Some Girls

by Kristin McCloy

Book, 1994


E. P. Dutton; 1st edition (1994). 263 pages

Content and Summary Info

Bisexual Content: A main character and possibly some supporting characters (cisgender women) have/have had romantic and/or sexual relationships with people of more than one gender.

Publisher's Summary: When Claire strikes out on her own for the first time in her twenty-three years of life, she trades the wide-open spaces of New Mexico for the urban anarchy of New York City, a trade that nobody - not her family, not her boyfriend, and sometimes, not even Claire herself - seems to understand. Alone in the chaos and anonymity of the big city, she struggles to come to terms with her own self-professed independence, but it isn't until she is befriended by her next door neighbor, Jade, that she truly begins to feel the possibilities...

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