Wish You Were Here

by Jodi Picoult (Auteur)

Paperback, 2021


½ (305 ratings; 3.9)


Hodder And Stoughton Ltd. (2021), 344 pages


"From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Small Great Things and The Book of Two Ways comes a deeply moving novel about the resilience of the human spirit in a moment of crisis. Diana O'Toole is perfectly on track. She will be married by thirty, done having kids by thirty-five, and move out to the New York City suburbs, all while climbing the professional ladder in the cutthroat art auction world. She's an associate specialist at Sotheby's now, but her boss has hinted at a promotion if she can close a deal with a high-profile client. She's not engaged just yet, but she knows her boyfriend, Finn, a surgical resident, is about to propose on their romantic getaway to the Galapagos-days before her thirtieth birthday. Right on time. But then a virus that felt worlds away has appeared in the city, and on the eve of their departure, Finn breaks the news: It's all hands on deck at the hospital. He has to stay behind. You should still go, he assures her, since it would be a shame for all of their nonrefundable trip to go to waste. And so, reluctantly, she goes. Almost immediately, Diana's dream vacation goes awry. Her luggage is lost, the Wi-Fi is nearly nonexistent, and the hotel they'd booked is shut down due to the pandemic. In fact, the whole island is now under quarantine, and she is stranded until the borders reopen. Completely isolated, she must venture beyond her comfort zone. Slowly, she carves out a connection with a local family when a teenager with a secret opens up to Diana, despite her father's suspicion of outsiders. In the Galapagos Islands, where Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection was formed, Diana finds herself examining her relationships, her choices, and herself-and wondering if when she goes home, she too will have evolved into someone completely different"--… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member HeatherLINC
I have struggled with many of Jodi Picoult's novels in recent years but "Wish You Were Here" was excellent. It was a quick, easy read set in 2020 when thousands of people worldwide were losing their battle with Covid-19. Considering it is nearly 2022 and covid still rules our lives, this novel was
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very topical and shone a light on the ugly face of this disease, especially for healthcare workers.

I really liked how Picoult approaches this novel and the unexpected direction she took it in. I found her Author Notes fascinating and they gave depth to the novel. I also loved her vivid descriptions of the small Galapagos island where Diana finds herself stranded during lockdown. The lagoons, volcanoes, animals and lush green vegetation were brought to life.

As for the twist - I did not see that coming at all! An entertaining read.
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LibraryThing member sleahey
As the Covid pandemic is possibly winding down, this novel serves as a reminder of some of those details from the early days that we might like to forget. Diana leads a well-organized fast-paced life working for Sotheby's in New York, and she and her surgeon boyfriend are smitten with each other.
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As New York hospitals are hit by overwhelming patient needs, Finn must bow out of their romantic Galapagos vacation, and urges Diana to go on by herself. Her trip is a journey of discovery about herself and her New York life. Her sense of order is completely disrupted, and she is stranded on an island without a hotel room, no Spanish ability, and no connection to her usual world. She befriends a romantic interest, a depressed teen who cuts, and a grandmotherly woman who takes her in. This journey's ending is not as predictable as readers might expect, in much the way that many of us found the covid lockdowns a growing experience.
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LibraryThing member susan0316
There are some readers who might think that it's too soon to read books about the pandemic 2020. It was difficult to be reminded of what went in the world after March, 2020, and it did bring back some bad memories. This book is much more than a novel about how the world changed. It's a reminder of
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how wonderful the front line workers - doctors and nurses -worked in conditions dangerous to their health and were committed to keeping the Covid patients alive when possible. Primarily this is a book about bravery, love and resilience.

Diana is in her late 20s and so far her life has followed the path that she has planned. she wants to be married by 30, have her kids by 35 and move out of NYC to the suburbs. while she moves up the cooperate ladder. Her boyfriend, Finn, is a resident at a NYC hospital and they are planning a trip to the Galápagos to celebrate her birthday. It was early March and people weren't worried about Covid and believed that it would be gone by Easter. Finn comes home from the hospital and his comments make it all very real. His caseload is growing by the day and he expects the country to shut down soon from what he's seeing. Diana is a bit of a skeptic and decides to the Galápagos by herself. Her trip goes well until she gets to the island and finds out that there will be no ferry back to the mainland for at least two weeks, the hotel she was planning to stay at has shut down and her luggage was lost on the trip and there is very poor wifi and she can't communicate with Finn daily as they'd planned. The longer she stays on the island, the calmer she gets about life and her bucket plans for her future. When she does hear from Finn, he gives her information about shutdowns and how many people are dying. His emails to her really bring back the memories of what life was like in 2020 and at times, they were difficult to read. Diana's two weeks on the island becomes longer as the island stays closed down. She meets a local woman who helps her and provides a room for her as well as a man and his daughter. Since she has more free time than she's ever had, she begins to think about her life and the things that she wants to accomplish, she begins to wonder about the changes this trip will make on her life. Will her life change when she gets back to New York City?

