


½ (180 ratings; 3.9)


For many long years, Atlee Pine was tormented by uncertainty after her twin sister, Mercy, was abducted at the age of six and never seen again. Now, just as Atlee is pressured to end her investigation into Mercy's disappearance, she finally gets her most promising breakthrough yet: the identity of her sister's kidnapper, Ito Vincenzo. With time running out, Atlee and her assistant Carol Blum race to Vincenzo's last known location in Trenton, New Jersey -- and unknowingly stumble straight into John Puller's case, blowing his arrest during a drug ring investigation involving a military installation. Stunningly, Pine and Puller's joint investigation uncovers a connection between Vincenzo's family and a breathtaking scheme that strikes at the very heart of global democracy. Peeling back the layers of deceit, lies and cover-ups, Atlee finally discovers the truth about what happened to Mercy. And that truth will shock Pine to her very core.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member atticusfinch1048
Daylight – An Atlee Pine Classic

Daylight is the latest outing for Baldacci’s FBI Special Agent Atlee Pine and her search for her missing sister, Mercy. Picking up on where A Minute to Midnight left off, this book is a seamless continuation of Pine’s long-time search for her sister.

In the
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search for information about her sister’s disappearance Atlee Pine has been given time off from the FBI and has a couple of weeks to resolve her case. She heads over to New Jersey and the Grandson of the person who stole away her sister. Which brings her crashing into Army CID officer John Puller’s case.

Finding that they have common cause they work together and that brings them in to the sight lines of people with money, power and drugs. Especially when witnesses disappear or are killed, and their case is closed down without any reason. By investigating the joint case Atlee is kidnapped and looks like she is being set up. But pining something on Atlee will not be easy, she is many things, stupid is not one of them.

What Atlee does learn in New Jersey and New York, means she has to head back down south and with the help of the local police and a former sheriff, discovers a leader that brings her a lot closer to her sister. She finds a couple of breadcrumbs that give her hope for her to continue her search, whilst shocking her to the core.

David Baldacci has once again written an engrossing thriller that draws you in and leaves you wanting more. Baldacci is the king of the page turner and this book is an example of that.
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LibraryThing member ronploude
Despite having been a Baldacci fan for many years, this is the first Atlee Pine book that I’ve read. In this third book in the series, Pine is on a quest to find her twin sister who was kidnapped at the age of six. As she tries to question someone who might give her a lead to finding her sister,
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she inadvertently interferes with a case that John Puller, a Baldacci series character, is working on. From that point on, Pine assists Puller in this case with the expectation that it may potentially lead to clues about her sister’s fate.

Being a fan of Puller’s character, I wanted the main character in this Atlee Pine book to switch to him. It didn’t! Pine had that roll. This became evident about midway in the book when Puller is shot and hospitalized. Pine picks up his investigation and makes major progress in uncovering the crime taking place and the high-level players involved in it. Unfortunately, the persistence with which she pursues these criminals results in associates and witnesses being either captured or murdered by the bad guys. The ultimate mystery throughout the book is who are the high-level people in this criminal enterprise who have the power to block an Army Intelligence investigation at seemingly every turn.

After wrapping up the case and turning it over to the FBI, Pine tracks down her sister using the information gathered from a drug dealer's beach house. She finds that her sister was imprisoned, but not killed by her kidnapper. Unfortunately, the people who imprisoned her on the kidnapper’s behalf are dead and her sister has, again, disappeared. This was a necessary book conclusion, as, without it, the Atlee Pine series would end. In the next book, we can therefore expect Pine to take up the search for her sister where this book ended.

