Run away

by Harlan Coben

Paper Book, 2019


New York : Grand Central Publishing, 2019.


Call number

Fiction C

Physical description

376 p.; 24 cm



Call number

Fiction C


"You've lost your daughter. She's addicted to drugs and to an abusive boyfriend. And she's made it clear that she doesn't want to be found. Then, by chance, you see her playing guitar in Central Park. But she's not the girl you remember. This woman is living on the edge, frightened, and clearly in trouble. You don't stop to think. You approach her, beg her to come home. She runs. And you do the only thing a parent can do: you follow her into a dark and dangerous world you never knew existed. Before you know it, both your family and your life are on the line. And in order to protect your daughter from the evils of that world, you must face them head on"--

User reviews

LibraryThing member mrsgrits
Such a great suspenseful thriller! This was my first Harlan Coben book and it won't be my last.
LibraryThing member smik
I was pleasantly surprised with the direction the plot of this novel took.

Simon Greene's search for his daughter in the drug dens of Manhattan leads to his wife Ingrid being shot and one of those they met in drug den being shot too.
As Ingrid lies in a coma in a Manhattan hospital Simon continues to
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search for his daughter Paige. He is joined by ex FBI investigator Elena Ramirez who is searching for a missing man.
Between them they uncover a trail of dead men who seem to have some connection with each other, but neither can explain how Paige is linked to the trail.

Simon thought he and his wife Ingrid had no secrets from each other, but he was wrong. The reason Paige runs away stems from Ingrid's past, before Paige was born.

Very readable story.
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LibraryThing member Carolesrandomlife
I loved this book! I have been a fan of Harlan Coben's writing for a long time so I went into this book with some really high expectations. This book easily met every one of those expectations. It was one of those books that grabbed me from the very first page and didn't let go until the very end.
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I had a fantastic time reading this story.

When I pick up a book written by Harlan Coben, I expect a lot of twists and turns and always hope for a few jaw-dropping moments. This book kept me guessing until the very end. There were times that I thought I had everything figured out but then something would be revealed and I would realize that I knew so much less than I thought I did. There were some turns in the book that seemed to come out of nowhere because I wasn't expecting them but they made perfect sense once they took place. I love the way Mr. Coben is able to craft a story that is almost impossible to put down.

This is the story of a family. A story of a family that has been torn apart by drug abuse. Simon's daughter, Paige, is an addict who is no longer living with the family. Simon is willing to do anything to help his daughter and get her back. When he sees her signing in a local park, he tries to reach her but things go wrong in a very big way. Simon becomes even more determined to get to his daughter and his journey to find her will take him on an adventure he doesn't expect.

When I read a thriller like this, I always think about what I would do if I were in the character's position. I think that Simon's willingness to do whatever it took to save his daughter rang true and I found his character easy to relate to. I felt that all of the characters felt really authentic even when they were up to no good. I think that it takes a lot of talent to create a story with some many complex layers and realistic characters.

I would highly recommend this book to others. This was a thriller filled with twists and turns that I found impossible to put down. I cannot wait to read more of Harlan Coben's work in the future!

I received a review copy of this book from Grand Central Publishing.
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LibraryThing member silversurfer
A fast paced page turner from the master of the hook and twists.
And he doesn't disappoint with his latest thriller. He's still one of my favorite Authors that is always on my must read list.
LibraryThing member Susan.Macura
This is my first Harlan Coben book and what a book it was! Simon and Ingrid appear to have a perfect life but we quickly see there are cracks in this facade. We initially learn their oldest daughter is a drug addict who lives with another addict who is the one leading her astray time after time. In
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their search for their daughter, Ingrid is shot and lies in a coma while Simon continues his search for their daughter Paige. Along the way he uncovers more and more secrets, leading to the ultimate one that is very unexpected. When should one share a secret and when are they best left alone? This tale looks at all sides of this facet of human nature. I loved this book and will be reading more works from this author.
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LibraryThing member norinrad10
Let me just start off by saying, I love, love Harlen Coben books. I don't love this one. This is the latest of the series of books written by Coben that I classify as not-what-they-seem books. What that means is that you are presented with a series of events that you make you believe one thing
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happen - or that it's a random occurrence of events - and than Coben pulls it all together and walla...things aren't what they seem. It's a genre that nobody does better than Coben.