As with all Jodi Picoult's books, it's apparent that she has done a lot of research --this time on medical issues and the beauty of the Galapagos. Her characters are very well written and they reflect how all of were dealing with the changes in our lives last year. Have tissue close at hand and get ready to read a fantastic book. Yes, parts of it are painful reminders but at the end of the book the overall feeling is one of hope and love and finding new happiness.

Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this book to read and review. All opinions are my own.
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LibraryThing member tamarack804
I have just completed “Wish You Were Here” by Jodi Picoult and I must say it was excellent. I now have to somehow review this book and since it was about Covid and I don’t know where to begin. First I had trouble getting into this book, it is a very heavy read. The first part of the book did
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not even read like a Jodi Picout book, it was quite a different but with Jodi Picoult great writing style it all fit together very well. As I read further I could not put this book down. It kept drawing me in deeper and deeper and taking me right along with it. The book had some strange twists and I loved every second of it. I can not go into the story without spoiling it for everyone else except its about what happens when someone gets Covid and what happens to the person and the loved ones closest to that person. Happy, sad, heartwarming, forgiving and more, its all here. This book will stay with you for a long while. Another great Jodi Picoult novel which I could not put down. A 5 plus star rating. Thanks to Net Galley and Random House Publishing for the advanced copy.
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LibraryThing member mzonderm
This book is a bit of a departure for Picoult, as it doesn't involve an ethical dilemma where both sides are, if not sympathetic, at least fully fleshed out. Here, the focus is on one character, Diana, who must decide if she really wants what she always thought she wanted from life.

The story starts
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just when things are starting to get serious in New York City with the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses and schools are being shut down and Diana's doctor boyfriend tells her how the hospital is becoming overrun with patients. Is it too soon for a novel about the pandemic? Maybe, but not in Picoult's hands. Perhaps because the first part of the book keeps the pandemic at a remove. I think the bigger reason (for me at least) is that, because the timeline of the book is largely the spring of 2020, I was able to read about what was going on with a whatever-the-opposite-of-nostalgia is (because I definitely wouldn't wish for those days all over again). "Oh yeah, I remember all those celebrities singing on YouTube!" "That's right, I had forgotten about wiping down packages!" "Oh yeah, I remember how we thought this was only going to last two weeks!"

Being able to achieve that kind of perspective is one of the great gifts of fiction and Picoult gives it to us in abundance.

FTC Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for this review.
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LibraryThing member Cats57
I have never read anything by this author, so when this ARC came up, I jumped at the chance to see what all the fuss was about. I admit that this author is very good at what she does.

Unfortunately, I cannot reveal much more about this story than the synopsis because I might inadvertently give away
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a spoiler! And a heck of a twist it was! Plus, well, this I can tell you-we have a sort of cliff-hanger at the end. The very last page!

This was a very emotional read for me since I had lost a close family member to Covid. So if you have lost a close loved one, you may want to stay away from this book for now and let the rawness fade a bit.

These were complicated characters and, at times, very shallow and selfish. Yet, everything Ms. Picoult wrote was vivid -the pain, helplessness, scenery, all of it.

It was a page-turner for sure but, for me, a reluctant one.

*ARC was supplied by the publisher Ballentine, the author, and NetGalley.
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LibraryThing member hubblegal
Diana O’Toole has it all – a great job at Sotheby’s in NYC and a wonderful boyfriend ready to propose. She and Finn made plans for a romantic vacation on the Galapagos Islands where they’ll celebrate Diana’s birthday and she’s sure the proposal will happen there. But when the COVID
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pandemic hits, Finn, who is a surgical resident, is needed at the hospital and is unable to leave. He convinces Diana to go on her own, which she reluctantly does. But as soon as she arrives, the island is quarantined and she is unable to get back to NYC. The people Diana meets on the islands and the events happening there cause Diana to examine her own choices and desires.