Not accomplishing the goal that the book’s main character set out to achieve doesn’t mean that this book leaves the reader frustrated. It is a stand-alone book that leaves a reader satisfied and that makes them want to read the next one but doesn’t compel them to do so.
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LibraryThing member Helsky
This third book in Atlee Pine series starts where the second book ended. Atlee wants to find out what happened to her twin sister Mercy thirty years ago. With her assistant Carol Blum she travels to New Jersey in search of the kidnapper and his family. In the very beginning she bumps into John
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Puller who is also investigating a crime involving Atlee's person of interest. Together they face violence and deceit. And unexpectedly resistance from people in high places. Their opponents seem to be one step ahead in every aspect of the case. John's brother Robert is also drawn to the case.
I like Atlee Pine. She is fiercely loyal and fair. Carol supports her and softens her sharp edges. This book is very fast paced and exciting. A real edge of the seat thriller. I like how there is also another case to be solved while Atlee is exploring her past. We do learn more about Atlee's family, but the search is not over. I can't believe I have to wait for a whole year to read the next book. Baldacci knows how to keep the reader hooked.
Thank you NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for a copy of this book.
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LibraryThing member kimkimkim
There is a whole lot going on in this book. Moving on from the second book in the series, “A Minute to Midnight”, FBI Special Agent, Atlee Pine is still searching for her missing sister Mercy. Along with her assistant Carol Blum, Agent Pine travels from her home base in Shattered Rock, Arizona
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to Trenton, NJ. The landscape is different and so are the characters she is investigating. Mobsters, drugs, insidious and nefarious going’s on. She will follow any lead that might help her find out what happened to Mercy. “The road to Mercy had been long and tortuous, and some days the destination seemed as unreachable as the summit of Mt. Everest.”

After a major miscue, Atlee hooks up with John Puller, a righteous colleague who is Army CID and with whom she has history. His presence adds familiarity and balance. Alone and together they become embroiled in a few murders, mayhem, and ultimate pandemonium. She kicks, she fights, she shoots, she defends, she puzzles it out. Nothing is making sense, she plays the players and is played as well. She ultimately discovers a hydra of unimaginable proportions.

Baldacci has presented a truly horrifying scenario and placed his heroine smack in the center of the eternal conundrum; Means vs Ends. There are so many questions: Can Atlee break the chain of corruption? Will she find her sister? Why did her mother leave her? Why was her father killed? Who is going to die next? Does anyone have any ethics? Is there going to be a fourth volume in this series? I look forward to it.

Thank you NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for a copy
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LibraryThing member Judiex
Atlee Pine’s search to find out what happened to her twin sister Mercy who was kidnapped when they were six years old was derailed when she became involved in other investigations. Her boss is anxious for her to return to her base but agreed to give her and her assistant Carol Blum a few more
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days to try to resolve the disappearance.

Following up on a clue she had about the identity of the kidnapper, she proceeded to his grandson’s house, only to destroy another investigation being worked by a former associate, John Puller. The suspect escaped and Pine and Puller joined forces to solve both cases.

It didn’t go easily. They became involved trying to solve a plot to damage the US involving drugs, sex, lies, and coverups at in the police department and high levels of government.

DAYLIGHT offers a lot of violence and eventually Atlee does learn more about both her sister and her parents.

Baldacci displays a lack of knowledge in some areas (e.g., knitting: “stitch one, purl two” instead of “knit one, purl two) .

DAYLIGHT is cursed with unnecessarily short chapters: 78 in 406 pages. Huge waste of paper and low level of respect for the readers’ intelligence. There is also too much repetition.

The story moves fairly well but the plot is too far out to be realistic. There will have to be a follow-up (hopefully only one) to finally resolve the Mercy story. What’s given doesn’t make much sense.

