1982 annual report of the coolidge solar irrigation project

by Albuquerque Sandia National Laboratories, NM

Other authorsDennis L. Larson
Technical Report, 1983


CSP Unique ID 190706808


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SAND Report: SAND83-7124, October 1983.


Library's review

The Coolidge Solar Irrigation Facility at Coolidge, Arizona consists of a 2140.5-m2 (23 040-ft ) line-focus collector subsystem, a 13.6-m2 (30000 gal) thermal storage subsystem, and a 150-kWe power generation unit. The purpose of this document is to report the performance of the facility
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and its operational and maintenance requirements. This document covers the period of time from 1 September 1981 through 30 September 1982. This is the third in a series of annual reports on the operation of the Coolidge Solar Irrigation Facility.
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