Until this novel, I’ve stayed clear of books that take place during the COVID pandemic. I want to escape from that experience when I read and put it all behind me. But this is Jodi Picoult and I couldn’t pass it up. I have to say that I began to feel disappointed through the first half of the book and felt that it was going in a predictable way but then, BAM, it blew my mind away. The twist is completely unexpected and unique. The author does a great job detailing the heartbreak of COVID and the guilt and confusion Diana felt while quarantining on an island in paradise. Ms. Picoult knows how to touch your heart in so many ways. I felt the novel to be a healing one and really made me think about my own reality and choices. And I must say – that ending was perfection!


This book was given to me by the publisher in return for an honest review.
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LibraryThing member LoriKBoyd
4.5 Stars

Jodi Picoult is always ready and willing to tackle a subject picked from the news. This time it’s Covid. So, if it’s too soon for you to read a story that’s Covid related, you might want to hold off reading this book till later, but definitely read it.

After her past two books I
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picked up this book gingerly and with a little trepidation. I was so pleasantly surprised! This definitely reminded me of her previous books…great characters, wonderful storyline, a plot twist that was out-of-the-blue and thought provoking. Situations are so totally relatable and semi-realistic. As every book by this author, the research is top notch. I love when a book entertains and teaches, without being preachy. This book did that for me. I am not a fan of long chapters, but for some reason it worked here, and I was totally sucked me in from the beginning. While the beginning part seemed a little drawn out, I still enjoyed it and couldn’t put it down. I found the ending satisfying. To say more, I would be afraid to give something away….and anyway, that’s what the book jacket is for!

Thanks to Ms. Picoult, Random House/Ballantine Books and NetGalley for this ARC. Opinion is mine alone.
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LibraryThing member tamidale
Well, this story certainly grabbed my attention! I know some readers will shy away from this because it’s about covid, but really any illness that lands you in the hospital and unconscious could apply to some aspects of this story.

A young NewYork couple, Finn & Diana, have their future all
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planned out. But when covid makes its way to New York, it interferes with their lives in a big way. They had a dream vacation planned and Diana was expecting a proposal while they were away. Finn encourages Diana to go on the trip alone. He is unable to go because he’s a surgeon and is needed to help with covid patients.

Reluctantly, Diana agrees and almost from the moment she arrives, her life starts to take a different direction. It’s at this point the story began to drag a bit, but Picoult makes up for it in a big way as the second half of the story begins. I must admit, Picoult is a great writer, because I found myself as stunned at what happened as Diana was.

The story is a lot about relationships, resilience and change and how we choose to deal with the curve balls life can throw. This was not quite what I was expecting, but I enjoyed it immensely.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group—Ballantine for allowing me to read an advance copy. I am happy to give my honest review.
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LibraryThing member VanessaCW
Art Specialist Diana OToole has her life on track, a good job, a doctor for a boyfriend and plans for the future. She is hoping Finn will propose on their scheduled trip to the Galapagos. The pandemic strikes and Finn persuades Diana to take the holiday of a lifetime by herself. But when she gets
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there she finds the hotel shut down and flights back home cancelled, leaving her no other option than to explore the seemingly idyllic paradise. However, nothing is as it seems.

I enjoyed this story and found it very thought provoking. I particularly liked the first half of the book which was set in the Galapagos. I loved the setting and the descriptions of the scenery. I like the interactions between the characters, especially Diana and Gabriel, an ex tour guide. I wasn’t so keen on the parts of the book set in New York during the pandemic, as some of the scenes are quite harrowing and I like to be taken away somewhere else other than reality in my reading at the moment. It’s a beautifully written story and there is a twist in the tale which took me by surprise. It really emphasises that we should be grateful for what we have and take pleasure in the little things. An engaging read which challenges your beliefs. “Life is what happens to you when we’re busy making plans” - I know this to be true.
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LibraryThing member mtrumbo
This one snuck up on me. I did not think I would like this book. I really enjoyed Picoult’s earlier works; however, her recent stuff just has not really clicked with me. Plus this book is set during Covid – it is just too soon to write/read about it since we are still in the thick of it. What I
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didn’t count on, was that this book would have that ole Jodi Picoult magic that carries you into the story and pretty soon you are halfway done with no idea how you got so far in such a short time. It is hard to say too much about the plot of the book without giving anything away. It is set during early pandemic in both New York City and the Galapagos Islands. It is a story about personal growth with the unusual backdrop of a pandemic. The hospital and Covid patient descriptions were chilling particularly as they were juxtaposed with the beauty and serenity of the deserted Galapagos Islands. Thank you to NetGalley and Random House for a chance to read and review this one!
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LibraryThing member bereanna
Life in NY for a resident surgeon during the pandemic, a Covid survivor, a visit to Galapagos, an fine arts business (working for Sotheby’s), dreams or alternate realities.
LibraryThing member kerri.huff
Finally. The newest book by one of my favorite authors, and I am dying to talk about! Wish You Were Here takes place in the early days of the Covid pandemic began…. and when I saw that I immediately did not want to read it.

