Software/Fireware Design Specifications for 10 Mwe Solar Thermal Central Receiving Pilot Plant

by Martin Marietta Corporation,

Technical Report, 1980


CSP Unique ID 190683443


Electronic Resource

Call number

**Click on MARC view for more information on this report.**


MCR 80 1377; Report; October 1980.


Library's review

This is the software/filmware design specification for the 10 MWe Solar Thermal Central Receiver Pilot Plant dated October, 1980. The software/firmware systems have the capability to allow operator control of up to 2048 heliostats in the operation of the 10 MWe Solar Thermal Central
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Receiver Pilot Plant at Barstow, California. This function includes the capability of operator-commanded mode control, graphic displays, status displays, alarm generation, system redundancy and interfaces to the Operational Control System (OCS), the Data Acquisition System (DAS), and the Beam Characterization System (BCS) through the OCS.
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