Effect of asymmetric heating on flow stability and heat transfer for flow in a vertical tube

by Albuquerque Sandia National Laboratories, NM

Other authorsC. H. Tappan
Technical Report, 1987


CSP Unique ID 190707920


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SAND Report: SAND87-1787, November 1987.


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This study presents experimental results of combined free and forced convection heat transfer in a vertical tube with a circumferentially nonuniform constant wall heat flux. The effect of an asymmetric wall heat flux on flow stability and on the rate of heat transfer for water flowing
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downward in a vertical tube was investigated. Experimental results were used to develop two stability maps which identify various flow regimes, corresponding to different thermal and hydraulic conditions. Heat transfer coefficients were also determined. Experimental results in the present investigation were compared to those with uniform heating in horizontal and vertical tube flow situations discussed in the literature.
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