But I’m glad I did because it wasn’t what I expected at all. I can’t
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say too much without spoiling, but I highly recommend giving this a chance. To escape NY on the day the pandemic began to be stranded on a tropical island in the Galapagos... be still my heart. Thank you @netgalley for the advance copy.
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LibraryThing member fredreeca
Diana is right on track. She has a fabulous job, a wonderful boyfriend and her plan for life is right on schedule. She has a big trip to the Galápagos Islands planned with her boyfriend. But the pandemic has hit and he must stay at the hospital. He tells her to go anyway. Diana goes to the
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Galápagos. But, as soon as she gets there the island shuts down and she can’t get home and has little access to phone service or internet. So, she is trapped.

At first, I was not a true fan of Diana. She is a bit focused on her plan for life and there will be no detours! But, her time in the Galápagos changes her and her out look on life. She finally realizes what is important.

Ok! I don’t want to give anything away…this is such a unique read. I absolutely loved the Galápagos Islands. I enjoyed all of Diana’s adventures touring the caves and the volcanoes. I truly could picture all the wildlife. This is now on my bucket list! Then…the story turns on a dime.

Jody Picoult has done it again! This is a book you will not soon forget…and that twist in the middle! Just know…not all is as it seems!

Need a fabulous book which takes you in a very usual adventure…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today!

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.
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LibraryThing member amysan
I love Jodi Picoult and have read many of her books. However, the last couple haven't been my favorites. I found this one a little slow, although I did surprise me a few times. I'm not sure I was ready for a covid novel yet.
LibraryThing member brangwinn
Picoult certainly doesn’t shy away from the devastation of COVID in this story of Diana and her boyfriend, a resident surgeon, in a New York City hospital hard hit by COVID. Diana ends up taking a trip to the Galapagos Islands alone, only to be isolated there as the world shut down. While there
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she falls in love not only with the remote life but a local guide. The descriptions are vivid, making any reader want to visit. But she awakens to find herself in the COVID ICU ward on a respirator. It’s not been a month, it’s only been a week that she’s been in a coma, and she never left New York City. But her memories of Isabella Island are real to her. She’s one of the lucky ones. She recovers slowly and begins to explore the “out of body” experiences of others who faced death. Not only does Diana explore “alternative realities” but she also begins to question her own goals. The ending is a real zinger, but not unexpected.
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LibraryThing member Dianekeenoy
While you might be thinking it's too soon for a story about the Covid 19 pandemic, Jodi Picoult has done an incredible job! Be sure to read the author notes at the end!
LibraryThing member librarygeek33
Two books in one. I thought it was a little too "preachy" at times but, all in all, a good read.
LibraryThing member niaomiya
I loved this book! It took me in quite an unexpected direction, and that was in a good way.

Diana has her life perfectly planned. She works for Sotheby's as an art specialist; she knows exactly when she wants to be promoted, get married, have kids, move to the suburbs of NYC. Her boyfriend Finn is
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in lockstep with her, and her life seems perfect and perfectly planned. Diana and Finn are planning a trip to the Galapagos Islands, where Diana knows Finn will propose. Then COVID-19 hits, and Finn, a surgical resident, has to work. He encourages her to go to the Galapagos on her own.

In the slow-paced beauty of the Galapagos, where lockdown happens because of the virus, Diana finds herself re-examining her life - her relationships, her career choices, her priorities. She finds herself growing as a person as her eyes are opened, and she wonders if she will ever go back to being the person she was before.

