Solarization of heliostat glasses

by Livermore Sandia National Laboratories, CA

Technical Report, 1979


CSP Unique ID 190707060


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SAND Report: SAND79-8754, December 1979.


Library's review

We have observed a solar-induced decrease in Fe 2+ absorption in heliostat glasses from the solar furnace at Odeillo, France. This decrease occurs throughout the sample (not just at the exposed surface) and is of sufficient magnitude to result in an increase of 2.5% in solar transmittance
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in a period of nine years. Optical and ESR studies did not detect a corresponding increase in Fe3+ concentration. The implication of these results on a microscopic model for the observed solarization is discussed. Solar simulation studies produced effects of magnitude and sign similar to those observed in the field exposed samples, and appear to offer an attractive means for screening samples for solarization tendencies.
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