His latest, Run Away, lives up to his standards as far as quality of writing goes, but lord does the plot require some suspension of disbelief. Things are strung together so fantastical that the book runs the risk of a genre jump. It also has a very dark tone, with character's losing their life when you least expect it. It's my belief that characters and plot were sacrificed for thrills in this one.

Run Away is still a worthy read, just don't expect it to find a place among Coben's best and be ready to suppress the urge to say...wwwhhhhhaaatttt.
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LibraryThing member Beamis12
Yes! Yes! Yes! Lights! Action, Camera. That's a wrap! I was so in the mood for a fast based, but tautly plotted thriller. Especially now, as I reading a slow paced historical that isn't quite doing it for me. Have been a fan of this author for many years, and as much as I adore his Bolitar series,
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i think it is in his stand-alones that his talent really shines.

Some great characterizations, a multiple threaded story line that is handled brillisntly to keep the reader interested. Trying to figure out what was going on, how they intersected before the reveal. A daughter on drugs, under the influence of an unworthy man, a mother snd father, family in crisis. A cult will a sinister agenda, but what is their part in these happenings? So many twists and even after I felt that all the answers were given, there was another surprise turn.

What would you do for love? Could you please keep the knowledge of something secret? Good questions, no? And I was satisfied with the answer!

ARC from Netgalley
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LibraryThing member beckyhaase
RUN AWAY by Harlan Coben
This was my first Harlan Coben mystery. It was an interesting, well written tale about a dysfunctional family (Is there any other kind?).
Paige is the runaway. She fell in with a druggie boyfriend at college and is no longer the sweet innocent good girl her father is
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searching for. Elena is a former FBI agent on the trail of the missing 24 year old son of wealthy banker. Simon is Paige’s father trying to save her from herself.
Lots of action here: death, beatings, drug dealers, gun fights, DNA surprises, you name it. A fast read by good writer.
4 of 5 stars
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LibraryThing member Sharn
This one was meh for me. It started out okay but I felt that it was too long. The ending was pretty good but when I like the last 8% the most, it stinks.
LibraryThing member Madison_Fairbanks
Run Away by Harlan Coben

A family driven thriller.
What would you do to save your daughter?
Twists that make this a winner all the way to the very end.

“Simon heard the first burst of gunfire as Rocco opened the door.
They say time slows down at times of great danger, almost like
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Neo being able to see and dodge bullets in The Matrix. That was just an illusion of coarse. Time is constant. But Simon remembered reading that this particular time illusion was caused by how we stored in memory. The richer and denser the memory of an event—for example, during moments when you’re terrified—the longer you perceive it that event lasted.
This phenomenon also explains why time seems to go faster as you age. When you’re a child, experiences are new and so your memories are fresh and intense—so again time seems to slow down. As you grow older, especially when you stuck in a routine, very few new memories are being laid and so time flies by. That’s why when a child looks back on summer, it seemed to last forever. For adults, it’s barely a blink.”
Excerpt from Run Away by Harlan Coben

I received a copy of this from the publisher at a book conference.
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LibraryThing member Twink
I have been eagerly awaiting the release of Harlan Coben's latest thriller, Run Away. It releases today - and it is sooooooo good! Honestly, every time I finish one of Coben's books, I think 'oh, that's the best one yet.' This latest? Settle in for the day when you start to read - it's impossible
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to put down!

Oh, and did I mention that I have a copy to giveaway, courtesy of Grand Central Publishing?!! Nobody writes 'everyday guy in a bad situation' books better than Coben. In this latest, Simon's drug addicted daughter Paige has run away with her abusive boyfriend. Simon has been looking for her for months. Then one day, sitting on a bench in Central Park, he spies her playing the guitar for spare change. He approaches her, but she runs again. And Simon follows.....

Cut to a new set of characters - Ash and DeeDee - a pair of stone cold killers. ("Murder was simple if you kept it simple.") And one more player, Elena, a private investigator looking for a missing man. How are these stories all going to tie together? And that dear reader, is the beauty of Harlan Coben's books. There's no predicting where the story is going to go. The plot of Run Away is an intricate jigsaw of a plot - until that last piece is slotted in, you can't be sure there's not another turn in the story. (And there are many - that last one is a doozy.)

