Experimental study of free and mixed convective flow of air in a heated cavity

by Livermore Sandia National Laboratories, CA

Technical Report, 1985


CSP Unique ID 190708878


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SAND Report: SAND84-8192, April 1985.


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Free and mixed convection in a strongly-heated rectangular open cavity have been investigated experimentally, to observe the effects of cavity shape and inclination, and of ambient wind, on the velocity and
temperature distribution The long edges (c = 0.533 m) of the cavity were
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horizontal, and parallel to an axis around which the cavity could be rotated. The aperture plane was either vertical (0 = 0°), or inclined downward at 0 = 20° or 0 = 45°. The height of the aperture, b, was always 0.0947 m, while the depth of the cavity a, was set so that alb = 0.5, 1.0, or 1.46. The bottom and back walls were electrically heated - the top wall was indirectly heated by conduction, radiation and convection. The average wall temperature, Tc' and the ambient temperature T were used to defined the dimensionless overheat and Grashof numbers, typical values of which were (Tc - T lIT = 1.21, = G r = g (T - T l b 3/v 2T Coo 0000 = 4.2 x 10 7• The Prandtl number was that of air, Pr" 0.7. In the studies of mixed convection, the axis of rotation was horizontal and normal to the ambient wind. When the aperture faced directly upstream. o = 0°. The Reynolds number, Re ,. bU Iv , was varied from Re = 120 - 1100, in .,. co which range free convection was dominant, to Re = 2000 - 8740, in which range forced convection was dominant.
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