Pippi Longstocking: 2

by Astrid Lindgren

Other authorsLouis S. Glanzman (Illustrator), Florence Lamborn (Translator)
Paperback, 1969



Call number



Dutton Juvenile (1969)


Escapades of a lucky little girl who lives with a horse and a monkey--but without any parents--at the edge of a Swedish village.

User reviews

LibraryThing member AbigailAdams26
Pippi Longstocking, translated by Tiina Nunnally, illustrated by Lauren Child.

Pippilotta Viktualia Rullgardina Krusmynta Efraimsdotter Långstrump -
Pippilotta Comestibles Windowshade Curlymint Ephraimsdaughter Longstocking, in this particular English translation - first appeared on the scene in
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1945, and I think it would not be an exaggeration to say that she took the world of children's literature by storm. Translated into multiple languages, the subject of a number of film adaptations, Pippi's story is both well-known and well-loved. I myself read an earlier English translation, done by Florence Lamborn, when I was a girl, but when Pippi Longstocking was chosen as our February selection, over in the International Children's Book Club to which I belong, where we are "visiting" Sweden, I decided to take a chance on this new translation by Tiina Nunnally, with artwork by Lauren Child. I'm glad I did!

I know that some, being deeply attached to "their" version of Pippi - the one they grew up reading - are less than thrilled with this new translation, but it's been so long since I myself last read the book, that I almost felt as if I were starting fresh. Certainly, I had no feeling of disappointment while reading, this time around, and no consciousness that things were not as they should be. The tale itself, and its heroine, were as entertaining as ever, and the collage artwork by Lauren Child was delightfully expressive. I was particularly appreciative of some of the two-page illustrations, with their color backdrops, as well as the distinctive typographic layout to be found on certain pages (words curling like a tail, or climbing and descending the page at diagonals).

Like Lauren Child, I've always thought of Pippi - a parent-free, gold-coin-rich, super-strong young girl - as a "free spirit," a child with a vision of her own, and little interest in the strange subterfuges of adulthood. In so many ways, she is the fulfillment of a child's dream of independence, and a reflection of a child's vision of what that independence might mean, if it came in childhood rather than adulthood. But it occurs to me, after my recent reread, that although Pippi is invariably honest - "that was a lie," she is always admitting, after some particularly outrageous statement - she is something of a trickster, particularly when confronted with the person, child or adult, who is lacking in the proper respect. Tricksters are by their nature undomesticated, eternally eluding us, despite our longing to know and understand them. With this in mind, Pippi's sincere friendship with Tommy and Annika suddenly seems to be wish fulfillment of another kind: a satisfying of the common desire to know what can't be known, to bring the inalterably wild into the smaller circle of our domestic world, to tame it through the force of love. A fantasy indeed!

For that added perspective alone, my reread was worthwhile, and while I would not describe this as one of my all-time favorite children's novels, the pleasure I took in story and artwork were significant.
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LibraryThing member WeeTurtle
Cute and somewhat ridiculous, Pippi Longstocking is a collection of little stories about two children, Tommy, and Annika, and their friendship with their neighbour Pippi Longstocking. She lives on her own and is super strong (picks her horse up to move him sort of strong). Pippi makes up stories
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constantly, on the spur of the moment, and is a chaotic individual completely different from Tommy and Annika and the rest of the kids.

A conservative parent might readily call Pippi a bad influence but her stories are fun, and following Pippu's lengthy sentences and verbal gymnastics can help a child practice their reading and improve literacy.
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LibraryThing member ablachly
"Give that book ALL the stars. I love Pippi. Because she is just so so silly." -as dictated by my 4.5 year old son.
LibraryThing member BrittaSorensen
Pippi Longstocking moves to Villa Villekulla after traveling the world with her ship captain father. She lives alone in this house next to Tommy and Annike, befriends them and takes them on a lot of outrageous adventures. She is unnaturally strong, clever, and adventurous. She has a wild
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imagination and refuses to follow meaningless rules.

