Design, cost and performance comparisons of several solar thermal systems for process heat. Volume 2, concentrators

by Livermore Sandia National Laboratories, CA

Other authorsErnest D Eason
Technical Report, 1981


CSP Unique ID 190707124


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SAND Report: SAND79-8280, March 1981.


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This portion of the comparison study identifies the major mechanical design and cost differences between concentrator subsystems. Parabolic dishes and troughs are designed to the same specifications as heliostats, using the same glass mirror/steel structure design concept and their costs
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are estimated on a consistent, comparable basis, using the heliostat cost data base. The results show inherent cost differences arising from differences in geometry, the cost of providing curvature and wind loadings. The estimated cost increases, relative to heliostats, are 15% to 50% for dishes and 0% to 30% for troughs, considering the combined effect of several analysis uncertainties. The concentrator cost estimates are used in the systems analysis volume (Volume V) to obtain cost/performance estimates for the overall systems.
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