This book is a lovely treatise on the indomitability of the human spirit, on the beauty of hope and love, on finding each little bit of light in the darkness.
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LibraryThing member breic
The start is hard to read, the main character is so repulsive. But the second half makes up for it. Worth sticking around for.
LibraryThing member LivelyLady
Going to the Galapagos without her boyfriend, Diana finds herself stranded there as Covid breaks out in the US. Great descriptions, fantastic story...surprising ending. Best Picoult ever.
LibraryThing member marquis784
It was March 13, 2020 where Diana O’Toole was working her dream job at Sotheby’s in NY. Her life plan with Finn seemed to be falling into place as expected. That is, until the unexpected happened. Diana had been working hard to appease her boss Eva by commissioning a sought after piece of art.
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It was part of a painted series by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec in 1890 called Le Lit which features prostitutes in bed quiet intimacy. The seller Kotomi Ito remarks that “what you see is not what you’re really seeing”. She is conflicted about selling this controversial piece of art once valued by her husband Sam Pride who was murdered.

Meanwhile, Diana is readying herself for a long deserved vacation to the Galapagos with her long time boyfriend, Finn who worked as a resident physician. Their world is turned upside down when Finn informs her that there is a virus which is highly contagious and the hospital needs “all hands on deck”. Although she is disappointed that their expense paid vacation had to canceled she understood how important it was for Finn to focus on work.

Diana feels comforted when Finn suggests she go alone so their money wouldn’t be a total loss and she would be somewhere safe from the virus. Conflicted, Diana goes on a journey that takes her to places she could never have imagined. She meets and befriends native occupants as the island is in the process of “shutting down” like the rest of the world. In attempts to contain and find a cure for this pandemic of Covid-19 coronavirus, countries were limiting travel and instructing people to remain where they are.

While away Diana makes desperate attempts to maintain contact with Finn who is describing the trauma of watching people die daily from this virus. She felt like she was living in a bubble where her real life seemed so far away with no plan for when it would normalize. Eventually, there does seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel, it’s just not the light Diana had been expecting.

When Diana and Finn are reunited it seems that their time apart had altered their well planned future. The dreams of getting engaged and married and working her dream job all seemed less important. Surviving life amidst this pandemic was monumental for everyone, not just Diana and Finn. As such, many lives were changed forever, many dreams and expectations took unplanned turns so for the better and some not so fortunate.

At present, this is a “living” novel making it extremely difficult to review as I’m sure it was for the author to write. Many years from now people will read this book with same sense of bewilderment that we currently feel while reading about the Pandemic of 1918 or the 1883 epidemic of small pox. As unreal as it may seem while reading about it, living through it is an entirely different experience. Unfortunately, the political and social issues present all those years ago seem to provide a “plague” of its own that has yet to be “cured”.

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it! (George Santayana-1905). In a 1948 speech to the House of Commons, Winston Churchill changed the quote slightly when he said (paraphrased), “those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.”

My review of this ARC copy is voluntary and my unbiased opinion.
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LibraryThing member Mrsmommybooknerd
If you want a book to give you all the feels you need to read WISH YOU WERE HERE. I know for some the COVID-19 pandemic is still very fresh. Picoult does amazing job giving what we have been through a voice through. Picoult's main character Diana O'Toole and her boyfriend Finn are both impacted by
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the pandemic in different ways. WISH YOU WERE HERE shine a light on how we can get through so much by sheer force of will, some resiliency and a whole lot of human spirit. A must read and an story that will leave a mark on your heart.
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LibraryThing member Bauernfeind
I was surprised. I did not expect the turn of events because I was so invested in one storyline that when it changed, it took me by surprise. Thoroughly enjoyable, fun to read not taxing on the brain.
LibraryThing member Loried
I'm delighted that I was able to read an advance copy of this book thanks to the publisher and Netgalley. I requested it on the basis of Picoult's previous books and didn't know much about the plot. I think it was one of her most clever books to date; I was stunned by events in the book, and that
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doesn't happen often. She truly brought her characters to life. Had I realized so much of the book was about COVID, I might not have chosen to read it, but I'm very glad I did. There are things in the book that I normally would have found unbelievable, but they worked in this particular scenario. The book is very powerful and thought-provoking, and I think it would make an excellent choice for book discussion groups. I highly recommend it.
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Original publication date


Physical description

344 p.; 8.98 inches


1473692512 / 9781473692510
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