Corrosion of alloys and metals by molten nitrates

by Livermore Sandia National Laboratories, CA

Technical Report, 2001


CSP Unique ID 190708617


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SAND Report: SAND2000-8727, August 2001.


Library's review

This review paper examines the corrosion behavior of alloys and metals in molten salts consisting of alkali metal nitrates. The chemistry of this class of molten salt is discussed as it affects the composition of the melt and metal oxide solubility. The corrosion rates and mechanisms of a
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broad selection of alloys are reviewed, including stainless steel, carbon steel, chromium-molybdenum steel, nickel and nickel alloys. The type of corrosion products that are formed on these materials over a wide range of experimental conditions are discussed. The results of studies of the effect of the molten salt on mechanical properties and cracking behavior of a number of alloys are also summarized.
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