I miss Baldacci’s earlier writing.
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LibraryThing member thewanderingjew
Daylight, David Baldacci, author; Brittany Pressley, Kyf Brewer, narrators
This is a relatively new series about a female detective searching for information about her twin sister, Mercy Pine, who disappeared when they were 6 years old. This is the third book in the series. Now Atlee Pine is in her
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thirties. She is an FBI agent, and she is trying to clear her head so she can work without being compromised by her need to find her missing sister and mother. Her mother was a mole planted inside the Mafia. After she was exposed, the family was placed into witness protection, but when their location was discovered, it seemed safer to move them to another place where they could hide more successfully. They sent an agent to protect and watch over the family.
In this novel, Atlee winds up working with John Puller, of the CID (who has his own series), when she messes up a collar he was about to make on the man she was seeking in order to question him about her sister’s disappearance. She suspects that the man, Tony Vincenzo, is related to the man who abducted her sister and seriously injured her in the process. That man is Eto Vincenzo who disappeared.
After she bungles his arrest, she decides to make it up to Puller and begins to aid him in his investigation. It seems like a natural outgrowth of the circumstances since both have the same family under surveillance. Her assistant, Carol Blum is actively working both cases with her. When it becomes apparent that high-powered people are manipulating the investigation, the story travels off into many directions which I did not feel were knitted that well together. However, Atlee does discover many pertinent facts about her sister which may help her find her missing twin. In the process, she helps to break up a criminal blackmail scheme involved in drugs and sex.
To quickly summarize: Atlee is searching for her sister. In that search, she soon works with Agent Puller. When his associate, a CID agent is murdered, she and Puller pursue the gunman. An unknown “policeman” shoots the suspect. As the investigation proceeds and clues are uncovered, it leads to a far broader criminal plot than was originally thought. Everyone involved is in grave danger because high powered people seem to be involved and are pulling strings to prevent the investigation from going forward. Puller and Atlee never give up!
Everyone Atlee seems to contact eventually winds up dead or gravely injured or in danger of being gravely injured. She seems to be the cat with nine lives, the brightest bulb in the box. Atlee seemed to jump to several conclusions, but often, I was never sure how she arrived there. She spends a lot of time agonizing, crying a lot and bending over to vomit whenever she feels overwhelmed. It was too emotional rather than cerebral, and it seemed to be written for women rather than the normal general audience Baldacci novels usually attract. I was disappointed. The book had too many tangents and too many characters popping up and then dropping with little or no impact on the conclusion of the novel. The saving grace was that the author somehow kept me engaged, but the book seemed to be more chick lit than mystery.
The narrators are really good, capturing the personalities of the characters uniquely and adding just the right amount of emotion and tension to the reading. Often, though, the author has made it too much of an emotional female dialogue, which I do not believe appeals to a broad enough audience.
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LibraryThing member labdaddy4
Another good Baldacci thriller - fast paced and action filled. This is the third in his Attlee Pine series. The story line gets even more convoluted and complex bringing in so many separate threads - making it a bit confusing and hard to follow.
LibraryThing member lamb521
Title: Daylight (An Atlee Pine Thriller #3)
Author: David Baldacci
Pages: 416
Year: 2020
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Atlee Pine is an FBI Special Agent and a woman on a mission! She is focused, tough and doggedly determined to locate her twin sister. Readers are
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encouraged to read this series in order to fully appreciate the developing tale of Atlee Pine. The first book is titled Long Road to Mercy, followed by A Minute to Midnight. Each book reveals just a little bit more of what occurred one night when Mercy and Atlee, twin girls, were in bed. At the end of that night, Atlee is severely injured, and Mercy is nowhere to be found. Each book not only tells a little bit more of Atlee’s background and that of her family, but there are cases Atlee is caught up in and helps to solve.
In Daylight, Atlee and her assistant Carol Blum are chasing down a recent lead that might help Atlee find her sister. The revelations in the book about what Atlee didn’t know about her parents is surprising and creates tension that kept me reading for hours. The story has a character from another series in the Baldacci world of fiction named John Puller. John Puller is a top-notch Army CID agent, and Atlee inadvertently steps into his current investigation. So, they set out together to solve their respective cases because they seem very entangled and so huge that each person couldn’t solve their case alone. What they didn’t expect is the amount of danger and risk rises exponentially from sources that are supposed to be helping them.
Throughout the book, readers can expect surprises in the plot and maybe characters from other Baldacci books. In Daylight, David Baldacci takes his time weaving a masterpiece of a story that pulls readers in with an ending that will take your breath away! Join the adventure and continuing tale of FBI Agent Atlee Pine as she scours the country looking for her sister Mercy. You won’t regret it!
Note: The opinions shared in this review are solely my responsibility.
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LibraryThing member jfe16
When FBI Agent Atlee Pine finally learns the name of the man who kidnapped her six-year-old twin sister Mercy from Andersonville, Georgia some thirty years earlier, she and her assistant, Carol Blum, head for the man’s last known location: Trenton, New Jersey. She unknowingly stumbles into the
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middle of an Army CID case that parallels her own investigation and soon finds herself teamed up with military investigator John Puller.

