The cost and value of washing heliostats

by Livermore Sandia Laboratories, CA

Other authorsErnest D. Eason
Technical Report, 1979


CSP Unique ID 190709083


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SAND Report: SAND78-8813, June 1979.


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An equation is derived for the washing frequency that minimizes cost per unit energy for solar collectors of any type. Central receiver heliostats of two designs are used in an example, and the results for Albuquerque soiling rates show that washing 15-30 times per year is worthwhile. The
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optimal frequency depends on the square root of such factors as the cost per wash and the daily loss in reflectivity, but it is not sensitive to number of collectors or plant size. The frequency for minimum cost per unit energy corresponds to the strategy of washing whenever the value of the extra energy from cleaner mirrors will pay for the cost of the wash.
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