The SLATEC common mathematical subprogram library: SNLA implementation

by Albuquerque Sandia National Laboratories, NM

Technical Report, 1980


CSP Unique ID 190706990


Electronic Resource

Call number

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SAND Report: SAND80-2792, December 1980.


Library's review

The SLATEC Common Mathematical Subprogram Library is an inter-laboratory numerical mathematical library among the laboratories SNLA, SNLL, LANSL, AFWL, LLNL, and MFEC. SLATEC is replacing the current Sandia Mathematical Subroutine Library (FXMATH) as the basic math library at SNLA. This
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report briefly describes the capabilities of the SLATEC library, the method of generating on-line documentation, and the method of accessing the library at SNLA.
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