As the two work together, ably assisted by Carol, they discover a conspiracy of global proportions and, ultimately, Atlee discovers the horrific truth of what happened to Mercy, a discovery that leaves her even more determined than ever to find her sister.

The connection between the twin sisters continues to be a crucial element in the on-going narrative of Altee’s search for her twin sister. Her fierce drive, both realistic heart-wrenching, keeps the suspense level high as the unfolding story keeps readers glued to the page. Surprising revelations keep the tension high and draw the reader into a captivating tale. Complex and intriguing, the weaving together of the various characters and plot points creates a storytelling masterpiece.

“Daylight” works as a stand-alone since there is sufficient backstory for both John Puller and Atlee Pine to bring new readers up to speed. The investigations involving the two conclude satisfactorily, but, as the story comes to a close, Atlee may have more information, but her sister’s whereabouts remain unknown. Readers are sure to be looking forward to discovering what comes next for Atlee as her search for Mercy continues.

Highly recommended.
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LibraryThing member Cats57
I have only read the first book in this series, and after reading this one, I am going to make sure that I buy the second one and reread all three!

I know that many long-time readers didn't like this book(for many reasons), but I found it fascinating, action-packed, and one that I just couldn't put
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down. I have no problems with the continuing story of Atlee still looking for her sister. After all, I think that once she finds her sister, the series will have to end, don't you think so too?

Mr. Baldacci uses his usual tropes with this book, and I find it quite comforting that he does so. Some of the 'action' IS a tad far-fetched, but I found it easy to suspend my disbelief and keep reading.

I wholeheartedly recommend this series to any who likes a kick-butt heroine, no romance, and a LOT of action. This is also a book that forces you to use your brain to keep up with all the twists and turns.

*ARC was supplied by the publisher and the author. Thank-you.
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LibraryThing member JRlibrary
I’ve been enjoying the Atlee Pine series and I was convinced that Daylight was the end of the series snd.... it’s not!!!! That’s the big spoiler. You think it’s the end and it isn’t.
LibraryThing member buffalogr
Atlee Pine's FBI supervisor magnanimously gives her time off to search for her lost twin sister. So, off she goes to New Jersey and gets embroiled in yet another conspiracy with John Puller and her assistant Carol Blum. I enjoyed this book as it contained action and adventure. This third book in
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Atlee Pine series starts where the second book ended and the story's not done yet, I suspect. However, book #4 is yet to be published.
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LibraryThing member waldhaus1
At least two stories on one: the continuing investigation of the disappearance out Atlee's sister and the investigation of a crime at Fort Dix. Arlette is again joined but Puller.
A lot of investigative horsepower brought to bear.
LibraryThing member JenniferRobb
I've read the first two books in the Atlee Pine series and many books by this author. I am wondering if he drew up the Finding Mercy story first and then had to figure out where to place the clues within the context of other stories containing Atlee. At least she has made a bit more progress toward
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finding her sister.

Atlee's leave of absence from her job seems a bit unrealistic in its open-endedness (along with Carol Blum's).

It was nice to see another of Baldacci's series characters show up. I can't remember that happening before--though this book indicates that Atlee Pine and John Puller Jr. worked together once before so perhaps it did and I just don't remember it (or haven't read that book yet).
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LibraryThing member Brumby18
Usual stuff - great for the train trip and window gazing. black and white hats...can pick up story very easily. plot has a little too much fantasy for me--- dual houses!
LibraryThing member gpangel
Daylight by David Baldacci is a 2020 Grand Central Publication.

Atlee Pine is finally closing in on finding answers to what happened to her twin sister- but naturally, there are complications… LOTS of complications. Atlee’s singled minded determination to find Ito Vincenzo- her sister’s
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kidnapper- inadvertently slams into John Puller’s current investigation. Her faux pas, brings the two together as a team, along with Carol Blum.

