Analysis of Heliostat Design and Cost with Reduced Wind Loads Dec 1986

by Solar Energy Research Institute,

Other authorsR.J. Thomas
Technical Report, 1986


CSP Unique ID 190682444


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Analysis of Heliostat Design and Cost RJ Thomas Dec 1986; Report; December 1986.


Library's review

This is an analysis of heliostat design and cost with reduced wind loads. Researchers at Colorado State University (CSU) have recently completed an experimental and analytical study to identify possible strategies for reducing the wind loads on heliostats. The study shows that wind loads
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on heliostats within a field can be reduced significantly, perhaps to below 30% of the load on isolated heliostats, by appropriate design of the field and external fences or berms. The purpose of this task was to evaluate the potential for cost effectiveness of wind load reduction concepts proposed by CSU, when combined with appropriate reductions in heliostat structural requirements. This was accomplished by analytically deter-mining the effect of reduced wind loads on the heliostat structure and upon the cost of the heliostat.
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