Black Lesbians in the 90's @ Lesbian Herstory Archives

by Sherley C. Olopherne

Zine, 2014



Call number

SDC Zine Location: Queer Identities

Local notes


This zine, compiled by Lesbian Herstory Archives volunteer, is comprised of published articles and fliers from the 90's focused on the lives of black lesbians. There are interviews with black lesbians living throughout the United States, who speak about coming out, finding community, and discrimination between the various subgroups of the LGBTQ rights movement. The zine also contains documentation of publications and websites made exclusively for black lesbians. (summary from Barnard)


Amoja Three Rivers
Toni Long
Lynelle Johnson
Conference for Lesbian Mothers, Lovers, Co-Parents, Partners and Friends
Disclosure of Sexual Preference to Physicians by Black Lesbians
Hunter College
Essence Magazine
Anita Cornwell
Becky Birtha
Center Women and Friends Production
MISC. information
Griot Press
Pat Parker
Ma Rainey
Sdiane Bogus
Doris Davenport
Sappho's Isle: Black, Gay and Female
Lesbian Pride: One Day at a Time
New Jersey's Only Gay Black Woman's Newsletter
Ache Ache Ache
Sabrina Sojourner
Margaret Sloan-Hunter
Black Lesbian Cruise the Internet
Audre Lorde Memorial


SDC Zine Location: Queer Identities
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