Little do they know that once they start digging into the Vincenzo family saga that it will lead them to a shocking conspiracy…

This is the third installment in the Atlee Pine series. I wasn’t especially impressed with the first book, but the second book convinced me to continue on with the series. This installment is action packed and has some interesting conspiracy theories, but once again, I was left feeling like something was missing- the story just fell flat for some reason- but- an interesting development with Atlee’s twin, towards the end of the book pretty much guaranteed I’ll be reading the next book in the series.

Overall, this was an entertaining thriller- still not up to Baldacci’s usual standards. I’m giving the series one more shot after this- hopefully, I won’t have to cut my losses.

3 stars
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LibraryThing member Baochuan
As the series progressed, Atlee Pine discovered more about her background and her sister's where about. It was not as she thought at the beginning. I enjoyed this fast pace mystery, a nice break from the fantasy stories that I am current reading.
LibraryThing member lewilliams
I've read many Baldacci books as well as the previous Atlee Pine series. Pine continues to search for her twin sister and has yet to find her, guaranteeing another Atlee Pine book. This book starts well and goes down hill quickly. I never did finish this book and doubt I missed anything.
LibraryThing member ZachMontana
Atlee Pine is a relatively new Baldacci hero with an interesting background story which she gets to investigate in this book but her investigation intersects with another crime investigation by an acquaintance from Army CID. Exciting read as are most of Baldacci's novels for me.
LibraryThing member HeatherLINC
This series, starring Atlee Pine, improves with each novel. As Atlee gets closer to discovering her missing twin, the tension ramps up. However, despite the fast-paced storyline, I found the most interesting aspect of this novel was the secrets Atlee Pine discovers about her personal family
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history. I am now looking forward to reading the last book in the series.
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LibraryThing member PaulaGalvan
Book three of the Atlee Pine series has plenty of action and intrigue as Atlee drills down on her search for Mercy, her missing twin sister. However, while following a lead, Atlee gets sidelined by an investigation into a drug ring operating out of Fort Dix, a U.S. Army installation in New Jersey.
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John Puller, an officer in the Army's Criminal Investigation Division (CID), and Atlee team up to stop an international drug and blackmailing operation with connections into the highest echelons of Washington. When Atlee discovers a lead that ties the drug dealers to Mercy's kidnapping, she has no choice but to fight with everything she has. As she gets closer to finding the truth, she is again devastated that the people closest to her are still keeping secrets. Good to the last page and left me wanting more.
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LibraryThing member OscarWilde87
Daylight is the third installment in David Baldacci's Atlee Pine series and crosses over with his John Puller series, where it is the fifth installment. In this novel, FBI special agent Atlee Pine sets out to find her sister Mercy who was abducted when both were still children and has not been
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found ever since. Pine follows a lead that takes her to Trenton, New Jersey, where her path crosses with that of John Puller, an army CID agent, who wants to arrest Tony Vincenzo, the same man that could shed some light on what happened to Pine's sister all those years ago. The two team up to solve the drug case Puller is investigating as well as to find out more about Mercy Pine's abduction and fate. In the process they get close to uncovering a large blackmail scandal that involves high-ranking members of the government, among others. So there are powerful people with a good reason to stop the investigation.

I liked the novel a lot and it did actually not take me very long to finish, despite it having more than 500 pages. The action is fast-paced and the story is gripping. As a reader of the whole series I have really come to like the characters. I would, however, not recommend this book if you have not yet read the previous novels in the series. Technically, it could probably be read on its own, but it would just be too much background knowledge you would not have. 4 stars.
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LibraryThing member lbswiener
Daylight is a difficult book to read. Atlee Pine worked to find her twin sister uncovered deceit, lies, coverups, mobsters, and moles. The story concludes with Atlee Pine and Carol Blum together in search of Mercy. Four stars were given to this book review. One wants to read the next book in hopes
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of finding the truth.
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9.21 x 6.02 inches


1509874585 / 9781509874583
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