Testing a one megawatt solar receiver in an ERDA radiant heat facility

by Livermore Sandia Laboratories, CA

Technical Report, 1975


CSP Unique ID 190707021


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SAND Report: SAND75-8266, July 1975.


Library's review

This ERDA-funded study investigated the feasibility of testing a Martin-Marietta designed one megawatt solar receiver in an ERDA Radiant Heat Facility located at Sandia Laboratories. It was concluded that tests utilizing quartz lamp arrays inside of the receiver or graphite heater arrays
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at the aperture could provide valuable compatibility and qualification data as well as provide data which will aid in interpretation of results to be obtained from tests at the Centre National de la Recherche {CNRS) solar furnace at Odeillo, France. It is proposed that three series of Radiant Heat Factlity tests be conducted: {1) simulator tests; {2) pre- CNRS; and {3) post-CNRS.ERDA authorization to Martin-Marietta and Sandia Laboratories by August 1, 1975 will allow tests to be conducted on a schedule compatible with presently planned tests at CNRS.
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