Plastic film performance improvement for heliostats

by Livermore Sandia Laboratories, CA

Technical Report, 1980


CSP Unique ID 190707523


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SAND Report: SAND79-8185, July 1980.


Library's review

A plastic film improvement program was initi3ted to improve the BEC enclosed heliostat design and hence its overall performance and cost effectiveness. The initial overall plan for completing the program tasks and for accomplishing all its objectives is represented in the Event Logic
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Network shown in Figure 1-1, An industrial survey was initiated in the early weeks of the contract. The initial list of potential film suppliers was expanded from a few to 30. Suppliers were urged to participate by providing samples of materials they felt had potential. Suppliers were visited for technical discussions about their products and to become knowledgeable i n the processes of olastic film manufacture. The preliminary candidate materials were screen tested i n Boeing laboratories. The materials showing promise were sent to Phoenix for desert exposure testing. After 3 months of accelerated exposure, coupons were withdrawn and tested for degradation. The data were used to eliminate candidates of obvious poor weatherability, and assist the supplier in making modifications for possible second iteration materials.
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