plays a major role in the novel. If no crime were involved, what piece of art would you like to have in your home?

As cheesy at it sounds, I would love to have either Van Gogh's Sunflowers or Starry Nights. Either one speaks to me in a way that no other art work has. Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers, so looking at that piece of art automatically cheers me up, while Starry Nights calms me down and forces me to relax.

Zoe Reed is a powerful female character in the novel. Tell us about an influential woman in your life.

One of the most influential women in my life is my former mentor and manager. From the very first, she took me under her wing to help guide me around the intricacies of the business. More importantly, she taught me the importance of balance and priorities. When my children were sick, she all but kicked me out the door to go get them, never concerned about my work but more concerned that I was there for my children when they needed me. When I was searching for my next challenge and attempting to envision my future, she supported me, gave me advice on her experiences and never once prevented me from putting my resume in for different jobs. Her mantra was that it was my career, and that she would not hold me back from what I wanted to do. It was a lesson in management and leadership that I wish others would learn. I remain grateful for her influence and her lessons and strive hard to keep that balance and hope to pass it along to my future employees, if I ever decide to make the leap into management.

Who was your favorite "good guy" in THE REMBRANDT AFFAIR and why?
My favorite character was Zoe Reed. She was sensible and realistic. She was able to put aside her hurt feelings and raw emotions to do what she felt was right. She has a strong sense of ethics and does not let anything compromise that. Also, one cannot help but feel a bit sorry for her that she was thrust into certain situations when all she was doing was trying to live her life in accordance with her own morals and dreams.

All of the technology discussed in the novel is real. Does any of it surprise you?

There were no surprises in the technology discussed in the novel. In fact, I am positive that there is even more ultra-sensitive espionage technology out there that most of us have never before contemplated. The current technology available to most civilians lends itself well to the espionage game. Let's face it, secrets are what make the world go round.

What celebrity would play Gabriel Allon if THE REMBRANDT AFFAIR were on the big screen?

I could see Pierce Brosnan making an excellent Gabriel Allon. He has physique and ability to showcase cold-heartedness and compassion all at once.

Which fellow book-loving, blogging friend do you think would enjoy THE REMBRANDT AFFAIR? Tag them here and we will mail a finished copy of the novel!

Andi from Estella's Revenge is the first one to come to mind!! Enjoy, Andi!

On a personal note, this was the first time I have ever read a novel of Mr. Silva's. I was completely entranced by the richness of the characters he has created and will definitely be searching out his other works to learn more about Gabriel Allon.
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LibraryThing member norinrad10
What a guilty pleasure and what an enjoyable one. I've been reading Silva for at least 15 years and can honestly say he gets better all the time. The main character in these books, Mossad agent Gabriel Allion, is one of the best characters in fiction. He is an intellectual who is never afraid of
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violence. One of the best things about these books is their complete lack of political correctness. There is no trying to understand the bad guys, no wrestling with demons, just straight ahead matching wits and doing what they feel needs to be done. Just a fun book that is well researched.
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LibraryThing member drmom62
Most of this book is reminiscent of previous books with a certain degree of repetition. The final 100 pages are more interesting.
LibraryThing member bohemiangirl35
Daniel Silva does it again! I'm ready for the next one!


Dublin Literary Award (Longlist — 2012)


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0718155297 / 9780718155292

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