Accepting Ourselves and Others: A Journey into Recovery from Addictive and Compulsive Behaviors for Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals

by Sheppard B. Kominars

Book, 1989/1996


Hazelden (1996), Edition: 2nd Rev and Expanded ed., 392 pages


Content and Summary Info

Bisexual Content: Addresses gays/lesbians/bisexuals as a group. Does not appear to contain much, if any, bisexual-specific content.

Publisher's Summary: ...examines the issue of recovery as it affects the homosexual and bisexual communities of the nineties, as well as their friends, family, and therapists. The authors address the relationship between substance abuse and being a sexual minority both within and outside of traditional Twelve Step models. They also offer new research on the relationship of HIV and AIDS to substance abuse in the gay community, as well as the relationship to other issues such as anxiety, depression, sexual abuse and learning disabilities...

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