Production of Mirror Facets for the Faceted Stretched Membrane Dish Concentrator

by Sciece Applications International Corporation,

Technical Report, 1992


CSP Unique ID 190683672


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Production of Mirror Facets Contract 67 0291A; Report; July 1992.


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The Production of Mirror Facets for the Faceted Stretched Membrane Dish Concentrator documents the fabrication of 12 3-meter diameter stretched membrane dish facets by the Energy Projects Division of Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). The facets were produced in 1992
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under Phase 2 of the program titled, "Facet Fabrication for the Faceted Stretched Membrane Dish" ( contract #PR 67-0291), which is part of the Solar Thermal Program of the U.S. Department of Energy and administered through Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico. The production steps for stretched membrane dish facets include fabrication and preparation of facet rings; welding of membranes from stainless steel foil; fabrication and assembly of facet focus control systems; assembly of the stretched membrane facets including welding of the membranes to the facet rings; optical testing of completed facets; and shipping of the completed facets to Sandia National Laboratories.
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