I have loved Pippi Longstocking since I was a child and every class that I have used it in has loved it. Astrid Lindgren has created a fun, hilarious character. The humor in the book would be an excellent example to use for reading or writing. This is a book that encourages reading and rereading and engages almost every child. I love Pippi's anarchic adventures and her clever way of outsmarting everyone while remaining kind and positive.
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LibraryThing member ander23
Pippi is an anarchist. She pursues her passions unhampered by any social rules. She won't teach kids the importance of getting to bed on time, or the benefits of healthy meals, or the rewards of formal education, but she will infect kids with her exuberant love of life. Somebody else can teach kids
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about manners :) Pippi inspires them with her kindness and generosity and loyalty. Kids can learn to defer to authority elsewhere. Pippi models a joyful self-assurance and clever resourcefulness as she takes into her own hands matters of protecting the helpless and standing up for the underprivileged. 5 stars.
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LibraryThing member bookworm12
I grew up loving the 1988 film version of Pippi Longstocking, but I never read the book until this year. I was glad to discover the two are very similar. The fun-loving, feisty Pippi that I was a fan of in the movie is there in full effect in the book. Pippilotta Delicatessa Windowshade Mackrelmint
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Efraim's Daughter Longstocking lives by herself with only her horse and her monkey to keep her company. Pippi is separate from her father during a storm at sea and moves into her house, Villa Villekulla. She has superhuman strength and doesn’t follow the regular rules of society.

One of the things I always loved about Pippi when I was growing up is her freedom. There are no parents. She doesn’t have to go to school if she doesn’t want to. Of course that would appeal to a kid! As much as I loved my parents, I think half of the pretend games I played with my brother and sister started off with us being orphaned somehow. It’s like your imagination has so much more freedom when you remove any form of supervision from the equation.

BOTTOM LINE: Read it with a child-like heart and you’ll enjoy it. It’s fun and playful, but obviously as a parent you’re going to be worried about the orphaned girl.
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LibraryThing member raizel
I remember enjoying this and other Pippi Longstocking books as a child, but not so much as an adult: Perhaps I no longer find her lack of self-control and her inability to think about the consequences of her actions less amusing and more disturbing.
LibraryThing member Ambrosia4
It's still the hilarious children's novel I remember from my childhood. I really look forward to reading this to my children someday... I remember that the hijinks this girl got up to inspired me when I was younger, although not necessarily to be badly behaved. Just to be more curious, like a
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"thing-finder" as Pippi and her friends become. Or to explore woods or look at things in a different way. A unique children's classic, to be sure.
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LibraryThing member pippi-longstockings
As a kid with freckles and red hair, Pippi was my hero. I love how tough she is. I read this book over and over as a kid, and I still have the books which now and then I read.
My favourite girl!!
LibraryThing member Embejo
Funny. Had my 5 year old giggling and begging for more. As soon as we finished she asked to go back and re-read her favourite chapters. I still have memories of enjoying it as a child and it was fun to revisit. I like that each chapter can be read as a short story of it’s own.
LibraryThing member elmyra
One of my favourite children's books ever. Picked up an English translation recently to fill a hole in Paul's education and promptly re-read it myself. Pippi is clearly the best female role model for little girls ever. Slight mark-down for the translation - the Bulgarian one I have being (almost
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certainly) superior in its purging of the one reference to religion.
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LibraryThing member dylantanner
Pippi Longstockings is a girl of tremendous strength and talent who brings an adventurous spirit to a small village in Sweden(?). She's a girl who has everything, except parents.

New Classic Fiction

This book is fun and really silly. It totally captured my imagination and made me wish my own life
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were more adventurous. It's a great one.