The reader is privy to all three narratives and is aware of what each set of characters are up to. Which only serves to ratchet up the tension even more. The cliffhangers at the end of each chapter are dangerous - I couldn't stop reading 'just one more chapter'. I had to know what would happen next.

Each character has their own story and they are really well drawn and fleshed out. Simon's anguish over his daughter is palpable. Elena's own personal story will resonate with you. And oddly enough, Ash has real feelings, despite his choice of profession.

Whew! What a ride! Absolutely recommended!
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LibraryThing member DrApple
This is another great twisty mystery from Harlan Coben. This is not part of the Myron Bolitar series, although a character or two from them pops in. This is a story about secrets and their consequences. It will keep you guessing.
LibraryThing member sberson
Not his finest effort
LibraryThing member bookczuk
Good writing, plot, and pacing. And yes, of course, suspension and twists.
LibraryThing member ML923
Another great read from Coben.
LibraryThing member Virginia51
Again Harlan Coben does not disappoint me. There was a lot of action and intrigue in this story. I did a lot of crying throughout this story as this father tries to find his missing daughter. There are drugs, shootings and a lot of other mysterious happenings. I did not want to put this book down.
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I received a copy of this book from goodreads for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
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LibraryThing member susandennis
This plot had promise but the telling of it just mangled the damn thing to death. I forget that Coben has such a sledge hammer approach. He wouldn't know subtle if it hit him over the head with that sledge hammer of cliches. I'm done. I don't need to read anything more of his.
LibraryThing member out-and-about
A quick simple read. Similar to his other books with just enough plot twists to keep me reading.
LibraryThing member techeditor
Rest assured, RUN AWAY is, as all of Harlan Coben‘s books are, a page turner. You can be certain of this even before you begin reading it.

So many mysteries are going on here, beginning with Simon’s drug-addled daughter, Paige. How did such a good girl get that way? And why did she run away from
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Simon? Then she disappears.

But hers is not the only story. There are at
least four more. And every story involves so many mysteries.

This is typical of Coben‘s books, each containing multiple stories with even more mysteries. But all the stories join in the end.

Over the years I’ve read all of Coben's standalone books and his Myron Bolitar series. Although it’s true that his books always have many mysteries, I also began to notice that they are now more mature. It seems that, with age, he understands more about the human condition and he writes more about it.
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LibraryThing member purple_pisces22
This is the first Harlan Coben book I’ve read in a while. I’d forgotten how his books move along quickly. This was a good choice to start up with again.
A family is being torn apart due to one of the children’s use of drugs. Everybody thinks they’re all being honest, but nobody really is
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telling anyone anything at all. This leads to quite a few complications, including quite a few near deaths. It’s one thing to keep secrets from your family to protect them, but it’s a totally different thing to keep secrets that could put them in danger by not knowing the full story. And that’s about how the story goes.
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LibraryThing member SmithfieldJones
Excellent, a can't put it down read. From the first scene of Simon, shattered to the core, sitting on a bench in Strawberry Fields, Central Park, to the last scene of Simon - well lets not give anything away - one is drawn into the words and scenes, characters, adventures, mysteries of this
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terrific novel. Beautifully written and, as with every novel this writer has given us, by the last page you know these people - Simon, Ingrid, Paige, Yvonne, Sam, Cornelius, Elena and even Detective Isaac Fagbenle. You are appalled by their enemies, cheered by their victories, and will know just a little bit more about love, hate, families, honor, trust, and above all about Truth.
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LibraryThing member RobertaLea
Coben hits a grand slam with his newest mystery/thriller. I can always rely on him to send me down paths and through mazes and over hills in his characters' quests to solve the mystery. In this one, he throws his usual curve ball; but this one is so curved it sails out of the ball park. And when
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you are sure you know exactly where in the stands it is going to fall, it sails right over home plate and into the catcher's mitt and leaves you stunned. Highly recommended for thriller fans.
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Run away by Harlan Coben (Paper Book)
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