I think using this book as a jumping off point for kids to imagine their own fantasy lives. The way Pippi finds adventure in her own neighborhood the way she did on the South Seas would really grab kid's attention. The language is a bit antiquated though and may need some explaining.
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LibraryThing member kwillis
A great fun novel celebrating a kid's rambunctious, laissez fair attitude who makes her own rules. So funny and light-hearted has you questioning any polite social behaviours you were taught and has you wanting to rebel against em! and to be plain silly for silly's sake.
LibraryThing member jscheper
This is a story of a little girl living in a big house in a Swedish village. She lives with her monkey and horse. Her father, a pirate, was lost at sea. In the book she shares outrageous adventures with her neighbors Tommy and Anika. Pippi has extreme strength and if full of extravagant stories.
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Each chapter is another adventure, from her saving children from a burning house to stopping theives from stealing her money.
This ia great read-aloud book for first graders. Each chapter reads like it's own story. Very outrageous and fun.
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LibraryThing member MissReadsALot
I have loved this book ever since 3rd grade. It's a great read for anyone who's looking for an easy read.
LibraryThing member skraftdesigns
Another favorite from childhood. Reading this as an adult I realize how much the Pippi series has influenced my life. As a child I wanted to be her, and as a grown-up perhaps I've turned into her- minus the horse and monkey. I try to keep the unique clothes to a minimum too, but I've always admired
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her spirit of independence and make-your-own-fun. She leads her neighbor friends, and boy and a girl, into many an adventure, and perhaps they ground Pippi just a bit. As a story, there is really nothing to compare it to.
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LibraryThing member Sweetiesjm
THis book really opens kids mind with the freedom to be able to do whatever they want. Pippi and her friends go through different adventures and crazy activies. She is a heart felt young girl. Her horse and her monkey are her closets family.
LibraryThing member cindasox
Pippi appeals to boys and grils, with her quirky living habits, well-travelled history and unconventional behavior. Themes: friendship, discovery and being yourself.
Each chapter is a mini-episode, lots of humor, great book for talking about predictions and character.
LibraryThing member jaytuck.NW
I just don't quite feel right making any judgments on this story until I have been able to finish it myself, so for now I will withhold my commentary. I will say, however, that I have enjoyed it so far and look forward to finishing it tomorrow.
LibraryThing member katykids
Pippi Longstocking is hillarious. She's such a free spirit and an imaginitive little girl that it made me wish I was a kid again without all of my grown up responsibilities.
LibraryThing member phebj
I decided to read this book again for several reasons: I loved it as a child (admittedly a long time ago), it fit into two reading challenges I'm currently doing and there was an interesting article about it in the New York Times recently (on May 21, 2010). The article talked about Steig Larsson
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using Pippi as his model for Lisbeth Salander, the "heroine" in his Millenium trilogy. According to the Times article, when Larsson delivered his manuscript to his publisher, he said: “My point of departure was what Pippi Longstocking would be like as an adult. Would she be called a sociopath because she looked upon society in a different way and has no social competence?”

I thought this was an interesting question since I remembered Pippi as slightly outrageous but basically a happy, go-lucky little girl and certainly not a sociopath. On this reading of the book, I still saw Pippi as strong, independent, self-confident and outrageous (in a fun way) but there was also a darker side to her life that I don't remember focusing on as a child. She's a 9-year old girl who lives by herself and doesn't go to school, so has no adult support system, and often seems to be aware that she's a social misfit. So, do I think she's a model for Lisbeth Salander? Unfortunately, I can't answer that question because I'm one of a handful of people who still has not read Steig Larsson's books!

I'm giving this book 3 stars, mostly for old times' sake, and I would definitely recommend reading it with a child.
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LibraryThing member szierdt
Oh classic Pippi! Young and (most) old can't help but love this parentless character and all her shinanigans. Most of Pippi's quarkiness and adventures stem from her being outside societal norms and the rules of parents and officials. I really apreciate how Lindgren describes Pippi and creates for
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the reader a perfect interpretation of what she looks like. This would be a great book for exploring how writers shape their characters and what characters and situations further increase our relationship with her as a reader. Children could be instructed to find description, phrases, characters and circumstances writing them down or underlining as they move throught the stories. At the end, they can use this information to focus on creating a collage and illustration of what they think she looks like. As well, I would imagine some sort of character map or chart could be created.
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LibraryThing member berthashaver
I saw this in the library and decided to read it because it was one of my favorites when I was a child. I enjoyed reading little orphaned Pippi's absurd antics as a child and they are just as bizzare as I read them as an adult. A fun read for little girls about 9 years old.
LibraryThing member DameMuriel
This was my second favorite book when I was a kid (Alice in Wonderland was #1). I'm not sure if kids read it much these days but I hope so. It's very odd and very funny.
LibraryThing member Wakana
I would recommend this book to anyone. Pippi Longstocking is smart, witty, strong, and thinks outside of the box! Although her character was created years ago, she is a great role model for girls of this age. Although she is a bit of a rebel, her friends are not. The existence of her friends puts
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the things that Pippi does, into perspective and helps connect the reader to Pippi. This book would be a great way to inspire students to come up with another chapter in the book for creative writing.
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Original publication date



0670050199 / 9780670050192

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